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Why are you ruining my weekends? Option to turn off xp bonus!


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This double exp buff every weekend sucks. I mostly only get to play on the weekend and now for 3 weekends I can't because of this double exp weekends. You already out level the game content with normal exp, double exp is completely ruining the game for me.


Why have you not included an option to turn it off? I want to play the game and I am a subscriber I am sick of doing all grey missions because I am level 35 doing level 24 missions because of this double exp crap.


I don't know if I can agree with the word "ruined" by I can see where you are coming from. I'll be happy when the dbl exp weekends are all over. Yes I can play all of my 50s, I'd do that with or without the weekend. I really enjoy the story lines, and at the same time feeling changed through the missions without having to remove gear or tie a hand behind my back. Maybe your reasons for feeling your weekends ruined are more varied than you've listed. It's interesting to try to watch people argue with you over the qualitative part of your statement. All I can say is this: a lot of people seem to like it, and the majority is a normal group for BW to try to please, and it will all be done with soon - then your weekends will be good again.

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Then as has been said before, run an Alt. A throw away Alt if you want even. Either way you have been given many different ways to work around this and NOTHING is good enough for you. You whine about the responses and give more excuses as to why you can't do it and how it has ruined the game for you in nauseating repetitiveness. The only conclusion left to draw is that you are attention seeking and want everyone to give in to your pity party. That you don't want a solution to your problem, you just want to whine for the sake of whining. The fact of the matter is that you would rather bite off your nose to spite your face instead of even giving any of the number of other ideas a shot so don't have to admit that you overreacted and acted like a drama.queen.


As has been mentioned the simplest answer here for your example is to skip that quest. Now before you start turning blue holding your breath with another tantrum, all you have to do is save that experience for your next toon that you are leveling up without the double xp. But alas this will most likely fall on deaf ears as you make another excuse as to why that's not good enough for you, so you do whatever you're going to do. Just stop throwing your tantrum, threatening to hold your breath till you pass out, here and go play the game.


OP has not been given "Many different work arounds" Its the same one reiterated - Don't play with your Toon, play with an alt, skip the quest etc etc - Well these are various ways of saying "Don't Play"


Now you can waffle on about people having tantrums and telling them to get on and play the game but simple truth is that you are not qualified to answer OP:


The point OP is making eilludes you.

Your understanding of their point of view is not present.

Everything you suggest is biased by this lack of understanding of their point of view.

Nothing anyone says contrary to your point of view will sink in.

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OP has not been given "Many different work arounds" Its the same one reiterated - Don't play with your Toon, play with an alt, skip the quest etc etc - Well these are various ways of saying "Don't Play"


Now you can waffle on about people having tantrums and telling them to get on and play the game but simple truth is that you are not qualified to answer OP:


The point OP is making eilludes you.

Your understanding of their point of view is not present.

Everything you suggest is biased by this lack of understanding of their point of view.

Nothing anyone says contrary to your point of view will sink in.

You are correct, the solutions being given are some variation on "don't play"


But answer me this: How is this much different from regular leveling to 50?


Without rested XP, without legacy XP perks, without bonus XP consumable, without double-XP weekends, you have to skip optional side quests or you will vastly overlevel content.


On my first toon I did every planetary quest, most side quests and a couple of bonus series. I had no XP bonuses of any kind. I skipped over quite a bit of optional side quests. And yet I was still 5 levels over for most of the game.


Before double-XP weekends, the OP was either:


1) Already overleveled


2) Already skipping optional side quests.

Edited by Khevar
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You are correct, the solutions being given are some variation on "don't play"


But answer me this: How is this much different from regular leveling to 50?


Without rested XP, without legacy XP perks, without bonus XP consumable, without double-XP weekends, you have to skip optional side quests or you will vastly overlevel content.


I cannot answer your question I do not have a level 50 toon and that probably explains why these posts keep appearing.


Here's a thought:

Maybe I don't know it matters not that I skip quests but because I have no experienced of this I feel cheated of gameplay.

