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2.1 Dance of the Hutts? lolwut

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Dance of the Hutts? So they are adding a PvP area based on.. dancing. What?! They better know what they're doing. I'm so confused. And as for the mount... I don't even know what to say. What do YOU think about this?


Here is the link to the thread!


Don't get me wrong, I love that they're dishing out new content but shouldn't they be working on, oh I don't know, bug fixes, class balance (pvp(commandos etc)) and other things first? And DANCE PvP? all I can say is lolwut.





But truly, happy April Fools! Still liked the ship droids one better though!



For those of you didn't know, I knew this was an April Fools joke. I don't take that thread seriously. And DON'T take this thread as a serious post. It was JUST FOR FUN.

Edited by Essence_of_Light
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