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More Vehicle Speed needed


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I was expecting a new rank with Makeb and all. Unfortunaly.


I don't know about needing it but it sure would be nice if it was faster.


It's not much of an issue on the first few planets. Once you get to Tatooine and beyond with the large traveling areas the speeder becomes the incarnation of a galactic snail.

Edited by Fixiooo
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Please keep in mind that information in this post is intended to reflect a speeder's rate of travel, not that of a bipedal humanoid.


Best-Case Scenario:

Usain Bolt has been clocked at a top speed of 27.44 mph while sprinting. The sprint buff as we all know applies a 35% increase to movement speed. Using Usain as an example, per SW:TOR mechanics, if he lost his sprint buff, he would drop down to a normal movement rate of 20.33 mph, which for ease of round numbers I'll round down to an even 20 mph. I'll call 20 mph to be the "Base Movement Speed", or BMS.


Continuing along with this scenario, if Usain was to mount a high-end speeder and receive the 110% increase to his BMS, he would be traveling at a top mounted speed of a whopping 42 mph! To put that into perspective, the Ford Model T car, first produced in the year 1908, achieved a top speed of 40-45 mph from a 20 hp motor and is ubiquitously known as being the first commonly owned automobile.


Per this scenario, the first car™ would probably win a race against any "speeder" in SW:TOR!


It only gets worse, see below!


Worst-Case Scenario:

I think most would agree that seeing SW:TOR characters moving around with the applied sprint buff are moving nowhere near as fast as Usain Bolt has demonstrated while sprinting. In my judgement, SW:TOR characters (with sprint buff applied) look to be moving at a rate comparable to jogging, or roughly 6 mph.


Under this scenario, the BMS would be 4.444 mph if the sprint buff is dropped. A 110% increase to this speed for mounts would net a top mounted speed of 9.333 mph. I'll graciously round that up to a wholly dismal 10 mph!


Again, under this scenario, all SW:TOR speeders would lose a race to a pig!


Random Thoughts:

If the actual coding for base movement speed is indeed 6 mph, for speeders to have a respectable top speed of oh, say 55 mph, then high-end speeders would need to apply an increase in movement speed of over 800%!


Even then, we would probably see threads with topics such as this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10X3zJpMDMo


So as you can now clearly see, quibbling over BioWare to add 10% here or there would produce results that would be nearly imperceptible.


Percentage Calculations

Edited by Laendser
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As title says, I would have liked an improvement on vehicle speed with the release of the first expansion.

Even a +10% more (bringing the max speed to 120%) would have been cool.

What do you guys think about ?


Yep, give us 150% speed :csw_bike:


Even better, a Tantaun that runs 200%

Edited by Icestar
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I wouldn't mind if they added a Legacy Unlocks for 'Speeder Abilities'.


Speed Boost

+ 190% increase of Speeder movement speed, lasts 15 secondes.

2 minute cooldown.



increases Speeder's resistance to knockdown, lasts 10 secondes.

5 minute cooldown.

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Sorry guys. Bioware made the speeders the way they are because those are the rules. You can't change the rules of the game, so nope, you can't increase the speed of the speeders.


Sorry those are the rules! If the devs wanted it faster, they would of made them faster.

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Sorry guys. Bioware made the speeders the way they are because those are the rules. You can't change the rules of the game, so nope, you can't increase the speed of the speeders.


Sorry those are the rules! If the devs wanted it faster, they would of made them faster.


Reading about the cash they made since the game went F2P and introduced the cash shop, I think they can afford some DEVs that can look into the many rules that needs to be changed in this game.

Edited by Icestar
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We need 2 things:


1. Faster Speeders 15 - 25% faster (I just feel I need a faster speeder to get around quicker)


2. Speeders that have 2-4 seats ( I need to be able to pick up my friends or new players for fun and to help other people find things) (I keep thinking about what a pain it was to find the Belsavis world boss and how much easier it would have been if some could have just pick me up on their speeder and taken me their and show me the path all in one foul swoop)

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