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Getting 2 or 3-shot is not a fun pvp experience. Likewise, most people that pvp with any regularity, will also agree that 2 or 3-shotting someone isn't really fun either. There is no competition in that.


Now everyone is beginning to understand what it felt like to be a Sorc vs Smash for the past 8 months. Also: Pvp'ers like two shotting people- They giggle like schoolchildren on vent when it happens.

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Pre-55 yes to all your questions. There should not be any type of PvP progression until you cap your level and work towards end game.


So, the game only becomes an RPG at level 55? Sounds stupid to me. If they stick with this crap of removing the RPG elements from the game, I'm just going to go for the gold and play an actual FPS.

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I think it is quite amusing seeing say a Sniper doing a Crit of 8k, but has no armour on. I am not fussed by it in all honesty, and I am sure they will get it sorted out. At least they have made a start on splitting up levels which everyone was demanding.


The only thing that I find a bit annoying at the moment is the medals, you can do top 3 damage, but end up bottom of the pile on medals, never have worked that one out even with completing the tasks over others.


I guess that has something to do with expertise, or this armour problem, do not know, but again so long as I am doing my part and winning I guess it does not matter.


I must admit, I have done 15 WZS since the patch, and lost only 3, so 2.0 is agreeable just on those stats,haha.


PS, Mercs doing on a regular basis 500-600k damage, sometimes I wonder why I bothered leveling up a PT FB, because I have noticed Mercs doing some awesome damage. Might start using your old favorite player FatEdd back into the game,lol.

Edited by FatEdd
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So, the game only becomes an RPG at level 55? Sounds stupid to me. If they stick with this crap of removing the RPG elements from the game, I'm just going to go for the gold and play an actual FPS.


Do you PvP exclusively from 10-55? I don't understand what you want, and I think you're not sure of the repercussion of implementing a PvP progression pre-55.

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The only people that like this joke of a system are the ones that didn't have a clue how to do wzs to begin with.


The only people that don't like this system are no skilled hacks that need to be carried by gear. I can make broad accusations to.

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Do you PvP exclusively from 10-55? I don't understand what you want, and I think you're not sure of the repercussion of implementing a PvP progression pre-55.


Answer to the first question: yes. Yes, I do understand that some people will get roflstomped in PVP due to not being up on their character progression. IMO, this is way better than what we have. You can't shoehorn an RPG into an FPS without getting a really terrible game.


Answer to the unasked question: Here is what I want:

#1 Remove Bolster

#2 Get better brackets. 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40, 49, 50-54, 55 stands alone.

Sadly, this might force us into cross server PVP to cut queue times, but it is a necessary evil.

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The answer to cheaters like this is a 'normalization', and then skill becomes a primary factor, and people feel SATISFIED over battles. When it is gear based, people don't feel satisfied because there are always kiddies that mini-max gear to take advantage of others.


2-shotting people does not take any skill....but then you think min/maxing is cheating too. Sorry I like my character to be as good as he/she can be by taking the time to MAKE him/her that way. I don't ask for ANYTHING to be given to me. I have spent a lot of time, energy, and creds getting all of my toons in gear that I like them wearing, with the best mods/armorings/enhancements/etc.....why....because I took the time and spent the creds figuring that crap out, so I'm not running around wzs getting pwned by people that haven't taken that time......THAT is competition.....the current state of pvp has NO competition

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2-shotting people does not take any skill....but then you think min/maxing is cheating too. Sorry I like my character to be as good as he/she can be by taking the time to MAKE him/her that way. I don't ask for ANYTHING to be given to me. I have spent a lot of time, energy, and creds getting all of my toons in gear that I like them wearing, with the best mods/armorings/enhancements/etc.....why....because I took the time and spent the creds figuring that crap out, so I'm not running around wzs getting pwned by people that haven't taken that time......THAT is competition.....the current state of pvp has NO competition


The only people getting 2 shotted are the ones still wearing expertise in pre-55 PvP. Having a clear gear advantage is not competition. Having no gear gap is nothing but competition based on skill.

Edited by Boch
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The only people getting 2 shotted are the ones still wearing expertise in pre-55 PvP. Having a clear gear advantage is not competition. Having no head cap is nothing but competition based on skill.


so, you're telling me my 34 vanguard in full moddable gear, with all blue/purple level 34 mods/armorings/etc dying from 2 11k+ hits was just my imagination?

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Skimming through this thread, all I can ask is: Are you people serious?


Yes, pvping naked is both hilarious and stupid and should be fixed quickly. At the same time, it seems like the majority of you "Elite war hero pvpers" are wanting to retain your GEAR advantage not only in a LEVELING BRACKET, but also at the new level cap.


Have you never played an mmo during an expansion release? Do people in WoW pvp with 85 gear when they hit 90? No. Did people in Guild Wars expect their entire maxed character to be copied to Guild Wars 2? No.


WELCOME TO MMOS! If they wanted your lvl 50 gear to be relevant, they would still have those vendors. An expansion with a new level cap is a restart for everyone.


Is bolster messed up atm? Yes. But you can't honestly think your gear advantage was going to retain it's advantage from 50-55.


If you can't handle the fact that people are on a more even playing field I suggest you try and get better at the game. You'll be a better player overall.

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Answer to the first question: yes. Yes, I do understand that some people will get roflstomped in PVP due to not being up on their character progression. IMO, this is way better than what we have. You can't shoehorn an RPG into an FPS without getting a really terrible game.


Answer to the unasked question: Here is what I want:

#1 Remove Bolster

#2 Get better brackets. 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40, 49, 50-54, 55 stands alone.

