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PvP in Game Update 2.0: Scum and Villainy


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No they are not because you are wrong. Getting rid of stuns altogether, are you crazy? How the hell am I going to stop them getting over the fires, intervene moments before the finish line, stealthily take out defenders and cap there nodes, or defend my own? Take away stuns and you completely mess up the game, I use my stuns in warzones far more than I do in PvE. They are of extremely important and I cannot understand how you could think otherwise.


Yes, sometimes you get swarmed or stunned out of oblivion - but that's how the game works. It's not meant to be easy and it doesn't male the game unplayable, but rather playable.


So yeah, BioWare is not going to respond because they don't want to offend the community but posting '/facepalm'


1.) No I'm not crazy.

2.) You can stop people from getting over fires with roots or snares or knockbacks.

3.) You can defend nodes with roots, snares, knockbacks, etc.


There is absolutely no reason. I repeat. No reason why one player should be able to stun another player over and over again and kill him before the other player even gets off a shot/swipe/punch/etc.



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1. You actually are.

2. He means stun in the fires. Grab/stun. Hate it, but I'd totally do it if i had a vanguard/powertech. It's a wining and easy strategy.

3. Then what? The point of using a stun when defending is to buy some time for backup, or give you the upper hand, by being able to act when your opponent can't.


Name, right now, the classes that can stun over and over and over again. You have a CC breaker and Resolve (assuming you know how to use it). Stuns by my count:

Sent/Mara: 2. One breaks on damage and the other stuns them as well.

JG/Jugg: 2.5. They have Push

Mandos/Mercs: 1. Within 10m

Vanguard/Powertech: 2. whithin 10 and 4m

Sage/Sorc: 2 I believe. Bubble and cast.

Shadows/Assassin: 2. Cast and knockover

Slinger/Sniper: 1 IIRC. But plenty of KB and slows/snares.

Scoundrel/Operative: 3? and I'm pretty sure 2 of theirs fill your resolve.


I haven't played every AC, so I may be wrong on some. I play a sent (arguably worst CC kit in the game) and I manage just fine. The one thing I will say is that it is annoying that roots don't count toward resolve. Hint: Use your Breaker with full resolve. Also don't make yourself the primary target in a crowd (that is a guaranteed way to get CCd to death).


1.) No I'm not crazy.

2.) You can stop people from getting over fires with roots or snares or knockbacks.

3.) You can defend nodes with roots, snares, knockbacks, etc.


There is absolutely no reason. I repeat. No reason why one player should be able to stun another player over and over again and kill him before the other player even gets off a shot/swipe/punch/etc.



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1. You actually are.

2. He means stun in the fires. Grab/stun. Hate it, but I'd totally do it if i had a vanguard/powertech. It's a wining and easy strategy.

3. Then what? The point of using a stun when defending is to buy some time for backup, or give you the upper hand, by being able to act when your opponent can't.


1. Maybe

2. You can knock someone back and ROOT them. They don't have to be stunned.

3. If you are standing watch at a node your job is to simply call out incoming and keep folks at bay until the cavalry arrives. You're not supposed to hold off eight other people with 6 different stuns. And if that was their purpose then they would break on damage. Not all of them do.




You have knock backs. You have snares. You have roots. You have stealth. You have heals, You have dots. Why for the love of all that is HOLY do you need STUN after STUN after STUN after STUN on top of that????

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This is Star Wars, not Stun Wars.


Open World: This is half the reason I joined. The below quote is a great start. The key to the comment is that open world pvp should be rewarded. Some ideas on that and things I would like to see in the game.

1. Faction rewards for holding down key military zones, resource zones, etc, on planets. Simple things like being taxed if your republic player in an empire controlled territory (have that money sent to empire players), specific shops, cheaper supplies, xp boosts, xp penalties. Major benefits to holding down planets.

2. Have an alert system go off in the fleet to let people know a specific base is being attacked or an ops group is organizing an attack on base. Gain defender points, attacker points, level up to gain special pvp only abilities or unlocks (build a turret, repair, call in a droid army, call in a sniper, air strike. Sound slike cod... but it would work and allow people to play for rewards.

3. Weekly individual ranking system with status rewards

4. Guild starships where you can board and attack another guild. obviously that would way too much fun! addicting

5. Guild rewards for pvp. Upgrade your base or starship with turrets, armor, etc... individual

6. comms for open world pvp. I understand people will try and take advantage of the system but I'm sure there is some way of building something in that can stop/prevent that. Like legacy punishments for losing to the same person 5x in a row.

