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Custom Color Option on Armor


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I absolutely want this in, but maybe a kit the crafters can craft and sell to change the colour of your armour. Crafters are nearly useless except for levelling, so it would be a great perk to have.


In any case -- I support this.

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So let's have crafted color dye kits (either armormech or synthweavers could produce dyes for any armor).


I would also like to see crafters have the ability to RE a static piece of gear to obtain the schematic for an empty orange modifiable piece with the exact same appearance. That way if you have a look you love, but out-level, or find a piece that you love, but which has sell-it-to-the-medical-droid stats, your friendly neighborhood crafter can fix that for you.


Then there's the full customization Gear Shoppe option I mentioned above. (That would make being a synthweaver fun again, and perhaps even a profitable craft).


Lastly, I want to float the idea of crafted set-bonus kits. These would add a set-bonus to a piece of gear's armoring mod (adding or replacing). We ALL had our set bonuses going into Makeb. Now many of the new and improved gear pieces no longer have a set bonus (making you choose between gimping stats to retain, or letting it go to progress). Also some of the new set-bonuses have changed, and some folks prefer the old ones. This could be fixed in a way that actually encourages the use of currently marginalized crafting skills.

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While i really want a way to recolor my gear, I do not want it to be a craftable item. I would rather it be a cartel kit or in game vendor item or better yet just a feature like the match chest option. The reason being that I use to play guild wars 1, and there the armor dyes were rare drops and a dye like black was crazy expensive like millions of gold for one bottle and that one bottle only dyed one piece of gear.


So no I dont want getting the look right for my toon to be at the mercey of greed!

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I still like the idea of crafted tradable / sellable dye kits, but like you I wouldnt' want them to be so rare that they become prohibitively expensive. There are two problems that need fixing, more customization to gear appearance and more viability for crafting skills. This seems lik a nice way to address both at the same time. As a synthweaver I'd love to have a more actively useful role for that craft, and sure it would be nice to earn some credits at it (which I'd probably use buying other people's craftwork), but I'd rather see colors come from crafting mission drops (like augment schematics) and demand a reasonable amount, rather than have them as some super-rare thing, RE'd from end-game Ops-drops that people are then trying to sell for 1.5m creds on the GTN.
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One idea I floated earlier is to let crafters buy the gear equivalent of a barber shop (character legacy perk, discounted if master craftsman). Imagine if two players could meet up at a mod-station on fleet and hammer out a truly customized orange modifiable look (i.e. not just color but a whole range of appearance options) tailored to suit.


I could see either taking an existing item and making specific changes to it, which would be simple and require fewer materials. "Make this blue and silver instead of muddy brown and beige." "I really like this chest piece, but I HATE capes." Please take the car spoilers off my shoulders?"


I could also see creating a new custom schematic, which would of course require the appropriate materials to craft. Crafters could design custom pieces and sell them on the GTN too. Now THAT would be cool, no? (esp. given that so much of the gear currently in game looks like poop. Even my 6 year old gets that.)


I imagine that the shop would come with a base set of dyes and simple customization options. More colors and appearance options could be obtained by RE'ing gear that had those qualities. You could have more options drop from crew missions too. And let's not forget the Cartel Market, where I'm sure there would soon be other rare and sought after options available for purchase, or included in packs/crates.


I suspect that something this robust would take a fair chunk of work on BW's part to create, but it'd be worth it!

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