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Well, this simply wouldnt do it for me. Just curuois: Would you advocate the same for PVE, i.e. that OPS and hard FPs give no gear progression? If not, why do PVE player need gear progression?

Of course... since that is exactly what they do get.


What do you think they get something else? gear progression? You do realize that there is not inherent progression of stats for PVE right? you dont get stronger in comparison to the mobs because they are also getting stronger. you just keep up with them. From level 1 to cap this is easy to see because they have a number over their heads. At cap the monsters just get stronger as you go through the gated content.


PvE players need "gear progression" because the content is gated. so that you have to go through FP1, then FP2, then OP1, and finally OP2.


Each one is gated higher than the last so you play them in the correct order. This way you get the story in the correct format, and it allows the devs to slow down, or speed up progression for new or outdated content easily. It has absolutely nothing to do with getting a reward. People can associate their gear gained with a reward because it was hard to get and took many hours... but you still have that in PvP you can get your gear and be proud of it too. there is nothing stopping you.


in PvP we don't need any gating mechanic besides skill so gear progression is not needed in any way. People are just used to it so it's hard to imagine life without it. And guess what? BW was smart enough to know this and keep it in the game.


Honestly if you don't like PvP and only do it because it will give you gear to PvP more in I would say give PvE a try it sounds right up your ally. Personally I think we shouldn't be so divided anyways. I love PvP, I raid my face off and yup, in my down time I RP in the cantina.

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Actually, if you use purple mods (not sure yet what lvl) this will give you better stats. Still, if people want to pvp naked I say more power to them. It must hurt when I stick my glowing lightsaber in their naked flesh.


You mean the lvl 49/50 purple PVE purple mods?


Problem is, there are some people who do not have those, since they have spent their time exclusively doing PVP, assuming that the PVP gear the would get by doing PVP would be actually useful for PVP (at least until lvl 51).


In which world should optimizing vor PVP look like this:


1. Get PVE gear, if possible lvl 48 epic, if not: lvl 30+ greens might do it as well.

2. If not, play naked.

3. Dont use PVP gear pre lvl 55, IT IS A TRAP!

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Of course... since that is exactly what they do get.


What do you think they get something else? gear progression? You do realize that there is not inherent progression of stats for PVE right? you dont get stronger in comparison to the mobs because they are also getting stronger.


You have a peculiar definition of "progression". According to your defintion, there is no level progression as well, since the monsters will increase in level as well.


But just a hint: The "old" bosses will be easier to kill with the new gear. Crazy stuff, I know.

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Could we get some new underwear in the Cartel market while you are working on this?


Exactly what I was thinking. I am dark blue Chiss and it would be great to have some orange panties and bra to strut around with.

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You mean the lvl 49/50 purple PVE purple mods?


Problem is, there are some people who do not have those, since they have spent their time exclusively doing PVP, assuming that the PVP gear the would get by doing PVP would be actually useful for PVP (at least until lvl 51).


In which world should optimizing vor PVP look like this:


1. Get PVE gear, if possible lvl 48 epic, if not: lvl 30+ greens might do it as well.

2. If not, play naked.

3. Dont use PVP gear pre lvl 55, IT IS A TRAP!


You keep forgetting. PVP gear doesn't exist UNTIL 55. Yes, you now optimize by using pve gear unless BW decides to bring pvp gear back. IF they do that it will screw up their new bolster which IMHO is working better than ever.

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You have a peculiar definition of "progression". According to your defintion, there is no level progression as well, since the monsters will increase in level as well.


But just a hint: The "old" bosses will be easier to kill with the new gear. Crazy stuff, I know.


Has anyone verified that? I have $10 that says all of the old bosses are stripping down just like the rest of us.

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Exactly what I was thinking. I am dark blue Chiss and it would be great to have some orange panties and bra to strut around with.


Just wear the dancer bottoms and a chest piece that doesn't have "flaps"




I been rolling my tee-shirt & panties since they came out with the dominatrix outfit...

Outlaw’s Armor: Chest & Boots(stripper boots)

Dancer: Legs


Unitfy colors FTW!!!!

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You keep forgetting. PVP gear doesn't exist UNTIL 55.


Is this a Jedi mind trick you are trying to pull on me?


Because whe I log into my account, I am pretty sure that my main still has lvl 50 PVP gear on. And if I would not have bought the expansion, that would be the highest tear of pvp gear he would ever get.

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You have a peculiar definition of "progression". According to your defintion, there is no level progression as well, since the monsters will increase in level as well.


But just a hint: The "old" bosses will be easier to kill with the new gear. Crazy stuff, I know.

Yup they do, but for PvE there is no more progression if you go back and do old bosses.


The point is that the PvE itself is the reward and why people do it is because the want to experience the content, weather new or again. The gear is just a gating mechanism. Not a reward for completion. And it works because the raid boss isn't going to cry nerf/quit if you are stronger than he is.