7. PVP class quests. Defend the base for 20 minutes or capture the base to move the story along. forced pvp.

8. combat vehicles

9. Pazaak (so simple yet so much fun. But please do not put in there and not allow us to wager in game credits or join tournaments)

10. Space combat. with all ideas, graphics, resources and time are factor but this would be great.

11. pod racing


The problem I have with pvp in games is that there is little to work for sometimes. At least COD and battlefield you are always working to unlock something. They still lack a reward for winning the actual game though. This what could take SWTOR to the next level. A pvp economy where winning brings rewards to everyone in the faction and failure brings penalties to everyone. We would see people working together and having pride in winning. Just my 34 cents. Great game, keep it up!


Since you're on the subject of PvP.... let's talk about a few things that I'm sure bug everyone except those dishing it out..




I'm not the biggest fan of warzones.. they CAN be fun sometimes, but more often than not, I'm finding myself doing this routine.


fight some, get stunned, purge stun, stunned again instantly. Then I'm forced to stand there unable to do anything and I die. this sucks.


warzones are not the reason I signed up on a PVP server anyway... I'm in this for the OPEN WORLD PVP...


Why isn't there any kind of reward for this? ..not that it matters, republic tears are plenty reward... However, I'm sure I'm not the only one who has played a PVP based game in which you're able to take space and keep it. SWG had it, Eve has it, hell.. even WoW has it afaik..


All that "contested area" out there should be made available to be CAPTURED by a guild to hold and keep and defend.


I say we should be able to approach an area as a guild, and enter with INTENT TO INVADE, creating an instance in which at least a full ops group must come together and take the building or land or whatever it is. I think this would add something to this game that's an obvious lack.


Also it would be nice if I could send mail to the entire guild by mailing the guild... we need better guild management.

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2. That is magnitudes less reliable.

3. Part of keeping at bay is stunning. Stun the biggest threat, and occupy the others. Attacking the easiest one to down and making sure no one else can capture the node/whatever with AOE.


Besides, chances are (aside from it being 2 or more vs. one) you'll have the advantage. 9/10 times you'll be stunned by multiple at once, filling your resolve bar. then CC break and boom, walking ball of immunity.


Also, no class has all of what you are complaining about (at least not all of them that are worth anything). No class has more than 2 stuns IIRC. if you are the center of attention for the other team, yes, you will be almost perma-stunned. But then your real worry is focused down, not stunned to death. Besides, focus stunned gives you full resolve, which you then break from, and proceed to laugh as you beat their faces in.


I play a Sent in PvP and get along just fine. DOnt make yourself the #1 target (unless you intend to eat all the CC for your team, then go for it).



1. Maybe

2. You can knock someone back and ROOT them. They don't have to be stunned.

3. If you are standing watch at a node your job is to simply call out incoming and keep folks at bay until the cavalry arrives. You're not supposed to hold off eight other people with 6 different stuns. And if that was their purpose then they would break on damage. Not all of them do.




You have knock backs. You have snares. You have roots. You have stealth. You have heals, You have dots. Why for the love of all that is HOLY do you need STUN after STUN after STUN after STUN on top of that????

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So for me... no I'm not using it at all. There is so much that I already to need to keep track of LOL. So yeah...


Also, it's not working as intended. You get stunned over and over and over and over again. Resolve doesn't work the way they thought it would. WarZones are a joke right now.


This. ^^^

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I started playing this game a little after it's release although around June I had to leave for school and just resubbed a few weeks ago. I'm a lvl 50 Warlord Jedi Sentinel (subscriber), a big fan of SWTOR and an avid pvper and have to say I am disappointed as to where PvP is at this point. I'm not here to put anyone down or tell them they're right or wrong, just to give some constructive criticism about the pvp update from the perspective of a long time competitive pvper and also to touch on a few hot topics. The bracket changes and bolstering are good things, but are very minor in comparison to the real issues. I'm just going to list a few things that I think are important and should have been addressed with 2.0 and that need to be addressed soon!


