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lol bolster


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Bolster isn't really designed to work with ewh/wh as it's no longer avalible.

ergo-you can only b**** if you wanted to pown L 30-new 50s with min maxed EWH with gear advantage.


Stop complaining, get empty/greens/go naked...

if you expected to have twice hp then a L 40 and one shot them, you just got served.

lowbies is where you level/collect comms for L 55, not to boost your ego with min maxed gear.

Edited by Atramar
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Bolster isn't really designed to work with ewh/wh as it's no longer avalible.

ergo-you can only b**** if you wanted to pown L 30-new 50s with min maxed EWH with gear advantage.


Stop complaining, get empty/greens/go naked...

if you expected to have twice hp then a L 40 and one shot them, you just got served.


Nah, I expected it to be a pretty even playing field tbh.

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I thought the place was they would be boosted to around recruit level stats but with expertise being more or less equal. That way, there is still a reason to gear up. Hope this gets fixed soon.
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Bolster isn't really designed to work with ewh/wh as it's no longer avalible.

ergo-you can only b**** if you wanted to pown L 30-new 50s with min maxed EWH with gear advantage.


Stop complaining, get empty/greens/go naked...

if you expected to have twice hp then a L 40 and one shot them, you just got served.

lowbies is where you level/collect comms for L 55, not to boost your ego with min maxed gear.


Have you not read any of what people been saying. It is not a lvl playing field the lvl 40's have 10k more hp than lvl 50's and can 2 shot people.... This is broken , if you want to be in denial about it that is up to you, I will not.

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If you remove the gear you have better stats no?


So let me get this straight...


You want em to fix gear that they have removed from this game?


I find it odd that people are willing to promote laziness in a dev team, just to kiss their *** and stand by a bolster system that is obviously flawed.

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If you remove the gear you have better stats no?


So let me get this straight...


You want em to fix gear that they have removed from this game?


Nobody wants gear fixed, if you'd actually read the thread. People just want to be on a level playing field, no matter what they're wearing. The point of Bolster was to make everyone even, not make the worse geared players superior.

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Bolster is just a stupid system anyways i know the whole skill vs gear debate but part of skill is picking and using the right gear not getting your hand held by lazy developers. I havent played my assassin in months and was kicking peoples *** naked. I had no idea what i was doin but was destroying people, bolster is broken.
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Have you not read any of what people been saying. It is not a lvl playing field the lvl 40's have 10k more hp than lvl 50's and can 2 shot people.... This is broken , if you want to be in denial about it that is up to you, I will not.


I did. I read people crying over gear who is no longer avalible has worse stats then 'NAKED MAN' or fresh 50-40 and can't use gear advantage as to have better stats, you need to go naked man.


As far as I agree that it should not punish people, (I don't want to use pvp only empty slots lol and undress from pve stuff every time I level an alt) peoples are crying river over NOT having gear advantage.


lowbie PVP IS NOT competetive, it's leveling ground filled with bads.

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The whole point of bolster is to make it even for everybody.. What? Did you want to go back and bash on undergeared people and feel good about yourself?



No... but when you can play with no gear at all and have better stats than some who is geared... even green geared...

Then there is certainly something wrong...

And 2 hit kills... what's the point?... no skill there... just point and shoot

And forget taking on 2 people at once... lol... instant death

So no... we don't want to go back to bashing under geared people... although if they made an effort like the rest of us to just have gear for the level they are at... ie if you lvl 33 wear lvl 33 gear... not lvl 20 and then whinge that the better geared people are killing you

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I find it odd that people are willing to promote laziness in a dev team, just to kiss their *** and stand by a bolster system that is obviously flawed.



wow dude put the knives away ... havent been in game yet

I am just asking question here.


Its a fact that EWH gear was removed ... I think that expertise (since new patch notes) has no cap now. So if you running arround with FULL ELITE WH fighting level 30s would be a bit unfrair due to the expertise gap ...no?

talking about 500 expertise + here ....


So imho i think they are trying to nerd that gear to keep things balanced.


Remember you are a lowbie now.


Dont cound on gear .... it was like when you were 49....


Has anyone tried to tweak a toon with the available things in vendors now?

lowbie pvp vendors

Edited by Princz
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There is no lowbie pvp vendor anymore. Only 2 for level 55 and you need makeb already running.


Then the WH/EWH is broken on purpose ....ihmo


Just get rid of it go get random **** from GTN or planets. Try to tweak toons with extra mods and stuff available now.

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I did. I read people crying over gear who is no longer avalible has worse stats then 'NAKED MAN' or fresh 50-40 and can't use gear advantage as to have better stats, you need to go naked man.


As far as I agree that it should not punish people, (I don't want to use pvp only empty slots lol and undress from pve stuff every time I level an alt) peoples are crying river over NOT having gear advantage.


lowbie PVP IS NOT competetive, it's leveling ground filled with bads.


Just did go naked and got an hp boost as well as an expertise boost and my damage was as good... At least I don't have to look at a dudes *** all day , well if im on my op anyhow. My female chiss is kinda sexy naked.

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Then the WH/EWH is broken on purpose ....ihmo


Just get rid of it go get random **** from GTN or planets. Try to tweak toons with extra mods and stuff available now.


There is no need to tweak anything.. The more gear you take off the better your stats get... I just took off my gear and watched the stats go up for each piece I took off. Just keep your weapons and you will be alright. I felt like a god in that warzone.

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BW has simply removed the advantage of having pvp gear before reaching max lvl. And lvl 50 is now an intermediary lvl, like e.g. lvl 21 or lvl 43. There's no extra pvp gear for any of these lvls and there's also no extra pvp gear for lvl 50. Get used to it. Your leveling now. Wear the Makeb greens you get on your way up to 55 and you'll be fine with bolster. Edited by Cretinus
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There is no need to tweak anything.. The more gear you take off the better your stats get... I just took off my gear and watched the stats go up for each piece I took off. Just keep your weapons and you will be alright. I felt like a god in that warzone.


From what i can understand is that they broke it on purpose would be nice to have an official reply to this so ppl dont run in WZs with broken gear and get farmed :)

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BW has simply removed the advantage of having pvp gear before reaching max lvl. And lvl 50 is now an intermediary lvl, like e.g. lvl 21 or lvl 43. There's no extra pvp gear for any of these lvls and there's also no extra pvp gear for lvl 50. Get used to it. Your leveling now. Wear the Makeb greens you get on your way up to 55 and you'll be fine with bolster.


I wander if wearing greens will make my stats go up? I know taking off all my ewh gear and running around naked boosted my stats, but haven't tried wearing greens yet

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it's hard to admit i wasted a lot of time, but the fact that EWH and WH sets become useless is clear..we will have to grind lvl 55 stuff to keep the game alive, the bracket 30-54 will work properly only for chars created when the patch will be live.


i'm sure that the limbo for 50--54 won't last long

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I wander if wearing greens will make my stats go up? I know taking off all my ewh gear and running around naked boosted my stats, but haven't tried wearing greens yet


I am hearing reports of YES, but I could be wrong. People are going in WZs in PvE gear and are beating my stats naked, so... XD

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I wander if wearing greens will make my stats go up? I know taking off all my ewh gear and running around naked boosted my stats, but haven't tried wearing greens yet


I assume that the new greens that you now get when leveling up to 55 will give better stats then running around naked. EWH has not been patched out, but it is probably no longer supposed to be an option for pvp, because this would make lvl 50 a special lvl with its own pvp gear. But level 50 is no longer special. It's an intermediate level and there is no pvp gear for intermediate levels.

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