My point isn't that there is not that there is no progression of gear, because there clearly is. My point is that you do not grow stronger because of your gear in PvE because you are constantly taking on a higher challenge. If they eventually make 57 tiers of PvE gear and Ops the people at the 56th level will be no more powerful in relation to their content than the people at the 1st level. So there isn't a progression of power.


While in PvP when there is a gear progression there clearly is a progression of power. If there were 57 tiers of PvP gear things would get out of hand and the people at the 56th level would trivialize the people at the 1st. This is why in almost all MMOs the PvP gear and tiers work a lot differently than the PvE ones.

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Is this a Jedi mind trick you are trying to pull on me?


Because whe I log into my account, I am pretty sure that my main still has lvl 50 PVP gear on. And if I would not have bought the expansion, that would be the highest tear of pvp gear he would ever get.


It is a mis-interpretation.


No new gear with expertise is obtainable before 55 is what he means. Any existing gear with expertise on it has a disadvantage over gear without expertise.

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Is this a Jedi mind trick you are trying to pull on me?


Because whe I log into my account, I am pretty sure that my main still has lvl 50 PVP gear on. And if I would not have bought the expansion, that would be the highest tear of pvp gear he would ever get.


What he is saying is you can no longer purchase that gear. They didnt do any balancing in the new low level PvP for maxed out 50 PvP gear because it will all be gone in a few weeks.

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I'm at work having fun reading these posts but have a question: Who benefits the most atm?


1. Nude 50

2. Nude pre-50 ( which level is benefitting the most?)

3. Well geared pre-50 player

4. Green geared pre-50 player

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Too many pages to read, dunno if it's been said already, but on my 50 commando, with almost full dread guard gear on I get 24k health and 2300 aim, without any gear on I get almost exactly the same stats! I call big bs. I also have worse stats as full wh! Edited by Antiskeptic
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I'm at work having fun reading these posts but have a question: Who benefits the most atm?


1. Nude 50

2. Nude pre-50 ( which level is benefitting the most?)

3. Well geared pre-50 player

4. Green geared pre-50 player



I prefer nude 50 but that may be a bit old for the average person

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Too many pages to read, dunno if it's been said already, but on my 50 commando, with almost full dread guard gear on I get 24k health and 2300 aim, without any gear on I get almost exactly the same stats! I call big bs. I also have worse stats as full wh!


Don't wear any PvP gear pre 55 its bad. Going naked or wearing any PvE gear pre 55 is good.

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My point isn't that there is not that there is no progression of gear, because there clearly is. My point is that you do not grow stronger because of your gear in PvE because you are constantly taking on a higher challenge.


But the same is true for pvp: As longer as a tier of pvp gear is out there, there more people on average will have it in a WZ. If you (like me) have unsubbed for a couple of months, you might even find out that your once so proud battlemaster gear is below average if you come back.


So the whole gear progression is a mousewheel, sure (whether pvp or pve).


But without this wheel, would we even bother to run for more tha a couple of months?

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I personally do not like the bolster system or expertise but this just makes no sense.


Players in PvP running around with no armor stronger than players with armor.


How did this make it into the game besides the fact Bioware [developers not mods] does not take player feedback serious?

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Well as I rewatched Zach's vid, I can see a few more things.


At this point, I think it is reasonable to have EXP levels higher than WH/EWH, but they need to nerf the gains END and MAIN by 15-20%. I still need to try some stuff myself, but from the outside, this needs to happen tonight....

Edited by L-RANDLE
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First people will adapt. Secondly I can PvP on any toon with no gear grind and be on stat level with all players. Allowing me to PvP for the sake of pvping and having a fair fight. I don't understand what the problem is.


^ This player is a baddie.

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But the same is true for pvp: As longer as a tier of pvp gear is out there, there more people on average will have it in a WZ. If you (like me) have unsubbed for a couple of months, you might even find out that your once so proud battlemaster gear is below average if you come back.


So the whole gear progression is a mousewheel, sure (whether pvp or pve).


But without this wheel, would we even bother to run for more tha a couple of months?

And that's where the disconnect is.


In PvP you can get the progression mousewheel going and at first it looks great. But unlike those PvE players who rarely if ever go back to do their level 1 content. PvPers will regularly and often come face to face with players who are not to your level in PvP.


The main problem I'm learning is there are 2 different PvPers and it's hard to satisfy us both.


In one group there are people like me and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that yes I would PvP without any rewards other than the satisfaction of good competition. I love competition, I love to push myself, I love to win from behind, I love a good close game that I lose. It is people like me that love other games like FPS, Sports, and arena games.


In the other group are people like you who seem (and feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken) to not love PvP for the sake of competition in the ring. But instead you are more like item hunter, competing with other hunters. PvP is just a means to an end. The end being getting the trophy (gear) and having that above your opponents... The more I think about it the more I feel this is a form of PvP but very different than what I'm into. And so I understand that not having those trophies can hurt. But I will point out that they are still there. There is still gear to grind.

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