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Playing as Assault I most certainly notice the drastic nerf to our Plasm Cell dmg.

Been trying some hybrid specs and I dunno it just dont "feel" right perhaps I just need to play with it more.

Going to try Tactics tonight see how that plays now.


But overal...I feel nerfed.

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Playing as Assault I most certainly notice the drastic nerf to our Plasm Cell dmg.

Been trying some hybrid specs and I dunno it just dont "feel" right perhaps I just need to play with it more.

Going to try Tactics tonight see how that plays now.


But overal...I feel nerfed.


agreed.. i just feel like i cant keep up with people anymore.. and tbh this nerf was not at all needed. The only thing we brought to the plate as VG was our burst now that its gone.. we pretty much have no place in wzs anymore.

Edited by mfourcustom
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So far everyone I know is having a blast on there classes. With the nerfs I decided to roll a range class for PvE , so I picked slinger because of it PvE/PvP viability. Did a few war zones with my slinger. It has burst, survivability, and utility it was great. I jumped on my VG to try it out. It has no burst, little survivability, and no utility compared to the others. It just feels clunky and broken. So far it seems to be the worst class for PvP, mine has been shelved. But I knew I would be doing this when they changed TD, I will really miss that sound.
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Just logged off in disgust myself. I'm so disappointed tbh. I knew it was coming, but after having played some of my alts and having blast, because of added quality of life stuff, but also because they feel more powerful and more fun. My Vanguard on the other hand feels weaker and boring as ever. Only thing I can honestly say I like is the animation from the Reflective Shield talent in the Assault Tree, which looks really cool imo.


Right now I feel like promoting one of my alts to main character or simply just play through Makeb and leave.

Edited by Luxidenstore
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Just logged off in disgust myself. I'm so disappointed tbh. I knew it was coming, but after having played some of my alts and having blast, because of added quality of life stuff, but also because they feel more powerful and more fun. My Vanguard on the other hand feels weaker and boring as ever. Only thing I can honestly say I like is the animation from the Reflective Shield talent in the Pyro Tree, which looks really cool imo.


Right now I feel like promoting one of my alts to main character or simply just play through Makeb and leave.


Its a shame what happened to our class.. and i don't think bw will fix us anytime soon if ever they cut us out of the game...

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I definitely do not agree, I played for about 4 hours of pvp last night and wrecked more than I ever have. I just had to adapt the way I played. hold the line is imperative against snipers. you need to incorporate shoulder cannon into your rotation and be able to throw it in while hitting other abilities. Plus assault plastique is crap. you are better off with the added elemental damage from the shield spec tree and get blaster augs from the tactics tree. this will remove the "nerf" you are feeling. Also using explosive surge like no tomorrow will apply plasma cell to everything. I can get about 8k worth of plasma damage in 2 explosive surges if people are clustered. This is by far not the end of vanguards there is just a big overhaul on ability priority.
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I definitely do not agree, I played for about 4 hours of pvp last night and wrecked more than I ever have. I just had to adapt the way I played. hold the line is imperative against snipers. you need to incorporate shoulder cannon into your rotation and be able to throw it in while hitting other abilities. Plus assault plastique is crap. you are better off with the added elemental damage from the shield spec tree and get blaster augs from the tactics tree. this will remove the "nerf" you are feeling. Also using explosive surge like no tomorrow will apply plasma cell to everything. I can get about 8k worth of plasma damage in 2 explosive surges if people are clustered. This is by far not the end of vanguards there is just a big overhaul on ability priority.


So, essentially tab doting and and doing great fluff dps..

I don't know maybe i see things worng but Vanguards were about hard fast hitting burst. thats what got us in to ranked pvp thats what made our class unique now with our AP nerfed we'll never see high lvl rated pvp.

Edited by mfourcustom
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Yep, that's nothing but useless scoreboard damage, applying our nerfed dot to everyone is only going to tickle them and make them laugh. Any slightly serious PvP, where you aren't just f'ing around for lolz, you're going to want some single target burst damage - Problem is we don't excell at that anymore and not only are other classes doing it better, they also have more utility. I'd compare our state with Scrappers pre 2.0, but even then they had the option to spec healing which was a stupidly good spec. We can spec tank which is.... Also the weakest. Changes needs to be made and they need to be made in a timely fashion, otherwise I won't have any faith in Bioware when it comes to this class.
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I am still able to solo target people and melt them fast, i just never use assualt plastique and put the points into more usefull things. I did not run into a single person i couldnt so except the OP snipers get some alacrity and you will be able to use things more often and faster. that is how vanguards will still be able to in a way burst kill things with the same potency as before. it just takes some adapting Edited by _jakofett_
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Yep, that's nothing but useless scoreboard damage, applying our nerfed dot to everyone is only going to tickle them and make them laugh. Any slightly serious PvP, where you aren't just f'ing around for lolz, you're going to want some single target burst damage - Problem is we don't excell at that anymore and not only are other classes doing it better, they also have more utility. I'd compare our state with Scrappers pre 2.0, but even then they had the option to spec healing which was a stupidly good spec. We can spec tank which is.... Also the weakest. Changes needs to be made and they need to be made in a timely fashion, otherwise I won't have any faith in Bioware when it comes to this class.


