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Whatever happened to the Hood Toggle?


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Its been requested since before launch, we were told it was going to be in 1.3, here we are over a year after that and no hood toggle in sight.


What's the deal?


Alec_Fortesune(sp?) would know better than I, it's his pet project, but current Bioware statements are "they're working on it" and "it requires new models to be added for the hood toggle to work properly". Presumably the latter refers to adding a "hood down" version for those models with hoods, which will look significantly better than the "no hood, at all, ever" issue Twi'leks currently have.


It's entirely possible that they may also be trying to work around the lekku=no hoods thing, so that the two can be released together, as well as allowing for more lekku'd species, like Togruta.

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"it requires new models to be added for the hood toggle to work properly".


I don't understand why they couldn't just animate the existing robes to pull the hoods over or down. I may be wrong, but the hood down versions already have a hood shape on the back that's down iirc?

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Its been requested since before launch, we were told it was going to be in 1.3, here we are over a year after that and no hood toggle in sight.


What's the deal?


We were never told anything about a relrease window for this, unless you got a link stating otherwise. It's always been on the table or in the works, which I believe it still is.

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I don't understand why they couldn't just animate the existing robes to pull the hoods over or down. I may be wrong, but the hood down versions already have a hood shape on the back that's down iirc?


Yeah, but the you need to make the same model with the hood up.


With the current models, if they don't put in the animation and design time to have the hood down (on hood up versions) it flat out disappears. I can tell you from experience (I have a Twi'lek) this is not such a nice look, as the collar area and the back on the shoulders just look bare and flat.


It's purely for aesthetic reasons, but with it taking them so long, you'd want them to start getting the models right rather than just going hood=delete and calling it a day.


Not to mention it likely suffered the same back-burner treatment that SGRAs and Ranked Warzones have - Free to Play loomed large on the horizon and all except Makeb's resources were pulled onto that. Now that Makeb is down and Free to Play is dealing with itself, we'll hopefully see more of our QoL features and other content hitting the game.

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Alec_Fortesune(sp?) would know better than I, it's his pet project, but current Bioware statements are "they're working on it" and "it requires new models to be added for the hood toggle to work properly". Presumably the latter refers to adding a "hood down" version for those models with hoods, which will look significantly better than the "no hood, at all, ever" issue Twi'leks currently have.


It's entirely possible that they may also be trying to work around the lekku=no hoods thing, so that the two can be released together, as well as allowing for more lekku'd species, like Togruta.


I only know that it's "in works". Last update we got on it was in November, I believe. There is no update on the issue available since. Yeah, well. I don't really buy it because majority, if not all, armor pieces have both hood up/hood down versions. You can see it from videos, screenshots and NPCs. Hoods are separate pieces (like shoulder spikes) just attached to armor and they could've be switched between up/down types.Talked to some old beta testers and they told me that beta actually did have quite functional hood toggle which worked similarly to "hide helmet" but it just switched the way hood is on the armor. Considering how Hero engine performs, that toggle must've broken something and they were trying to figure out something new until 1.3 and the "crisis".


Hoods for lekku would be then tricky to do but I don't care. Humanity first! >:p


To be honest, I am not buying that "reworking every armor in the game" because majority of the players use orange gear anyway and I am sure that everyone would be happy with hood-toggle being exclusive to modable gear (which is easily accessible at this stage). And not every chest piece of those has a hood anyway.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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