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Dual Spec!

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I couldn't care less about the opinion of some random person on the forums -- I'm just trying to understand why the hell people HAVE opinions if it doesn't negatively affect them OR the game.


Are you against field-respec? Because that makes you lazy. Clearly, not having to get yourself to the fleet every time you need to respec -- THAT is laziness. Shouldn't you have been up-in-arms about that? In my view, I personlly won't get "lazy" -- I'll just save myself from worsening carpel tunnel caused by fast-clicking 31+ times because people like you, who don't have to respec constantly, complain that it takes me more than 5 seconds to get ready.


Thank you, by the way, for those last three completely useless sentences. Very mature -- did I seem overly upset and taken aback that someone had the audacity to disagree with someone else? I couldn't care less -- I thought that was obvious by my deeming this a QoL issue, and one that CERTAINLY doesn't have priority. Plenty of other games have implemented the "field-respec" equivalent that includes having the points saved between two specs, and I've yet to see anyone saying anything negative. . .


For someone who keeps saying "I don't care about your opinion" you keep getting all upset. I have opinions because I am a person with free will and the mouse to click "Post Reply" when I feel like it.


I disagree with Dual Spec. That's my position. I'm not changing it, and I will say it because it's my right to. I believe it promotes lazy attitudes and is utterly pointless as we already have field respec.,

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For someone who keeps saying "I don't care about your opinion" you keep getting all upset. I have opinions because I am a person with free will and the mouse to click "Post Reply" when I feel like it.


I disagree with Dual Spec. That's my position. I'm not changing it, and I will say it because it's my right to. I believe it promotes lazy attitudes and is utterly pointless as we already have field respec.,

he is kind of right....about the opinion part anyways


he is not gonna change his opinions, and that is his right. i do disagreed with him on dual spec make ppl lazy, but hey that is my opinion

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For someone who keeps saying "I don't care about your opinion" you keep getting all upset. I have opinions because I am a person with free will and the mouse to click "Post Reply" when I feel like it.


I disagree with Dual Spec. That's my position. I'm not changing it, and I will say it because it's my right to. I believe it promotes lazy attitudes and is utterly pointless as we already have field respec.,


And once again, you don't explain why field respec DOESN'T promote laziness.


How can you assume I'm getting upset? Am I magically imbuing emotion into the words in my posts? I didn't realize I was that powerful.


Am I asking you to change your opinion? Nope -- don't really care to "Convert" people, because most are too ignorant to take 5 seconds to see from anyone elses perspective. I was questioning the reasoning behind it out of legitimate curiousity. I rarely see people complain about laziness, especially considering this is a video game. . . .made for recreation . . . that you sit on your *** and play. THAT is ultimate laziness.


I personally appreciate when people state opinions on a subject, and explain them for others to understand -- instead of using the post to make comments on perceived emotions and such of another person.

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he is kind of right....about the opinion part anyways


he is not gonna change his opinions, and that is his right. i do disagreed with him on dual spec make ppl lazy, but hey that is my opinion


And you are welcome to have that opinion, sir. I respect you for being civil about it.

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That is not true, it will take atleast 1-2 mins to respec if fast. The dual spec would take 15-30 sec. :-)


What if I can change my specs in less than 15 sec with the current field respec?


Seriously, if you take more than 30 sec to put your points in a spec you know and use...you are very dumb

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he is kind of right....about the opinion part anyways


he is not gonna change his opinions, and that is his right. i do disagreed with him on dual spec make ppl lazy, but hey that is my opinion


See -- this is the perfect example of him responding in a combative way. I never said he had to change his opinion -- I never even said he shouldn't have one, or doesn't deserve one. I just questioned why "people" (meaning, anyone in general) form opinions about things that don't affect them at all, especially in a video game.


Legitimate question -- not a hostile question, either. There must be a reason he feels Dual Spec is bad for the game/community, and I'm trying to understand that. Coming from other games that have it, and have never had issues -- I truly want to know if there even COULD be issues with it.


Its such a small step from field respec to dual-spec -- I just don't understand how that small of a difference could possibly be a bad thing. And a vague term like "laziness" doesn't really answer my question.

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And once again, you don't explain why field respec DOESN'T promote laziness.


How can you assume I'm getting upset? Am I magically imbuing emotion into the words in my posts? I didn't realize I was that powerful.


Am I asking you to change your opinion? Nope -- don't really care to "Convert" people, because most are too ignorant to take 5 seconds to see from anyone elses perspective. I was questioning the reasoning behind it out of legitimate curiousity. I rarely see people complain about laziness, especially considering this is a video game. . . .made for recreation . . . that you sit on your *** and play. THAT is ultimate laziness.


I personally appreciate when people state opinions on a subject, and explain them for others to understand -- instead of using the post to make comments on perceived emotions and such of another person.


Gheesh, why are people so against minimal added convenience? I don't view this as a priority AT ALL, but it's a QoL thing that would be nice eventually.


^Posts like this show you are upset.


I state that it is pointless and makes you lazy. That's my reasoning against it. I've explained the reasoning and provided an example as to what happens when QoL happens. I've done my part. I cast my vote. You don't like it. So get over it.


Sorry judge Judy your verdict doesn't mean squat.


You are right. It does not. I've already stated that. I'm not a Dev. My disagreement doesn't matter. It's the devs who decide. They bring in Dual Spec, their choice. I ain't quitting over it.


Especially since I got that Derelict Purple crystal. It is SO cool.

