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How were there 55's minutes after servers went up?


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They're doing it on purpose - this selfish attitude already got Korrealis mounts removed. Why they do it? Because they can't stand watching players who are better off in-game because they're able to dedicate more time / are able to think out of the box.

pretty much this.


i havent done the save all my quest until the dlc release, because i want to enjoy getting the next 5 levels, but seriously?



how is this a exploit? vi swear, you guys need to stop this ****, every time something happen in this game, the exploit pop up

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Whether it was a hack, cheating or bug is not important. It's just unbelievable that someone WISHES to be at the top level withing minutes after releasing of new content.


For which purpose I have no idea, since it is still and RP Game.

What "role" they actually played?


I was not bothered with fast leveling till now, and I won't be now as well.

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pretty much this.


i havent done the save all my quest until the dlc release, because i want to enjoy getting the next 5 levels, but seriously?



how is this a exploit? vi swear, you guys need to stop this ****, every time something happen in this game, the exploit pop up


Really? Are you so desperate to seem like one of the cool kids or so immensely dense that you actually think keeping 100 quest rewards waiting to be accepted was intended?



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Whether it was a hack, cheating or bug is not important. It's just unbelievable that someone WISHES to be at the top level withing minutes after releasing of new content.


For which purpose I have no idea, since it is still and RP Game.

What "role" they actually played?


I was not bothered with fast leveling till now, and I won't be now as well.

so you are bother now because ppl chose to speed level up thru daillies?





swtor forums : where ppl will complain about ANYTHING

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Honestly it doesn't matter how they did it. The truth is, if they earned it before or after the patch was released, they still EARNED enough XP to do it. If it wasn't a hack, then there isn't really much we can say about it. The XP earned is legitimate, and last I checked there wasn't a rule against not turning in missions. Is it cheep, yea. Have they deprived themselves of playing the new content at the curve it was intended, yea. In the end they have actually ruined their game for themselves. Unless you in a PVP server and these idiots are hounding you, there isn't really any reason to complain about it unless you are just mad they figured out how to do it and you didn't. I am not saying I am happy about it, I think its sad that people will go out of their way to find ways of NOT playing any game the way it was intended, PC or Console. It isn't giving them any real unfair advantage, your going to get to 55 someday too. Look at the bright side, if you have a really hard lvl 52 boss on Makeb, you can take comfort knowing that there may be a Lvl 55 out there who can help you.
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Really? Are you so desperate to seem like one of the cool kids or so immensely dense that you actually think keeping 100 quest rewards waiting to be accepted was intended?



"cool kids"


man, we are not in high school, i have no need to be one of the "cool kids" nor am i dense.



everyone knew other players was holding 25+ plus quests



everyone knew those quests was gonna to give exp


everyone knew those players was gonna to level alot, now most thought it was gonna be 2 - 3 level, apparently they were wrong. if BW didnt wanted ppl to this, they


1.should have reseted all quest (and if they did then well, BW mess up and it STILL isnt the players fault


2. made it damn clear, that if you do this, you exploiting the system, which they didnt.


your problem is that you dont like how other players leveling fast, which again, has nothing to do with you ands isnt a real problem.


unlike the ilum power leveling exploits, which was actually a exploit, this wasnt something the devs didnt intended nor couldnt foresee. in fact, this "exploit" was plastered all over the forums for week by others players putting this info out there and constantly asking for BW word. BW said nothing.

Edited by astrobearx
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Really? Are you so desperate to seem like one of the cool kids or so immensely dense that you actually think keeping 100 quest rewards waiting to be accepted was intended?




who cares if intended or not. I don't, why should anybody else?

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Yep, and hopefully Bioware will have some backbone this time and revert every character that did this back to level 50.


Only after they've equipped their shiny, new gear, of course, so they'll have to remove it and stare at it as they climb back to 55. :p



Did not do this, have yet to even log on, but some of you people have serious control issues.


I'm just glad that none of these people are my neighbors. LOL I mean really.

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who cares if intended or not. I don't, why should anybody else?


you know what i think it is? these are most likely people who doesnt have early access screaming the loudest because the level gap is strech so long now....which is something to be expect and yeah i just check my mission log, the mission cap is at 25, so i doubt those players had 100 quests line up.

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and yeah i just check my mission log, the mission cap is at 25, so i doubt those players had 100 quests line up.


They turned them in without accepting the reward. This removes them from the quest log and allowed them to have more than the 25 waiting.

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They turned them in without accepting the reward. This removes them from the quest log and allowed them to have more than the 25 waiting.


Well the devs must have known about that for a long time. Would be hypocritical to punish anybody for something they willingly didn't fix or even comment on.

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Well the devs must have known about that for a long time. Would be hypocritical to punish anybody for something they willingly didn't fix or even comment on.


They could have punished them if they acted on it right away after seeing lvl 55s within minutes. However, since they waiting, they can't really do a rollback without pissing off a bunch of people that have been leveling the legit way. In the long run it really won't be an issue, just gives these players a headstart. BioWare does need to fix the exploit before they add any more levels though.

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do you want a cookie becuase you found an exploit of the mission and quest resets they did to prevent this?


you only are suppose to have in any event without the resets ... 30 quests in your journal and 5 in the pending area


its a clear unintended exploit used that the devs did not forsee .. if they did see it coming and did nothing to stop it then they will be laughing stocks to other mmo devs / companies and gamers alike ... not good punlicity for a game i would like to see garner triple the sub rate it has now


clearly was not intended by devs ....


