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Loving these scoundrel changes!


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Before the patch I had made a scoundrel for dps and basically went down the middle tree (sorry, can't think of the name right now) and it felt unfinished in a sense and fairly weak, as a result I was going to scrap my scoundrel. Today I tried it out after the changes, and wow it feels so much smoother! Energy regen is excellent, no longer have to use pugnacity, and flying fists doesn't have a cd anymore meaning more dps. The other day I had ran a flash point and I was struggling to break 950 dps. Today I did one and now I easily push 1300+ on bosses. (My gear is the basic gear you used to get when you hit lvl 50).


Anyway, now the class is fun since I'm not having to do basic attack that much anymore and I constantly have damage flying out at a good rate.


How about you guys and your experience with the changes? You also having good results?

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Before the patch I had made a scoundrel for dps and basically went down the middle tree (sorry, can't think of the name right now) and it felt unfinished in a sense and fairly weak, as a result I was going to scrap my scoundrel. Today I tried it out after the changes, and wow it feels so much smoother! Energy regen is excellent, no longer have to use pugnacity, and flying fists doesn't have a cd anymore meaning more dps. The other day I had ran a flash point and I was struggling to break 950 dps. Today I did one and now I easily push 1300+ on bosses. (My gear is the basic gear you used to get when you hit lvl 50).


Anyway, now the class is fun since I'm not having to do basic attack that much anymore and I constantly have damage flying out at a good rate.


How about you guys and your experience with the changes? You also having good results?


The roll is awesome in PvP, and the fact that there is no need to refresh flechette round is a small but very helpful change. The DPS rotations are much better, as you've said. I'm glad I stuck with my scoundrel!

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I leveled my scoundrel in sawbones and even pre2.0 I enjoyed healing quite a bit. But now, my gawd, it is so much more awesome. I don't much know what's going on with other classes/roles, but this feels like a MAJOR buff.


First thing I noticed was that you could spam SRMP without losing any energy at all. Kolto Pack is SO much more useful than before. In fact, all the other heals are so good that I find myself using UM much less. It's almost impossible to not have stacks of UH up now. It's just so awesome.


Granted I really need more time to sink my teeth in and play more WZs and OP/FPs, but from what I've done so far this is a full on WIN for sawbones.

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i can't really find fault with scrapper (aside from surprise comeback, but i just shifted my points elsewhere instead)


i was on the pts and loved the changes so much, i all but stopped playing my scrapper on live until this week.

2.0 fixed everything i could want and more.

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Having leveled my scoundrel to 55 first, these changes are truly amazing, everything feels far more streamlined and it's so nice to see kolto pack actually being useful.


Even did some leveling as dirty fighting and found the rotation alot more streamlined and smooth, kudos to bioware.

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I am actually sorta happy I came back with these changes. I felt I was contributing some damage to the fp's.


Who else is having a hard time breaking the habit of hitting pugnacity or whatever every time it is up?

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I'll have to try out my operative soon, then. I levelled a scoundrel as a medicine, but switched to scrapper for the last 10 levels before going back to medicine. I then (months later) started an operative, but went straight for the concealment tree at the beginning, and was horrified at how much worse it had gotten. I had intended to get her to level 50 before 2.0 released, but I misjudged the release date. Hopefully, this'll make up for losing the acid blade I had just gotten enough skill points for.
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A very pleased dirty fighting scoundrel here. I love the Unfair Advanatge talent. Ammo management is sooo much better now, upper hand is achieved on a more consistent basis, and shrap bomb does not affect cc'd targets (with Concussion point). Great changes, it flows much better now.
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Who else is having a hard time breaking the habit of hitting pugnacity or whatever every time it is up?


every time i end combat, i'm still in the habit of checking my upper hand stacks and if pugnacity is off cd



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I am actually sorta happy I came back with these changes. I felt I was contributing some damage to the fp's.


Who else is having a hard time breaking the habit of hitting pugnacity or whatever every time it is up?


You aren't alone in this!

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Loving the changes myself. DPS is quite a bit higher, and I'm having hardly any energy problems. I'm going to have to start rethinking my rotation at this point since I have all this extra energy to spare.