First I would like to point out that Cross Server Ranked Warzones should be the main priority right now! We have been in Pre-Season for obviously way too long! I remember before I left for school we were excitedly awaiting the arrival of ranked warzones that were supposed to be released in whatever patch was coming out at that time. 1-2 days before the patch was released BW stated that ranked warzones were not ready to be released. They apologized and said that ranked warzones would still be coming out and would be a main priority. Well almost a year later the new expansion is here and still no Ranked Warzones. Are ranked warzones still going to be implemented? Is there any time frame as to when?


Second I would like to address the PvP gear both old and new. Besides having fun and being able to say that you're good the main motivator to PvP is to acquire the best looking and most powerful gear to stomp out the competition! The last installment of PvP gear (WH) had to be the worst looking gear I have ever seen! Having to grind out that gear sucked, because we didn't want to wear it. I also think that the new PvP armor sets coming out in 2.0 are A LOT better looking so good job on that, but they still could use some improvements. I will save my list of armor set improvements both PvE and PvP for another more appropriate thread if I can find one.


What I do not like is how the Conqueror and Firebrand armor sets are identical just with a different color scheme. I don't know why you do that, I know its been done on previous gear, but it comes off as lazy. We should have three completely different looking armor sets, since armor is such a big motivator to PvP and PvP is a big motivator to play the game I don't think the rewards for doing so are something to be slacked on, if thats the case.


I completely agree with valuing skill over stats, but not with making gear and stats less important and heres why. Players who work hard and play as a team will eventually one way or another EARN the good armor. Sure some of them might get beat a ton, but they will win some too! Once they EARN their armor they become EQUALS with the other players who have been smashing them on their grind up and THEN it becomes purely based on skill. Why sacrafice one when in the end you get both? Players who put in the work deserve to have an advantage over the players who don't. At least for the amount of time it takes the undergeared player to level up. As long as they don't give up they will get the gear as well. It is a lot easier to earn PvP armor since the server mergers and transfers.


Overall, the PvP update for 2.0 is weak and if it wasn't for the "two" new sets of PvP gear that are coming out there would be nothing to be excited for. Bracket and bolstering adjustments seems like content that you would expect to be released in a patch and the bigger more important issues that you would expect to see released with a expansion were not. Besides Ranked Warzones and gear issues I would like to see 2 new hutball maps in the future.


As for the complaints about having too many stuns sure I think there is a little too much, but it doesnt stop me from having a good time pvping.

Not sure exactly what everyone's problem is with the dps trooper, but I was just in a WZ with one that dropped a little over 600k which is some of the best DMG I've seen in a while. If they can do that much DMG why would they not be used for Ranked Warzones?

As for balancing classes every class has there strengths and weaknesses. Thats how it should stay.

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My main issue is the bracket setup. There is no reason why 50-54's should be pvping with 10-49's at all. It'll make pvp unplayabale for probably a month or so after 2.0 drops, then it'll go back to normal but that is still a long time. It should be 10-49, 50-54 and then 55. 50's will utterly DEMOLISH lower levels without the proper gear.
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Make resolve last longer


heck no. Resolve is a highly unbalanced attribute. By the time a sorc can have a full resolve bar they are virtually always dead and back at the spawn point. Whereas a longer resolve bar for a tank totally over powers that role.

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How is the new bolster system going to address the issues with current level 50 characters in expertise gear who will now be matched against players from levels 30-49 that have little to no expertise gear. If the bolster system does not bring everyone up to an equal expertise level just boosting the normal stats of these players will not do anything. It will be just like it was during launch when there was no brackets.
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Both teams have the same number of stuns and stunbreakers. If your team is getting "stunlocked until death," the other team should be too, right? Except they aren't. Why do you think that is? It is because they are skilled and you are not.
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Still trying to figure out how a level 30 is going to stay alive with a 50 in fully aug'd elite warhero beating on them. I just don't forsee the bolster being that effective.


Because you will be bolstered to 55.

Don't you think that a fully aug'd 50 is less than or equal to a fully blue geared 55?

I do.


It'll be fine. The only problem I see is queue times.

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Both teams have the same number of stuns and stunbreakers. If your team is getting "stunlocked until death," the other team should be too, right? Except they aren't. Why do you think that is? It is because they are skilled and you are not.


Nope, both teams are pretty much just stunning each other over and over again. It's really really lame. I watch people spending the majority of their time either walking like they are moving in extreme slow motion because of roots and snares or they just sit there and get killed while they are stunned. Then they turn around and do the exact same thing.