Sadly, this might force us into cross server PVP to cut queue times, but it is a necessary evil.


You're right on #2. It would only work with x server queues. People have been calling for x server queues since launch though.


I don't know how big the community is to support such a cause though. If people are simialr to me they quest and level and do WZs to keep up with valor along the way. PvP while leveling becomes an amenity.

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It's completely reasonable for someone in EWH gear to assume that their gear would be OK for 50-54 WZs. It's foolish it think otherwise. When they log into a WZ the bolster system should have given them a small bump as well.


Instead the system is mega bumping naked PvP players to well beyond EWH expertise levels and giving EWH gear players next to no benefit at all, because of their item level. The system mistakenly thinks EWH gear is "new gear" from the expansion and it gives no benefit at all.


Until this is fixed, I recommend you simply PvP in PvE gear until 55. The bolster system will take care of the rest. Perhaps bioware believes that PvP gear at 55 is the only PvP gear that matters now. If that is the case, they should communicate it so we know.

Edited by Arkerus
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so, you're telling me my 34 vanguard in full moddable gear, with all blue/purple level 34 mods/armorings/etc dying from 2 11k+ hits was just my imagination?


You probably are. And since you are I need a gear advantage twinker. A twinker complaining about competition. Ha ha ha ha. Getting rid of twinkers is the best thing they could of done. Sounds like you are just mad you can't go into low level PvP with a huge advange, they pulled the covers and you realize you're not as good as you as you thought you were.

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You probably are. And since you are I need a gear advantage twinker. A twinker complaining about competition. Ha ha ha ha. Getting rid of twinkers is the best thing they could of done. Sounds like you are just mad you can't go into low level PvP with a huge advange, they pulled the covers and you realize you're not as good as you as you thought you were.


Please explain.....how is skill involved, when I don't live long enough to be able to show any?


Also, you call it twinking, I call it caring about my character and the gear he wears....I like my toons wearing the best gear they can. Isn't that what games like this are all about? Sorry, but if I want a game where gear has NO meaning, I'll go back to FPS

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Please explain.....how is skill involved, when I don't live long enough to be able to show any?


Also, you call it twinking, I call it caring about my character and the gear he wears....I like my toons wearing the best gear they can. Isn't that what games like this are all about? Sorry, but if I want a game where gear has NO meaning, I'll go back to FPS


In all the WZs I was in I didn't see any of that. It was just as difficult to kill me as it's always been.

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People just do not understand; PVP is no longer an arena for players who care about their characters and spend time and resources to gear them up, match their Min/Max priorities to their builds, and practice their rotation priorities to maximize their damage/healing, et al.


It is now a realm in which any casual can roll into a War Zone and "pwn" regardless of Gear and Build or level.


My level 39 Assassin, with no relics or implants, should not be dropping level 54 Assassins in 1v1s, skill or no.


But then again, when you balance your game for the lowest common denominator of effort and skill this is what happens...

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People just do not understand; PVP is no longer an arena for players who care about their characters and spend time and resources to gear them up, match their Min/Max priorities to their builds, and practice their rotation priorities to maximize their damage/healing, et al.


It is now a realm in which any casual can roll into a War Zone and "pwn" regardless of Gear and Build or level.


My level 39 Assassin, with no relics or implants, should not be dropping level 54 Assassins in 1v1s, skill or no.


But then again, when you balance your game for the lowest common denominator of effort and skill this is what happens...


A good pvper doesn't need gear to beat an equally geared casual player.

Edited by Boch
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My level 39 Assassin, with no relics or implants, should not be dropping level 54 Assassins in 1v1s, skill or no.


Sorry but these kind of statements hold no weight. The bolster system is broken right now. Hopefully it gets fixed so that your lvl 39 does not have more main stats than the 54. However, if the system can work as intended why should you not be able to beat a 54?


Personally, I think people are starting to find out how bad they really are and how much they really depended on their gear.

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Are we sure this is a bolster glitch and not some kind of hack? Because I took my gear off my lvl 12 and the bolster from being naked added like one point of damage or two out of 1k. I almost think the difference is a handicapp because of how much my AF dropped.


Exploiters may be jerks but they're not stupid. If they see something that can be used as a scapegoat out come the exploits.

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Sorry but these kind of statements hold no weight. The bolster system is broken right now. Hopefully it gets fixed so that your lvl 39 does not have more main stats than the 54. However, if the system can work as intended why should you not be able to beat a 54?


Personally, I think people are starting to find out how bad they really are and how much they really depended on their gear.



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People just do not understand; PVP is no longer an arena for players who care about their characters and spend time and resources to gear them up, match their Min/Max priorities to their builds, and practice their rotation priorities to maximize their damage/healing, et al.


It is now a realm in which any casual can roll into a War Zone and "pwn" regardless of Gear and Build or level.


My level 39 Assassin, with no relics or implants, should not be dropping level 54 Assassins in 1v1s, skill or no.


But then again, when you balance your game for the lowest common denominator of effort and skill this is what happens...


I don't understand this post. I mean, you know that bolster is broken right now and yet you're still complaining about the lack of gear being an issue? The principles of the bolster system are sound to make everyone who queues competitive based on skill. The implementation is not working properly at the moment.


Ergo, if I bolster a level 39 slightly higher than a level 54 to make up for the difference in skill trees, the fight between two even opponents would be 50/50. If you don't know anything about your rotation or when to use abilities, you're still going to lose.


As a side note, gear progression is only meant to exist at level 55 now. Increased level cap does tend to make your old gear obsolete pretty quickly.

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