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Ashoka, what is her fate?


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Well, all I can say is that I'm eager to see what happens to Ashoka in the end... What is her final fate? ...well, as long as she doesn't become a Sith apprentice, a Dark Jedi, or something crazy like that I'll be satisfied well enough... Edited by DarkSolsticeX
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Well, all I can say is that I'm eager to see what happens to Ashoka in the end... What is her final fate? ...well, as long as she doesn't become a Sith apprentice, a Dark Jedi, or something crazy like that I'll be satisfied well enough...


12.23.2011 was the last post before this good sir.


Please read before brining up a year old thread.

Edited by Eillack
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So have we found out what happens to Ashoka during order 66? Or is GL not likely to comment while the show is still running?


I'm going to guess and say that since Ashoka was given to Anakin so that me may learn how to let go, she probably dies before Order 66 is given. Probably something that pushes him toward the Dark Side as well. I mean, given the way the movies went, he seemed to embrace Palpatine's offer a little too easily. I'm guessing that "The Clone Wars" was really set up to explain this. He has become very connected, as many of us have, to little "Snips." It would seem the logical progression.

Edited by Thylbanus
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Beats me. I figure she either left the order, or died prior to, or during Order 66.


I'd rather know what happens to Rex, and Fives. I'm having high hopes for those guys not pulling the trigger when Order 66 Is issued.


*All kinds of spoilers*



Order 66 isn't followed by the original generation of clones from Kamino. It's only followed by the second batch that Sideous secretly had made that think they're from Kamino but have truncated training and aren't tapped into their original Jango Mando heritage. Rex and 5's and any surviving gen 1 clones will be fine, albeit aging at an accelerated rate. Which you actually do see in Clone Wars, but not sure if it gets explained.


If Ahsoka gets out, there are several ways. It will be because she's with the original clone troops and they take her back into Mando space where Sideous's fleet and army don't count for jack squat or with a spliter group of Jedi who started families.


I haven't seen season 4 yet but the original set of clone troops are supposed to have very deep Mando roots and ... yeah. Suffice it to say the original set of troops have no problem with the Jedi at all. On top of that there's a whole set of Jedi I'm not even sure they talk about in Clone Wars (yet or at all) that aren't even a part of the order and are actively having families.


When you read the extended universe, movies 1-6 (sans Clone Wars) seem very small and insignificant....... It seems like there are any number of factions / sectors that could have rickrolled Sideous if they'd wanted to.


I haven't read '501 yet but it's on my x-mas to do list. Going into when movie 4 would be, Sideous has a HUGE ship yard somewhere and one or more HUGE clone factories but ...... There's a whole section of sith space that takes place in Knight Errant where they'd laugh him out and the whole Corporate sector that Han Solo was stuck in for the longest time. Let's not even go there with the Mandos having a Mando'a if the Emperor pissed them off.


I think Ahsoka will be just fine if the writers read "Order 66" and see there are several ways out. The Star Wars universe is huge beyond belief....... Uh, just don't read the last 10-15 pages of Order 66. :p You might fly off the handle.


Also I don't know if anywhere in the extended universe besides "Unleashed" it actually says which Jedi Vader supposedly wipes out. He seems to only care about ones that were active generals.. there were a LOT more Jedi than that out there. Oh, and a LOT more Sith (which makes the Darth Bane trilogy confusing).


I wish someone or somewhere something could explain what happens with Vader in the Knight Errant storyline, or if he just stays out. That family had something like seven incredibly huge armies? I haven't finished that storyline yet but good grief.


Ahsoka will be fine. There is zero story reason to kill her off. Plenty of viable ways out.





I didn't realize this was such an old thread, but with season 4 out and complete now I still think it's a viable topic.

Edited by siegeshot
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Cmdr Cody gave the order to fire on Kenobi without hesitation when Order 66 was issued. Was Cody a first generation clone as well?