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Old Today , 06:09 AM | #1 This is the last staff post in this thread.

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Due to Game Update 2.0: Scum and Villainy and Rise of the Hutt Cartel creating new versions or replacing missions (such as PvP, [DAILY], and [WEEKLY] missions), you may find that your Mission Log has been altered or that missions you had completed before the patch but did not turn in have been reset or cleared.




Courtney Woods | Community Production Specialist

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but rejoice your lucky ... bioware and EA will not rollback or hand out any "timeouts " they just want your money


I came back to play Makeb, I was once a fanboi of this game, when I took my rose colored glasses off omg, I hate to tell you this game is pretty much a laughing stock of the gaming world already and has been for awhile :(, I read a lot of different game forums, and outside of most people saying tor is a great theme park game, no one has anything good to say beyond that point, this just proves again that the team on this game has no clue, and things are normal here fubar is the word of the day.

I hate that it turned out this way I am a huge fan of Star Wars and Bioware, I am going to play through makeb the way it was intended don't really care what others do, I am just doing the story on one Repulic toon and one Imperial toon then I am outa here for good, I am afraid, unless a mircale happens and they get it together. If Disney was smart they will not renew the license for this game as it will tarnish their name in the long run. :(

Edited by kevlarto
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Can't say it hurts me any, but it seems a bit of a silly thing to do.


Off to work now, but I did the first couple of quest hubs this morning, and I'm just under level 52 at the minute.


I didnt read any spoilers, guides or anything , no spacebarring, and I'm enjoying the story as it goes along to be honest, its like the first toon after launch before you knew what all the planets looked like and where every mob was.

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Can anyone be surprised by any BioEaFails anymore...really? These guys are expected to have some type of retarded **** with every patch or supposed content update. People being level 55 minutes after launch of rothc is ridiculous..but not surprising due to who actually makes this game....BioEaFailware.
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It has to be said that, even if you don't care about this, it does make the company look about as smart as a bag of hammers. It's a graphic embarassment for the game to have people hitting the new level cap minutes after the launch of the first "expansion."
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Within 10-15 min of servers coming live there were 55's being spotted. I saw a 54 with my own eyes. Even if you held onto a ton of dailies/weeklies to turn in that still shouldn't have equated to the 2.5 million plus xp needed to reach 55.


What's going on here?


*ocd edited for misspellings.*


Seriously, I just turned in all of my dailies saved. That alone took 30 minutes (because you can't quick travel from Belsavis to Ilum to Corellia anymore). That got me to 51 exactly.

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You could stack Flashpoint quests.... My friend had 200 Flashpoint missions pending and 70 heroic space missions :)


Absolutely insane that Bioware allowed this. I'm not jealous of you guys, I just didn't think it was possible.


Besides, I don't do flashpoints anyway. You couldn't pay me to do that many flashpoints. I just can't believe that you could decline an award - to complete a flashpoint daily - and still get a new one to do the following day. I would have thought it wouldn't give you a new quest until you actually got your reward. Silly me :)

Edited by islander
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What's the big deal? If people want to spoil the fun and skip everything and be 55 in minutes is their problem.


IMO is just stupid but hey, ppl can do whatever they want with their gaming experience...


It's just bad PR for BioWare -- to allow exploits to go un-noticed and unfixed is generally looked down upon.


Really doesn't matter how many people care, or how big of a deal the exploit is, it's still basically a mistake by the entire dev/qa team.

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Meh. I could care less really, as I will be taking full advantage of this new content and digging into EVERY SINGLE NEW QUEST/OP/FP/CRAFTING/YOU NAME IT. My game experience will not be cheapened in the least.


Agree totally.


My wife and I enjoy the experience of playing together and intend to enjoy every bit of the new content.


LOL, I think that we will be at 55 all to soon, so why rush it.


As far as those who are 55 as I type this, as long as they do not impact our playing experience, I could care less.

Edited by asbalana
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I came back to play Makeb, I was once a fanboi of this game, when I took my rose colored glasses off omg, I hate to tell you this game is pretty much a laughing stock of the gaming world already and has been for awhile :(, I read a lot of different game forums, and outside of most people saying tor is a great theme park game, no one has anything good to say beyond that point, this just proves again that the team on this game has no clue, and things are normal here fubar is the word of the day.

I hate that it turned out this way I am a huge fan of Star Wars and Bioware, I am going to play through makeb the way it was intended don't really care what others do, I am just doing the story on one Repulic toon and one Imperial toon then I am outa here for good, I am afraid, unless a mircale happens and they get it together. If Disney was smart they will not renew the license for this game as it will tarnish their name in the long run. :(


I don't even know where to start with you.


I can't figure out what is worse: the fact you listen to a bunch if crybabies on the Internet who whined about this game since day 1 or the fact that you don't have the backbone to simply enjoy to game and make an adult decision.


The game is FINE. It's more than fine. It's the second most played MMO outside of WoW. How exactly is that bad? If you just want to play the story and leave, that's fine. Don't pretend like you hate yourself for playing the game. That makes you look like a fool who can't make adult decisions.


What exactly proves this team has no clue? They have a successful game AFTER the initial sub dropout looked like it was going to crush it?

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