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Guild Request


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I've been playing the game for a few months. Although I've joined Guilds and PUG's I still have very little understanding of certain aspects of the game. In particular, those having to do with PVP and end game content. The guilds I've joined have not always been helpful (people are usually too focused on leveling themselves or guild drama) and I'm painfully shy which means I never just throw myself into a situation because of my anxiety over doing something wrong or appearing stupid.


So my questions are... is there a guild out there looking to add a semi-regular player (a few times a week for a few hours at a time) who doesn't know all the ropes and is eager to learn? And is this guild willing to mentor. I'm a quick study and once I know something I'm happy to teach others. It's getting the first part that's proved a problem for me in this game.


(PS- Please don't refer me to the Guild thread, I've looked through it and contacted a few of those guilds and again, very little response. Just not what I'm ultimately looking for.)

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Sorry you've had trouble finding a good community. I may be able to recommend a few guilds to you (at least on the Republic side). I'd start by checking out the Well-Groomed Gamers. The Rep-side guild leader is Consular (not sure who the Imperial branch leader is), and you can check to see if anyone from the guild is online by checking /who for "Well-Groomed." There seems to be an excellent sense of community in the guild, and they've started running higher-level ops and have a few good PvPers as well. Consular is an excellent player who excels in both PvE and PvP, and he'd be more than willing to answer any questions you may have.


Doomed Lemmings is another well-organized guild Republic-side with some quality players in it; you may want to check them out. Dead on Arrival and Infamous also have excellent players in them, but I'm not familiar with their recruitment/application requirements. As far as Imperial guilds go, Black Sun Rising is the only one I can recommend from my very limited knowledge (Sovereign, Revenge, Retaliation, and Grim Determination also house many recognizable players, but have stricter application requirements).


If you run Republic-side, PM me your toon's name and I'll friend you. I've played a lot of PvE and PvP, and may be able to help you out with a few of your questions. I play during the evenings on Threid (shadow) and Glyn (sage) these days, if you want to friend me for some PvP sometime. I wish you the best of luck in your search for a good-fitting guild.

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Pretty much what Threid said


There are alot of people in this game who enjoy helping others out you just have to know where to look.



Hit up Urdnought imp side or Urdonught pub side and I would love to help out. I was in your shoes awhile ago. I wore willpower gear on my juggernaut because I thought it buffed force push and I wore aim gear also because I thought it would make my attacks more accurate. People took the time to teach me the ropes and feel like there was hope and it was awesome. I'd love to be able to pass that on



Just don't give up!

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If you're looking imp side, Faceroll Syndicate might be a good fit for you on the more casual end. We were kind of a teaching guild in WoW and hope to carry that over to ToR. We operate under a fairly simple premise: You can train good people willing to learn to gear and push their buttons, it's much harder to train ******es who can already push their buttons not to be ******es. Edited by Raazmir
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There are a lot of good guilds out there, before joining a guild ask to talk to one of their recruiters/officers or ask to look at their website. Generally, the better organized guilds will have the ability to mentor new players who are willing to learn.


All of us at one point were new and had to learn either through experience or by asking other people, there are a lot of knowledgeable people on this server both pubs and imps. I personally run mainly on the imp side and can help you with questions about sorc healers, snipers or sins (as they are my main 50s). The guild I am in is a fairly small tight knit of players who do mainly PVE content (although we have a couple of strong PVPers).


If you ever need help just contact one of my alts (see sig) and if I cannot help you I can point you in the direction of someone who can. Most of the established guilds do appear on the guild directory and I would suggest whispering an officer in game as spamming General chat on fleet gets annoying to most of the veterans on this server (I dare say most of them will have the General chat turned off).

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If you are looking for entry level raiding/pvp with a family style/closer knit feel (which from what you say may suit your personality better) check out Eternal Guardians if you play republic side. They are very nice folks. Make sure to speak up in any guild you choose to join though. If you don't ask questions or let people know you are looking to improve your game, they won't know you are seeking help/advice. :) Good luck in your search for a guild home. Edited by Desiirea
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If you are pub side and want to take a look at The Eternal Guardians, you can hit me up with a message or our recruitment officer is Cekruptom (she's been on an alt a lot lately and uses accents which I can never keep track of). I've been on Azucena a lot the past while, but am on the others in my signature some too. We're a more mature and casual guild, and try to focus on a good personable group. We run a progression group (1/4 HM EC..... it's progress for us dangit) and a second ops for training new raiders about ops in general (we have a handful), specific mechanics and also for gearing.
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I would also highly suggest Eternal Guardians (Republic) and Black Sun Rising (Imperial). I am familiar with the leadership in both of them as well as the community, and I know they are helpful, fun, and have great communities. Also, both guilds do a little bit of both PvE and PvP. Edited by MelliMelon
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If you are pub side and want to take a look at The Eternal Guardians, you can hit me up with a message or our recruitment officer is Cekruptom (she's been on an alt a lot lately and uses accents which I can never keep track of). I've been on Azucena a lot the past while, but am on the others in my signature some too. We're a more mature and casual guild, and try to focus on a good personable group. We run a progression group (1/4 HM EC..... it's progress for us dangit) and a second ops for training new raiders about ops in general (we have a handful), specific mechanics and also for gearing.


Hi there, Tallah! Like EFSoupy said, you can message either of us anytime. :) I'll be on most of this week as well as next week. Most likely, I will be on either Cek (my commando), Cekruptom (my sentinel), or Cëk (my guardian). The "e" is alt+649. I would be more than happy to talk to you anytime in order to offer assistance, details about The Eternal Guardians, or whatever you need.

Edited by CekRuptom
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