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Rage time

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*** is wrong with Hoth!?!? I am trying to do the BH class quest(s). EVERY SINGLE time I die. I am FORCED to the medcenter. No matter where I am on this planet. I can't res where I am. I've reloaded the client. Something is seriously wrong with this planet. Now I have to fight my way back in again, because everything keeps respawning when I die. Putting in a ticket is useless. Customer service forums are useless.


Yes, I am QQragecrying. I am angry and I don't give a )(&()&& what the trolls thing.




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*** is wrong with Hoth!?!? I am trying to do the BH class quest(s). EVERY SINGLE time I die. I am FORCED to the medcenter. No matter where I am on this planet. I can't res where I am. I've reloaded the client. Something is seriously wrong with this planet. Now I have to fight my way back in again, because everything keeps respawning when I die. Putting in a ticket is useless. Customer service forums are useless.


Yes, I am QQragecrying. I am angry and I don't give a )(&()&& what the trolls thing.





Try grouping up for quests.

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I leveled on it a lot on the double XP weekends and never had a problem.


Times where medcenter rez is forced:

- If you jump/fall off a cliff (Hoth has a number of places where this might be a problem) then it won't offer local rez. This is to keep people from shortcutting around the planet by jumping off cliffs.

- F2P are limited to a number of rezs so this could be problem (but problaby not).


I actually encountered this issue on my Bounty Hunter this past weekend. This was inside class story instances, death from NPCs, and as a subscriber. So it does exist.

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I actually encountered this issue on my Bounty Hunter this past weekend. This was inside class story instances, death from NPCs, and as a subscriber. So it does exist.


He never claimed it didn't exist.

And I can imagine that it will not let you respawn in the lava works for example

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I think there are just a few missions in class story that are designed this way. I seem to remember two or three of these leveling my assassin.


Definitely shouldn't be for a whole planet, though.


I highly doubt that a conscious decision was made to make these areas unavailable for the medical droids. More likely is that a few class areas were forgotten to be flagged for their usage for whatever reason.

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I am doing Fire and Ice. However, when I fell off a cliff and landed on a flat surface right be the entrance to said instance. I kept respawning back at the medcenter. Also all the mobs keep respawning eveyrtime I die. That can't be intended.


You can't use medical probes when you die due to falling.

Edited by CelCawdro
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I am doing Fire and Ice. However, when I fell off a cliff and landed on a flat surface right be the entrance to said instance. I kept respawning back at the medcenter. Also all the mobs keep respawning eveyrtime I die. That can't be intended.


So... you're not actually IN the instance? Falling death leads to med center. Mobs outside of instances respawn regularly. This all sounds pretty normal to me. :t_confused:

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I am doing Fire and Ice. However, when I fell off a cliff and landed on a flat surface right be the entrance to said instance. I kept respawning back at the medcenter. Also all the mobs keep respawning eveyrtime I die. That can't be intended.


If you're falling off a cliff then that's your problem, as my original post suggested. Why are you repeated falling off a cliff during the fight? (I leveled my BH ages ago and don't remember this quest).

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Falling = no med center trip.


But as to the quest: yeah, it's a pretty big pain and the debuff sucks.


I ended up gaining an extra level or two and trying again - worked ok. I also avoided unnecessary mobs and went straight for the guy I was supposed to kill.

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Yes, there are some quests that will always kick you out to a medcenter. I had particular issues with the final Sith Warrior class quest on Corellia. It only took three tries (as a Tank Juggernaut), but each one required a full run through the quest area.


Of course: that doesn't seem to be the case here: You seem to be dying outside the quest... due to falling damage.


Have you tried not jumping off cliffs? I haven't found any place in the game that required me to ever do it. If you're trying to take shortcuts and dying... maybe you should try not taking shortcuts?

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The only way I can see having that many problems on Hoth is if you are underleveled. I had no problem on Hoth just a couple of weeks ago when I was trying to finish my leveling for my BH. I was only 2 levels above the zone on that planet and it wasn't a double xp weekend either. So check your level and your gear. If you are undergeared for the planet, it will chew you up.
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No no no. That was happening as well. When I died in the instance it takes me back to the medcenter. I go back inside and all the mobs were respawned.


I've had this happen when I died during an instanced class quest. There was no medprobe and everything respawned.

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*** is wrong with Hoth!?!? I am trying to do the BH class quest(s). EVERY SINGLE time I die. I am FORCED to the medcenter. No matter where I am on this planet. I can't res where I am. I've reloaded the client. Something is seriously wrong with this planet. Now I have to fight my way back in again, because everything keeps respawning when I die. Putting in a ticket is useless. Customer service forums are useless.


Yes, I am QQragecrying. I am angry and I don't give a )(&()&& what the trolls thing.





Two comments:


1) some class quests work like this (don't offer rez on location). It happens in instanced content. Don't know if it is a bug or intended. So it' takes you 2-3 minutes to get back to where you were... it's not the end of the world.


2) The forum is not your personal tissue-box to cry all over when virtual life is tough for you. Next time.. write on a piece of paper, wad it up in a ball, and toss it in the trash. Seriously... this general forum, not /rant-central-station.

Edited by Andryah
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Should never have to group for class quests.


That being said, use your Heroic moment. It absolutely trivializes any fight.


When I was leveling my Merc, Hoth never seemed a problem and the only fight I needed my Heroic Moment for

was when I was rescuing my whiny BH wannabe comp :)


I've hit Hoth with all eight classes so far, and honestly, the BH was one of the easier ones :) Just make sure you're the right level for the planet quests and you should be fine (I used Mako for the heals).

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Two comments:


1) some class quests work like this (don't offer rez on location). It happens in instanced content. Don't know if it is a bug or intended. So it' takes you 2-3 minutes to get back to where you were... it's not the end of the world.


2) The forum is not your personal tissue-box to cry all over when virtual life is tough for you. Next time.. write on a piece of paper, wad it up in a ball, and toss it in the trash. Seriously... this general forum, not /rant-central-station.


"GENERAL" forums. Means you can talk about anything, with in reason. Raging isn't against the rules. Being a d-bag is. No one forced you to read the post. It did say RAGE TIME. That's a pretty clear indication that I planned on griping about something.


Fail troll is fail. Good day to you sir.




Also, thanks for all the help everyone else.

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