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Legacy Companions: A Use for Alts


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I had a similar idea not long ago in the Suggestion Box. :)


But I think BW will never do this :( I suppose they will create some new, HK-51-like cross-class / cross-faction companions in the future - and you can unlock them via Cartel Coins.

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Excellent idea and I'm pretty sure to say: the best use of our legacy levels, indeed.


To make our alts as fully functional companions. I fully support this my friend.



Edited by zorroazul
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Nice idea, but apart from the opposing factions problem, which could be solved by only allowing you to summon alts on the same side as your current character, and the equipment issues, there is another issue. Companions as they are at the moment only have 10 skill slots, most of us play with 20 or more skill slots (this includes med packs vehicles etc), so which skills would your alt be allowed to use, do we get to decide?, is it chosen for us?, a mix where we choose the skill but are limited in the options for that slot?


This was addressed in my original post. Legacy Companions would not be your character, mechanically. Mechanically, they'd be a generic companion patterned after the appropriate Advanced Class. A Powertech Bounty Hunter would become a Powertech Companion, with the same exact moves and stats as any other Powertech Companion of their level.


The idea is not that you'd be able to twink out an ultimate companion. It's a flavor thing, for people who want their characters to work together.

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If this were to take place then companions should just be used as a skin over an existing companion or it all gets to complimated so my alt just summons instead of khem acts like him as a tank and has his abilities its just a cosmetic just for the role players, although then its not really a add on for the legacy.
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That's why in my pitch I said that they wouldn't say anything. They'd be silent, aside from normal combat grunts and such.


I think they could have some combat lines. There is already a bank of recycled lines used for each class.


An example is the inquistors, "murder and mayhem await" or the smugglers "I needed some excercise"

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we should be able to use companions on alts though if we have all 5 companions from a particular class at max relationship it shows that said companion is unlocked for use on another class or character. much like you can unlock hk to use on any class once you have completed his quest the same should apply to companions you have maxed affection with an unlocked through legacy. if they comanions portrait is showing with the words unlocked it should be available for use on any character or class tied to the account of the player
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I think they could have some combat lines. There is already a bank of recycled lines used for each class.


An example is the inquistors, "murder and mayhem await" or the smugglers "I needed some excercise"


I wasn't even thinking of that when I wrote out the idea. I was just trying to keep them from needing to get voice actors in the studio for what's essentially a fluff RP idea. Good call, though!

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I wasn't even thinking of that when I wrote out the idea. I was just trying to keep them from needing to get voice actors in the studio for what's essentially a fluff RP idea. Good call, though!


I agree! Kinda like the sayings that they say when creating a character?



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+1 to this being a great idea. I don't expect Bioware to make this a rush priority. However, I hope they will strongly consider it in a future expansion in the 1-2 years down the road time frame.


I am not at all expecting to see anything resembling this anytime soon, but I would like to get some Dev attention to the idea so that we might see something like this down the line.

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  • 3 weeks later...
as i had stated in an earlier post on this topic. we should be able to use any companions we have maxed affection with as it unlocks them for use through legacy. if you look when you click over the portrait in legacy it indeed does say unlocked. so i don't understand why we can't use them on alternate characters. it makes no sense to unlock then not allow us to use them on other characters.
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  • 2 years later...

Needing to get to level 50, or legacy level 50, that's just too high a standard. I'd like to just pay a CC fee, and suddenly have a new companion skinned and skilled after the intended alt. Getting to level legacy level 50 takes years -I've been playing since Beta, and my highest legacy is still only 36-. And getting to level 50 ... yeesh, the game is pretty-much over, anyways; I want to have my alt accompany me through the class stories.


I have a Guardian dps and a Shadow dps who are allies/friends, according to my family tree. So I'd simply like to be able to have them both running around, helping eachother out throughout the story. The existence of Treek and HK as companions proves we can have additional companions that don't even relate to our class' story, so I don't care if the Alt companion is voiceless and a Kira clone, when I'm on my Guardian dps, I'd like to have my Shadow dps right there, fighting alongside me.


And when I log out to go play as said Shadow dps, I'd like to see the Guardian dps right there, ready to fight. Obviously, Alt companions would be the same level as the initial character; despite the alt's actual level. So they're more like a cosmetic clone, instead of summoning a level 11, like-level, or level 60 npc to fight with you.

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Getting to level legacy level 50 takes years -I've been playing since Beta, and my highest legacy is still only 36-.


...I think you represent an outlier case. I've been playing since shortly after the game dropped and hit Legacy Level 50 after only about a year and a half--and that was after taking six months to even start my Legacy.


It'd be a good carrot to get to Legacy Level 50, and a nice bonus for those of us who have been at Legacy Level 50 for a while now.


Besides. Almost every Legacy Level perk can be unlocked with Cartel Coins, so odds are they'd sell this one, too. :rolleyes:

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