+1 glad i'm not the only one who can see how screwed we are.

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I am still able to solo target people and melt them fast, i just never use assualt plastique and put the points into more usefull things. I did not run into a single person i couldnt so except the OP snipers

I'm glad for you, Hope you can still pull that kinda stuff off at lvl 55 when your playing Good players. Don't think you will be able to but maybe you will show us all worng.

Edited by mfourcustom
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If i am wrong in some areas then maybe we can keep this thread going to help each other stay effective in pvp ongoing. For the spec that I run ( almost identical to unicornstampede) it has not effected me much. Edited by _jakofett_
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It saddens me how quickly you are giving up on your vanguard, I will be putting many hours into this before considering making another class my main. The ammo has been improved and there are some major benefits in 2.0 even if we cant burst as well (there are ways around that for dropping targets) there may be another role that we can play. There is a chance I may revisit my tanking days. But there is no way in hell that I will abandon my favorite class.
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There wont be any work arounds or anything we can do to fix it... sorry to say but All this class had was its burst dps thats what made us who we were now that its gone and every other class in the game has insane burst we hold no place in wzs. Edited by mfourcustom
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Meh we wont stay strong in pvp no matter the amounts we try to help one another. people are just going to drop there VG/PTs and move on to smash monkeys/mandos or slingers.. if our class doesn't get fixed soon were done.


He now not all Guardians have to be smashmonkeys...Vigilance is awesome!


Anywayz I really TRIED yesterday evening to try AP and several Hybrid specs and ENJOY my Vanguard...but I just couldnt :(

First I just dont enjoy the AP spec...I loved the Pyro spec...I dont like being forced to play a spec I dont enjoy.

That and I have many alts (every AC ingame really) and I do better on every one of those alts I have...its sickening!!


So yeah...enjoying my Vigilance Guardian a lot...now I cant wait for the summer when the barbershop/re customization gets introduced so I can make this Guardian as sexy as my Twi'lek Vanguard is :D

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It saddens me how quickly you are giving up on your vanguard, I will be putting many hours into this before considering making another class my main. The ammo has been improved and there are some major benefits in 2.0 even if we cant burst as well (there are ways around that for dropping targets) there may be another role that we can play. There is a chance I may revisit my tanking days. But there is no way in hell that I will abandon my favorite class.


I'm not giving up on my vanguard.. i'm sitting on enough coms to have a full set of the new pvp gear but l mean i wont play a class that will bring down my ops team. My vanguard is my main i have had some of my greatest moments in this game on my VG but bioware sees fit to ruin our class and cut us out, so be it. I want nothing more than to log to my vanguard later tonight and be able to burst people down and make a difference in wzs and rated wzs but thats not gonna happen for us and i hate to say it but i don't think it will ever happen again. Look around you next time you play count how many other pyro vanguards you have on your team and on the other team if it be rep or imp seeing less and less of us already and the *********** patch is only 3 days old now.. lulz I hope Bioware and all the bad *********** qq kids that put us here are happy cant wait to see a month from now those bad qq healers and players crying about how OP slingers and Mandos are who are killing them in 2 gcds. More burst than we ever had Bioware.. Great *********** balance.

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Not sure what it is on my tactics VG spec but my DPS feels slugish. I mean it was never great for burst pre 2.0 but I could get a nice constant steady DPS with the spec and for me that was ok I liked the challange of not playing assault spec. But now something just feels hinky with how my VG plays not sure if its the bolster or something else. Heck maybe I am in the wrong spec meaning full tactics and not some hybird I dont know. Im not feeling any synergy with these new skills at all. Im a little shocked at how my EWH gear means so little now but that I can live with, its the speed of play and the slugish nature of my DPS thats bugging me to no end. Edited by Zbus
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Not sure what it is on my tactics VG spec but my DPS feels slugish. I mean it was never great for burst pre 2.0 but I could get a nice constant steady DPS with the spec and for me that was ok I liked the challange of not playing assault spec. But now something just feels hinky with how my VG plays not sure if its the bolster or something else. Heck maybe I am in the wrong spec meaning full tactics and not some hybird I dont know. Im not feeling any synergy with these new skills at all. Im a little shocked at how my EWH gear means so little now but that I can live with, its the speed of play and the slugish nature of my DPS thats bugging me to no end.


Agreed 100% pvp is soooo fast paced now and will be in 55s so us being in wzs pretty much brings down a team...


So today i played a AHG was a really close game we had no healers on our team.. game came down to a tie game with around 20 seconds left me and some other VG got caught near our door way heading out to our pylon and killed in the matter of 3 seconds... the only thing vgs had was burst we had to BURST down people before they killed us NOW we have jack ****... we are useless.

Edited by mfourcustom
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