The thing is - even if you tell me over and over again that it does not matter that I skip quests I will still feel cheated because of that same lack of experienced. I can hope that when I am levelling my 2nd or 3rd toon I will see the emperor has no clothes ... until then new users will still feel cheated and still compalin that double XP is robbing them of gameplay


I do know that I have a choice not to use an XP comsumable or Logoff from a cantina and I'm not sure how the legacy stufff works - I thought that kicks in when you hit 50 with a toon - but it's some thing you have to purchase isn't it ?

Edited by Huckili
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I cannot answer your question I do not have a level 50 toon and that probably explains why these posts keep appearing.


Here's a thought:

Maybe I don't know it matters not that I skip quests but because I have no experienced of this I feel cheated of gameplay.

The thing is - even if you tell me over and over again that it does not matter that I skip quests I will still feel cheated because of that same lack of experienced. I can hope that when I am levelling my 2nd or 3rd toon I will see the emperor has no clothes ... until then new users will still feel cheated and still compalin that double XP is robbing them of gameplay


I do know that I have a choice not to use an XP comsumable or Logoff from a cantina and I'm not sure how the legacy stufff works - I thought that kicks in when you hit 50 with a toon - but it's some thing you have to purchase isn't it ?


Well said.

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I cannot answer your question I do not have a level 50 toon and that probably explains why these posts keep appearing.


Here's a thought:

Maybe I don't know it matters not that I skip quests but because I have no experienced of this I feel cheated of gameplay.

The thing is - even if you tell me over and over again that it does not matter that I skip quests I will still feel cheated because of that same lack of experienced. I can hope that when I am levelling my 2nd or 3rd toon I will see the emperor has no clothes ... until then new users will still feel cheated and still compalin that double XP is robbing them of gameplay


I do know that I have a choice not to use an XP comsumable or Logoff from a cantina and I'm not sure how the legacy stufff works - I thought that kicks in when you hit 50 with a toon - but it's some thing you have to purchase isn't it ?

Interesting. The only thing I can suggest to you is to be open to advice from others on this subject.


You mention you feel cheated out of gameplay when people suggest to you to skip over side quests that you could then see on another alt. My advice is that to prepare yourself for either being overleveled or skipping content. It isn't possible to have it both ways.


Perhaps this is a flaw in the game design. Perhaps not. But it is a fact. And this fact that will hold true during double xp weekends or not.

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I can't understand why all these pro-bioware people are arguing and trolling. WHY are you against an OPTION to turn this feature off? You like your double xp? FINE! Nobody asks to remove it completely. Trolls :mad:
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I can't understand why all these pro-bioware people are arguing and trolling. WHY are you against an OPTION to turn this feature off? You like your double xp? FINE! Nobody asks to remove it completely. Trolls :mad:

I'm not arguing against the option to turn it off.


I'm arguing against rage-quit whiners that say, "you're ruining my weekend"


1) They can ask for the double xp option to be available all they want. I hope they get it.

2) Until they get what they want, they don't need to act like children. There are solutions available for their problem right now, and they don't need to moan about how the world is coming to an end.

Edited by Khevar
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Wow?? Seriously??? What is with these people??


Double XP does not effect what missions you can do.. Just because they are grey, doesn't mean you can't do them..


There is no reason to add a switch.. Seriously.. There is no reason at all.. None..


Just play the game how you want.. Do all the missions you want.. Ruining your weekend?? Really??


Let me guess?? You are the kind of person that has to take a road trip in a slow car to make sure that you actually have to use the facilities at each rest stop?? Because in a fast car you might miss a few.. Having a fast car on a road trip would just ruin your weekend.. Even though, you can still stop at each rest stop if you really wanted to.. :p

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Wow?? Seriously??? What is with these people??


Double XP does not effect what missions you can do.. Just because they are grey, doesn't mean you can't do them..


There is no reason to add a switch.. Seriously.. There is no reason at all.. None..


Just play the game how you want.. Do all the missions you want.. Ruining your weekend?? Really??


One of the big selling points of SWTOR over other MMOs is/was the storylines. Some people, like me, actually enjoy stories. But stories kindda suck when it's building up to what is supposed to be an epic encounter with your class nemesis just to stamp him into the ground in 10 seconds flat.

Imagine going to to see The Avengers and after all the build up to the final battle in the city it lasts only 10 seconds. That's what it's like.