I do keep wanting to hit Pugnacity though, especially after combat ends to get my healing while in stealth. Kind of sucks that Surprise Comeback isn't worth taking anymore, but I think I'll live. :)

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Lvl 30 Dirty fighting scoundrel here. Placed third in WZ last night. Loving the change now. WHen it first went live I think something was wrong with the WZs and I got completely rolled along with each of my teams by lvl 50s. There were great complaints. Yesterday was much, much different and now I'm looking at leveling my scoundrel all the way up. What do you think is a good spec now for DF?
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Had a great Voidstar last night.


Backfilled into the warzone with the first doors and bridge down, and the second doors opened as I left the respawn. Obviously someone had decided their valuable contribution was wasted on this warzone.


Rushed to the empty side and stealth rolled into the area before the second force fields to get there first. Team put up a decent job of interrupting and held them for a good minute and a half or more, I was last and managed to solo interrupt all three nodes rushing around before getting nailed. There was a reasonable fight in the last room before they got the doors and computer with a few seconds left.


Team's a bit disorganised on the attack, splits something like 5/3 or 6/2 and moves vsibly and slowly, I go stealthed on the 5 side, defenders pile in with numbers. I wait a few seconds until they're happily pewpewing at my teammates, then sneak up to the door and cap while they're not concentrating, love it when that happens. Drop a flyby and stealth, then start cleaning up defenders before the door breaks.


Roll roll roll to the forcefields (think might have caught a transendence there too, gj to the sent if so), cap the door straight away and the bridge is down. Stealth up again and over the bridge - they have a sorc on the other end so I wait for a vanguard to run over and get blasted with the knockback before I hit Sneak and head to the opposite door. A second sorc is watching from mid, but moves off to fight my teammates arriving over the bridge. I destealth and cap the off door. Restealth then roll roll roll to the far side node in the final room and cap the forcefields before any defenders can get there.


Big fight in the final room, someone manages to cap the door with maybe three minutes still on the clock. I stick a flyby down on the door to make sure it's not capped back, then roll to the computer and cap to win.


I know it's dull to read other people's stories, but I felt pretty pleased with myself after that one. Topped the socreboard (also good damage) after backfilling, and inevitably got no MvP votes :)


Had some other fun games too. The roll means we can be fastest getting somewhere, though if we spam it we'll be at the bottom of an energy hole and unable to fight when we arrive, which is a nice balance.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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Being a Sawbones, I love how easy it is for me to get a Crit and pick up stacks of Upper Hand. In addition to getting 2 stacks coming out of stealth, think CC, I start a fight more than fully prepared.


Only thing I hate is the loss of my two stun attacks. When questing solo, I have to rely even more on my comp than before. Don't if the permanently gone or just moved up the tree, but I want them back.

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At level 24 Scoundrel is not so good. Maybe because Blaster Whip is only Upper Hand ability. Should be doing better damage with the close range attacks simply because Scoundrel is not a Tank and heals don't keep up with the damage from any boss.
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At level 24 Scoundrel is not so good. Maybe because Blaster Whip is only Upper Hand ability. Should be doing better damage with the close range attacks simply because Scoundrel is not a Tank and heals don't keep up with the damage from any boss.


You won't feel particularly powerful until you get Shoot First at 36. It's unfortunate, but that's where BW decided to put the skill. By level 24, a heal spec scoundrel should be pretty good. The new kolto pack is nice, and slow release medpack really adds up. If your DPS, naturally your heals won't be much, you'll have to cc/kite when you need to heal yourself.

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You won't feel particularly powerful until you get Shoot First at 36. It's unfortunate, but that's where BW decided to put the skill. By level 24, a heal spec scoundrel should be pretty good. The new kolto pack is nice, and slow release medpack really adds up. If your DPS, naturally your heals won't be much, you'll have to cc/kite when you need to heal yourself.


Too bad then. If I had played much into Scoundrel in the closed beta I would have hounded them on that. I think we convinced them to give Smugglers Quick Shot early rather than at level 15 where it was originally.


I am such a feeble player of Alts I may never get a character to level 36. Been playing SWToR since it went Live and my highest character is 31.


At level 24 the Scoundrel is the most awkward gameplay of any Class. It doesn't have rogue-style damage, but it's clearly that type of Class, nor does it have a huge bag of tricks that it's hyped too have, and only mediocre healing ability. It also lacks the defense needed for melee combat.


But, as you say, perhaps the real flaw is in leveling progression since everyone here seems happy with their high level Scoundrels.


edit: switched to Sawbones. That does seem better at lvl 24.

Edited by Idaho-D
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