You already have:


1.) Roots

2.) Snares

3.) Interrupts

4.) Knockbacks

5.) Stealth


Nobody wants stuns. And I mean nobody wants them in War Zones.


And NOBODY thinks you're some big bad Internet tough guy for supporting them. Trying to make the game overly complicated or "difficult" might be the fashionable thing to do with the rest of the angry little trolls but nobody in real life cares. We just want to go and enjoy the game and have fun.

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It's pathetic that THIS is what they give us for "PvP content" in a freaking expansion.


No warzones, no new open world PvP areas, No new maps for existing warzones (I'm looking at you, Huttball).


A bolster system that's meaningless for the folks who pvp regularly (and as such, are generally geared at a 'war hero' level)

Edited by islander
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I still have an issue with this whole "flat" idea. They say they want to create a system based on character skill, soooo why not have a bracket system by levels of 5, 10, 20, whatever, that allows players to use their "skill" to obtain the best gear they can for their level through pve or pvp that grants them a higher chance of defeating opponents based on stats differences. This gives players who may not be good at rotation priority to become stronger or more resistant, while others may be stronger in attack rotation priority but lack gear. Also, the whole level 10-49 or whatever it is now, yeah... thats totally working cause a level 10 has the same amount of attacks as a level 49... its a completely unfair advantage when a low level chararacter goes in and is matched up against say a 49, who has much more defensive and offensive abilities. They can just pop cooldowns and practically be invincible against the lower player. Sorry but SWTOR's pvp is really what's bringing it down. The PVE system is quite awesome but if the game doesnt have both, its gonna lose a lot of fans no matter how many new warzones they introduce.
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Still trying to figure out how a level 30 is going to stay alive with a 50 in fully aug'd elite warhero beating on them. I just don't forsee the bolster being that effective.


This need to be repeated:


Because the 30 is going to be Bolstered to 54, with the equivalent (more or less) of gear between Recruit and War Hero. Will the Aug'ed 50 have better gear? Yes. Will it be a joke? No. Because the 50's Aug'ed gear is getting bolstered to 54, too.


Repeat: Both the 30 and the 50 are getting Bolstered to 54. The 30 will have a decent amount of Expertise. It will be less of a disparity than what we see now with fresh 50's wearing Recruit gear.

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I dont play pvp i tor for one reason,because i can`t choose what wz i want.

Why cant you make it a option?

If it get que problems like that, make it cross realms.

Edited by Djeee
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Low level PVP difference is from Skill Tree Points not the skills them selves. I've leveled my share of toons through class quest and PVP and I was putting up healing and DPS numbers that were good enough for the warzones. It was in the skill tree points that I saw this biggest gains. IE when a powertech that goes pyro, Your biggest gain is when you can get your rail shot reset. You have all your skills already so a level 10-15 PT can go toe to toe with 49 PT just the 49 has all his skill points and will win from bonus damage.


So the answer to me would be give us the skill tree points (for the warzone). I can care less about the talents you get as you level, I can make due with what I have. What I can't make up for is someone when is gaining more ammo then me and getting 30% bonus damage from there shots.

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Um, yeah, I know. The point is that there was a metric crap ton of feedback on how awful it was, not to mention obviously bugged (incorrect resolve amount, clicking off to trigger effect), and yet nothing was done for months. The question of whether community feedback will be more valued in the future is a valid one.


So, you think programming a new system should take just a day or two just because people complain about it? Thing s take time to implement and hash out, also what sort of project doesn't have discussion time and planning time then implementing the resolve. This isn't a magic wand where they can just fix it right at the very moment that people complain or whine about a problem. Obviously they have listened, it just took some time to fix it on top of everything else they are bringing out.

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Nobody wants stuns. And I mean nobody wants them in War Zones.


And NOBODY thinks you're some big bad Internet tough guy for supporting them. Trying to make the game overly complicated or "difficult" might be the fashionable thing to do with the rest of the angry little trolls but nobody in real life cares. We just want to go and enjoy the game and have fun.


That made me lol. Stop using your stunbreaker on the first stun, try using your cc objectively, you'll understand.


Watch a rated stream sometime (since you obviously don't play rated) and imagine trying to take an objective without stuns.


Or find a game where everyone gets an attack that does 1 damage, and everyone has 2 hp, and that's it.

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