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Bolster = end of swtor PvP?


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Or category 4. The people who have already grinded out BM gear (back when it was annoying), have 9 alts and don't feel like gearing them all up. Variety is the spice of life. Gear gap is stupid.


So did I.

I don't like that Bioware changes the gear every few months, but that's progression in an MMO.

If playing a week's worth of warzones is too much for you, well then you know which category you belong in.

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For any game to have a level playing field in PVP, the depth of the gameplay mechanics need to be good.


For example:


- It needs to be fun to improve your own skill level

- Improving should be challenging, so it's more rewarding as you improve

- There needs to be a high skill ceiling


MMO's generally don't have all those qualities, which is why there is gear to reward players who play more and make it easier to beat people with lower end gear, who may be equal if not better in skill.


While I applaud bioware for leveling the playing field, and making this game not so much about who has the better gear, I don't think it's going to work too well in an MMO because they lack the depth of skill required.


To illustrate my point, consider the following skill level requirements of the following games to be played at their highest level:


- Quake3/Quakelive (any of the quakes really)

- Starcraft/Starcraft 2

- Original counterstrike

- UT2k3/2k4


Compare the mechanics of those games to MMO's, and you'll see a huge difference. MMO's with an even playing field can get boring very fast because there isn't as high a skill ceiling and it's not too hard to get very good.


This made me smile :) Since when does it take a lot of skill to be good in a FPS? It's move a target over someones head and push a button. My 8 year old son finishes top in those games and he just jumps around and shoots heads.

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This made me smile :) Since when does it take a lot of skill to be good in a FPS? It's move a target over someones head and push a button. My 8 year old son finishes top in those games and he just jumps around and shoots heads.


You'll notice I didn't mention the new FPS games, such as COD, which require hardly any skill at all. In fact, I would say they require no skill as a monkey could get into a game of COD and top the scoreboard.


I can tell you've also never seen a 1v1 game between two professional players of quakeworld, quake2 or quake3. Your reply made me smile sadly.

Edited by aliashero
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Bolster should not be in 55 PvP. Plain and simple. A simple fix would be to remove bolster from 55, and allow 52 or 53s to be able to get their hands on partisan gear so they wont come into 55 PvP naked Edited by Yamahara
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Bolster was fine, now its a joke.


Seems to me that some moron in Bioware is trying to emulate the pvp matches from f2p Guild Wars by the back door, dropping everyone in at the same gear level. This is actually a terrible thing and does not retain players as crybaby ADD kiddies get bored super fast after getting what they cried for and go off after the next shiny thing.


The most sucessful f2p pvp game out there is World of Tanks and guess what, its progression based as you need to work your way up and through things.


Its not that the devs dont care about pvp, they whoever is in charge of it doesnt have a clue about it in any way shape or form. They saw all the reports about the "bug" on day one of test and ignored because flatlining people is pretty much their goal. Its out and out lazy and ultimately will hurt the game. People need to grow and become invested in their characters, if you can just pick them up and play they can just as easily toss them aside and move on to pastures new.

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Bolster isn't the problem. Bolster means no more gear gap. And this is good. And gear has not been a defining part of PVP in 2.0 and *THAT* is good. Only issue I have right now is how low the TTK is.


If you cared about pvp you would want players to be retained, without progression wheres the carrot? There isnt enough variety in swtor PvP maps to keep it fresh and interesting. Pick up and play is also throw away, there is no retention.


There should always be a gear gap. it just shouldn't be very big. Before they ruined warhammer with the sov redesign the gear gap between sets was minimal, down to set bonuses with a few extra stats

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And where can i buy stuff for planetary comms, and what stuff? (It's an honest question, im not 100% up2date with everything in 2.0 yet)


On the fleet you have the supplies section, there are vendors, like nar shaddaa mods vendor etc.

All those vendors accept planetary comms :)

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No stats dont go up.... you loos e HP , loose DMG, and loos Armor rating...


And WHAT F.. part of the official statement by Bioware is not getting into your thick melon head ?


Or go to their official facebook page or follow Mr. Austin on twitter he again CONFIRMS all naked is better. But YOU ofc know better than Bioware suuuuure.... :rolleyes:


Yes, ONLY for level 50 PvP gear... I thought we’d gone over this already... DON’T WEAR IT.


Put any “other” gear on in a WZ, and you will see some stats go up, others go down, depending on the main stats of said gear...


Reading comprehension, get some. Also why don’t you actually try it out before coming to the forums and acting like a butthole, stick on some levelling greens in a WZ and you will see for yourself – then you can watch in wonder as some stats actually improve :rolleyes:

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