Edited by Darth_Moonshadow
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Some people and I at my realm were arguing about Dual Spec, we all agreed it would be lovely to be able to change spec in the field. We all know about the Legacy thing, but we still have to plot our points in everytime. We would suggest dual spec, that we could swap between, and where we can save our spec's, so we do not have to plot in new points everytime. Do you guys agree with me :rak_02:


Oh gods, no. Please folks, stop trying to make every game exactly like WoW. M'kay? Dual spec is a bad idea.

Edited by mrsrachelm
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I am new to MMO's with SWTOR being the only one I play and have ever played. I think dual spec is greatly needed for 1 reason:


1. The PVE spec of a tree and the PVP spec of the SAME tree are different.


As someone who does pve and pvp content, being the best player I can be in both means I have to respec each time the queue pops.

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  • 4 months later...
I am new to MMO's with SWTOR being the only one I play and have ever played. I think dual spec is greatly needed for 1 reason:


1. The PVE spec of a tree and the PVP spec of the SAME tree are different.


As someone who does pve and pvp content, being the best player I can be in both means I have to respec each time the queue pops.


I completely agree there, im not new to the game but have only recently come back after a long time away from it (just throwing that in there.) I dont get what reason there would be to not add dual spec? the only arguements people have really made that are valid are the im pro i know my spec well enough so nobody needs it, which to me seems silly, no we dont need it but it would be nice to have. I dont really agree with the "lazy" statement because if somebody is feeling lazy they just wont bother respeccing in the first place but who cares if they do or dont, etc. theyre free to play the way they want. IMO it would be a good addition to the game, If youre super leet and can respec in 15seconds then awesome for you, no need to bother with it.. but for the rest of us, it would be nice.

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I completely agree there, im not new to the game but have only recently come back after a long time away from it (just throwing that in there.) I dont get what reason there would be to not add dual spec? the only arguements people have really made that are valid are the im pro i know my spec well enough so nobody needs it, which to me seems silly, no we dont need it but it would be nice to have. I dont really agree with the "lazy" statement because if somebody is feeling lazy they just wont bother respeccing in the first place but who cares if they do or dont, etc. theyre free to play the way they want. IMO it would be a good addition to the game, If youre super leet and can respec in 15seconds then awesome for you, no need to bother with it.. but for the rest of us, it would be nice.


I created a topic here very detailed showing the cons and pros.



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I definitely wouldn't be opposed to dual-spec.


It only takes me a minute at the most to get the skill points reset and the abilities back in the right place on my knight, but my sorceror takes considerably more time to get reset between swaps. After all, I'm still collecting tanking gear while levelling as DPS (obviously, only if the tank doesn't want the item); gearing isn't really affected by dual-spec.


People will need on things they don't need regardless. It's just how the internet operates.

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Yes I believe this is needed and honestly wouldn't harm the game in any way... some people say it only takes 10seconds to repopulate their trees well in that case what harm could a dual-spec function do?... i'm a healer and queue up in the GF as healer or dps, sometimes i go in as DPS and it's a pain to ask my party to wait while i re-populate my skill tree... there's honestly no reason for such a function not to be there, it just makes sense...
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Good about dual spec is not how fast it would rearrange your SP ... but that it comes with bars arrangement & item slots (if done properly).

So it would be good if you don't need to keep 2 sets in your bags & manually rearrange your bars each time.

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Sure, if you only play one or two characters its easy to fill trees. But many people play lot of alts and remebering all their trees is just not possible.So it will take time for them to sort them. Thats why I dont have field respec.

And skill trees are the most easy part - rearranging quickbar slots is much more of a hassle, not to mention keybinding.

Field respec is good thing , but not everyone has enough legacy or credits to buy it.

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Respeccing in the field isn't that big of a deal, but what is a pain is swapping out gear and abilities.


When you have a PvP set, a DPS set, and a healing set, it takes up a lot of inventory space and becomes quite a hassle to manage.


Also, moving abilities around to be more accessible for a different build is a major hassle.


Any 'dual spec' system needs to take these factors into account.

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Plus, what do you care if I disagree? I'm not a Developer. My word isn't law. So just get over it.


It makes me mad that you can't be convinced that it's a good thing, and I wish I could camp you on a pvp server for continuing to not like the things I like. :mad:

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I personally do not like the idea.


I like for characters to be certain ways.


It's the same reason I like the idea of not being able to change your Advanced Class.


I feel that if you want to be able to fill two different roles with one character...you have build yourself that way. Where you can be good at both...but not the best in either.


I really don't like the idea of a single character being able to be the best at every role at the touch of a button.


However, with all that said...it really would not change the way I play the game...nor would it actually hurt me if other people had this option.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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I personally do not like the idea.


I like for characters to be certain ways.


It's the same reason I like the idea of not being able to change your Advanced Class.


I feel that if you want to be able to fill two different roles with one character...you have build yourself that way. Where you can be good at both...but not the best in either.


I really don't like the idea of a single character being able to be the best at every role at the touch of a button.


However, with all that said...it really would not change the way I play the game...nor would it actually hurt me if other people had this option.


This already exists in the game, so the things you have a problem with happen regardless if they make it more convenient or not.


Besides which, it's not every role - one AC cannot do all 3 roles.

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This already exists in the game, so the things you have a problem with happen regardless if they make it more convenient or not.


Besides which, it's not every role - one AC cannot do all 3 roles.


Having the go to the fleet, talk to a person, and manually select the skills you want in order to change your spec is vastly different than being able to change it on the fly with the click of a button during missions.


Anyways, even though I would never use this feature...it wouldn't hurt my gameplay at all...so it really doesn't matter to me.


My only real argument I could make at this point...is that I would rather they spend resources adding something else to the game.

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