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Force-user with least use of Force?


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I was thinking of rolling one of the 4 force user classes to rp as a sith/Jedi that chose not to use the force. So, I was wondering: Which Sith/Jedi AC and which spec specifically relies the least on the force in terms of their abilities and play style? Which has the most non-force abilities?
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I can tell you right now that it's going to jedi knight/sith warrior. Sages/sorcerers pretty much use nothing but force and assassins/shadows use it quite often (not to mention that their stealth is most likely a result of Force, though I guess you could always rp that your character would have stealth field generator in his/her belt like in KotORs.


Not sure about the spec, but probably better not to go for rage/focus, I think you get at least 2 force abilities (or that at least look like force abilities) if you take the full skill tree. (talking about the leap and force crush/whatever it's called in jk's skill tree.)

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Well first of all, lore-wise this makes no sense. Jedi and Sith alike rely on the Force like a newborn relies on it's mother for nourishment. You'd be better off making a Bounty Hunter/Trooper and coming up with a backstory that he/she used to be a Jedi/Sith and they chose to renounce the Force. IE


Fenrorak Danakar: Chiss Bounty Hunter


Once a Padawan to Jedi Master Galen Erson (made up Jedi), Fenrorak witnessed the death of his master at the hands of one Darth Baras. Seeking to gain revenge upon the man who murdered the man who was like his father, Fenrorak set out to hunt down the Dark Lord. The Jedi Order, concerned for his interest in revenge, exiled him from their Order, for fear of the young man falling prey to the Darkside. Fenrorak ventured into Hutt Space, casting aside his lightsaber in favor of a blaster, for fear of the Sith discovering he was Force Sensitive. Upon arrival on Hutta, he got thrown into the fray, murdered a competitor in the Great Hunt and took his spot, pretending to be the man whom was to enter the Great Hunt.



Blah, blah blah. You get where I'm going with this, right? :p

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I can tell you right now that it's going to jedi knight/sith warrior. Sages/sorcerers pretty much use nothing but force and assassins/shadows use it quite often (not to mention that their stealth is most likely a result of Force, though I guess you could always rp that your character would have stealth field generator in his/her belt like in KotORs.


Not sure about the spec, but probably better not to go for rage/focus, I think you get at least 2 force abilities (or that at least look like force abilities) if you take the full skill tree. (talking about the leap and force crush/whatever it's called in jk's skill tree.)


Err, The Shadow/Assassins cloak is from a Stealth generator on their belt, Kira a Shadow companion for the Knight damages hers just before you get her, so it is technology based. But I agree that the Knight/Warrior is the going to be the least force ability using force user.

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Err, The Shadow/Assassins cloak is from a Stealth generator on their belt, Kira a Shadow companion for the Knight damages hers just before you get her, so it is technology based. But I agree that the Knight/Warrior is the going to be the least force ability using force user.


I've not played a Shadow, but nowhere is it stated in the skill or for an Assassin that stealth is a Force or technology-based skill. Honestly I find It makes more sense being a Force skill when you consider the Force Cloak ability and, for an Assassin, Blackout; but that's my personal opinion based on what I experienced playing my Assassin and looking at my skill tooltips. So I'd probably believe with it being that ambiguous, it's really up to the player to decide for themselves.

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Err, The Shadow/Assassins cloak is from a Stealth generator on their belt, Kira a Shadow companion for the Knight damages hers just before you get her, so it is technology based. But I agree that the Knight/Warrior is the going to be the least force ability using force user.


Kira's might be technological, but the animation and sound effects for Assassins, at least, suggest it's a manipulation of the Force. For my Operative and Scoundrel, the sounds of stealth are quite distinctly technological - my Assassin has a far more... organic sound to hers.

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Go Sith Marauder/JedI Sentinel. Use vibroblades instead of sabers.




My sorcerer uses a Gamorrean Axe to express his warrior heritage.


I hear vibrostaffs are more viable now too, which I hope means I can use backstab. I wasn't thinking and made my Zabrak a shadow. Nothing against Darth Maul, but still I feel a little foolish every time she whips that double-bladed lightsaber out.

Edited by spookysage
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Kira's might be technological, but the animation and sound effects for Assassins, at least, suggest it's a manipulation of the Force. For my Operative and Scoundrel, the sounds of stealth are quite distinctly technological - my Assassin has a far more... organic sound to hers.


This. Even the effect is subtly different. A Shadow's stealth effect is more 'golden' while a Scoundrel's is more 'blueish.' It's never really stated outright, so RP it how you like, but there are definite differences in the effects that could lead one to believe the source of the 'stealth field' is different. (IE Force vs. Tech.)


As for least Force-using Force-user . . . well, they're all Force users, so it seems kind of backwards to try to avoid it. But I'd agree, probably the Guardian/Juggernaut would be the least flashy of them.

Edited by Ayradyss
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Err, The Shadow/Assassins cloak is from a Stealth generator on their belt, Kira a Shadow companion for the Knight damages hers just before you get her, so it is technology based. But I agree that the Knight/Warrior is the going to be the least force ability using force user.


incorrect. it's actually manipulation of the force for the shadow/assassin. Otherwise if it was tech, how could we augment it and do more things with it in the force trees?


Sorry but your logic is a failure on that one. SCOUNDRELS/OPERATIVES rely on tech for stealth.

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incorrect. it's actually manipulation of the force for the shadow/assassin. Otherwise if it was tech, how could we augment it and do more things with it in the force trees?


Sorry but your logic is a failure on that one. SCOUNDRELS/OPERATIVES rely on tech for stealth.


I'm not debating if it is force or not.... but please note, Scoundrels are able to modify their stealth via their trees as well.

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Watchman(sentinel)/ annihiation(marauder). I don't think they use any force abilities other than if you open with force charge. Deadly saber could possibly be force but no where in the name or discribtion does it say it uses force to charge your saber. For all we know he coul be charging it with some tech equipment. But anyways all your moves that attack are saber move. Again unless you use force charge to open.
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I'm not debating if it is force or not.... but please note, Scoundrels are able to modify their stealth via their trees as well.


yes but they do it with TECH upgrades. Stealth upgrades for the assassin/shadow are considered from using the force.


This ability is brought forth from the game KOTORII. Which was called FORCE stealth. meaning they no longer needed to wear stealth belts to go into stealth, they merely used the force to become invisible.

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