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One of the big selling points of SWTOR over other MMOs is/was the storylines. Some people, like me, actually enjoy stories. But stories kindda suck when it's building up to what is supposed to be an epic encounter with your class nemesis just to stamp him into the ground in 10 seconds flat.

Imagine going to to see The Avengers and after all the build up to the final battle in the city it lasts only 10 seconds. That's what it's like.


Hmm... don't have your best gear on you. Only update gear when you start getting stomped. I apply this not only for these XP-weekends but for every night. Keeping yourself and your comp under-geared can provide a challenge even if you are over-lvl:ed. I do this on my toons when I lvl, don't even look at the gear until I start to get a few to many smackdowns, when using the tips and tricks for my class no longer really make it better.


I have really enjoyed the double XP, not that many weekends left so at least you don't have to worry about it for much longer.

Edited by SilentKitty
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My solution that lets you do all the greyed out side quests and have the combat feel right.


I respec'ed my level 38 and left 10 skill points unused, it's not perfect but facing mobs on Alderaan no longer feels ike swatting files.

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One of the big selling points of SWTOR over other MMOs is/was the storylines. Some people, like me, actually enjoy stories. But stories kindda suck when it's building up to what is supposed to be an epic encounter with your class nemesis just to stamp him into the ground in 10 seconds flat.

Imagine going to to see The Avengers and after all the build up to the final battle in the city it lasts only 10 seconds. That's what it's like.


LOL - I believe in NEO, he is the ONE, He will end the war with the machines.... Oh wait - never mind - I found the off switch

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The people complaining are probably the ones who get to 50 on their first character, and say wow well that was cool. Then never play the game again after .cancelling their sub. The majority are loving the double xp, and gives everyone a chance to level alts, or get to 50 and enjoy the content they paid for with ROTHC..
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Many people like to play the game to play the game, not to beat the game. This means playing all the planets and quests.


Probably the most consistent complaints about this game since lauch are that it is way too easy, way too fast, and the levelling path is unbalanced (near impossible not to outlevel the content).


The double XP "events" make all of these problems worse, and I could certainly see how they would make the game unplayable to some.


THIS - can't believe how intolerant and condescending this community is. A person should be able to express an opinion and not be told over and over how stupid they are. Just because the majority of the world is into immediate fast-paced instant gratification doesn't mean I have to be.

Edited by Dinosaurocker
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You are wrong.


Also you clearly have a flawed understanding of what the word "troll" means. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but it does not in fact mean "someone with a different opinion than me."


Maybe I missed the part where extra xp locks you out of game content.....Oh wait, it does not :eek:


(back to gaming and laughing about the whiners...)

Edited by HammersteinSW
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This double exp buff every weekend sucks. I mostly only get to play on the weekend and now for 3 weekends I can't because of this double exp weekends. You already out level the game content with normal exp, double exp is completely ruining the game for me.


Why have you not included an option to turn it off? I want to play the game and I am a subscriber I am sick of doing all grey missions because I am level 35 doing level 24 missions because of this double exp crap.


It's not crap. It's great. I went from lvl 36-41 in like a day lol. That's amazing. Only problem is the quarter starts tomorrow so I have to sleep early and prepare a little for tomorrow.

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I for one wouldn't mind double XP weekends staying forever. Im about to finish my 4th lvl 50, which means i still have 4 class stories to go. But Im sick of some of the content, I dont want to do low level space missions or below 50 PvP, as I have already had plenty of them. Plus I hate most of the content on Alderaan, too much empty space and long caverns with respawning enemies. Double XP weekends give me opportunity to focus on content I enjoy and skip the rest. It's easy to out-level content when you are doing everything, but after 4 walkthroughs + 1 in beta, I don't really feel like doing anything and a chance to skip some content is very much welcome
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Stop QQing. If you don't like it don't play. I really really don't think that not playing for 72 hours is going to kill you. Go outside, go out to eat, or find something better to do. They're not going to change it because 50 people out of thousands think it's ruining their experience. Trust me it's not the end of the world. People act like 2x exp is a new thing especially with an expansion right around the corner. smh.
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