First generation clones followed order 66 just as well all the later generations, don't know where siegeshot got that idea


For proof you got the narrator in Battlefront 2, first generation, fought on Geonosis, marched on the Jedi Temple, felt bad about it though, but believed it to be his duty

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though i have a hunch that Lux Bonteri may snuff it in the next episode i would like to think that they would fall in deep love but be found out and asoka is cast out of the jedi, this would make Anikan more nervous about his marriage to padme getting out and maybe start to drive a further wedge between him and the council.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I can't find the source, but I would have sworn that I've read somewhere that the group of clones following Anakin into the Temple in Ep. III was the 501st.



As far as Ahsoka is concerned, I just don't see them killing at the end of the animated Clone Wars series. I see her disappearing into the unknown after seeing another vision of just what Anakin is going to become.

this was a quote from a post earlier. in battlefront2 you know that the 501st were loyal to vader/Anakin and thought he was the one in the right while the rest of ther order was wrong and therefore traitors. that is why they follow him into the temple and do what they do there...makes since that rex would fall in line with the rest... just sayin

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I hope DV slices her up into little headtail sushi bits and serves her as an hors d'oeuvre at the first annual senate "ding dong the jedi are gone" theme party.


Yeah, I don't like her much. She's a horrible idea for a character, and unbelievable as a jedi padawan on top of that. But mostly, he's freaking annoying and I hope however she dies, it happens soon and it is very explicitely and graphically protrayed in the show, so I can finally enjoy a scene with her in it.

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though i have a hunch that Lux Bonteri may snuff it in the next episode i would like to think that they would fall in deep love but be found out and asoka is cast out of the jedi, this would make Anikan more nervous about his marriage to padme getting out and maybe start to drive a further wedge between him and the council.


Is Lux supposed to be in the next episode? According to Wikipedia, it's still the same youngling, Ahsoka, and later Grevious.

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I hope DV slices her up into little headtail sushi bits and serves her as an hors d'oeuvre at the first annual senate "ding dong the jedi are gone" theme party.


Yeah, I don't like her much. She's a horrible idea for a character, and unbelievable as a jedi padawan on top of that. But mostly, he's freaking annoying and I hope however she dies, it happens soon and it is very explicitely and graphically protrayed in the show, so I can finally enjoy a scene with her in it.


Man, that's a lot of 'Soka hate right there. Have you watched any TCW since the first season? She really has come a long way since then. She is one of my favourite characters now.

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She's doing to die at the conclustion of the "Clone Wars" series to add weight to Anakin's turn to the Darkside. If you remember it was foreshadowed in the "Clone Wars" movie by Yoda when he and Obi-wan were discussing giving Anakin a padawan.


Obi-Wan Kenobi: Let's just hope Anakin is ready for this responsibility.

Yoda: Ready he is, to teach an apprentice. To let go of his pupil, a greater challenge it will be.

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Yeah but Cody is the Commander of the 212th Attack Battalion. I think It's separate from the 501st Legion which Rex was attached to. I didn't see any 501st Troopers during the Battle of Utapau, so there's a decent chance Rex wasn't even there.



In the Krell story arc from The Clone Wars TV show, Rex couldn't actually bring himself to kill a Jedi General who admitted to being a traitor to the Republic, and tricking Rex and his men into killing their fellow Clones. There's hope for him yet.



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Yeah but Cody is the Commander of the 212th Attack Battalion. I think It's separate from the 501st Legion which Rex was attached to. I didn't see any 501st Troopers during the Battle of Utapau, so there's a decent chance Rex wasn't even there.



In the Krell story arc from The Clone Wars TV show, Rex couldn't actually bring himself to kill a Jedi General who admitted to being a traitor to the Republic, and tricking Rex and his men into killing their fellow Clones. There's hope for him yet.


Regarding Rex being in the 501st, In Battlegront II, the campaign story focuses on the 501st battalion and their transition from clone troopers to storm troopers. It will be rather interesting to see what happens to Rex.

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So have we found out what happens to Ashoka during order 66? Or is GL not likely to comment while the show is still running?


She is impregnated by Anakin just before he turns, then he freezes her in carbonite and hides her in the Massassi temple where she is found by Luke Skywalker while scouting out the location for the new Jedi Academy.

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