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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why 4 man Flashpoints? - Trinity system fail


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So SWTOR like the majority of MMO's out there adhere to the trinity system: Tank, DPS, Heals.


Now, in SWTOR we have 4-man groups for regular Flashpoints, and 8 or 16-man groups for Operations.

For 4-man Flashpoint groups in particular these will consist of 1 tank, 2 DPS and 1 healer.


We all know that tanks and healers are in short supply, whilst DPS are a dime a dozen. So the question is simple really - why would their design revolve around having only 2 DPS for every Flashpoint group?


Would queue times not be faster from a DPS perspective if a Flashpoint group consisted of say a tank, 4 DPS and a healer? Or even 5-6 DPS?

I do not have the metrics of course, but any way you look at it - something could and should be done about the queue waiting times for DPS - and it is clearly not enough to make the tank and healer classes more appealing - people like those large damage numbers too much. And I suppose this is the inherent flaw in the trinity system.


So to re-iterate, why break from the norm (don't make me say WoW) when the outcome is a longer wait for DPS?

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your point is correct.


But may I remind you that 5 is NOT the norm? It's just a chosen number between 3 (the bare minimum to get the Trinity system work) and infinity. LotRO for exemple uses groups of 6.


This being said, waiting time for a HM flashpoint as DPS at level 50 is not that bad. I never waited more than 7-12 minutes when I did them daily (that's about 4-5 months ago)


And, sadly OP, don't you think it's a little late to redo this whole gaming system? :rak_02:

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Please go ahead and do some of the flashpoints without a single healer or tank. Wonder how long you'd last against some of the bosses. Dps cannot heal either as they are supposed to dps according to your rules. Edited by aVmuse
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Please go ahead and do some of the flashpoints without a single healer or tank. Wonder how long you'd last against some of the bosses. Dps cannot heal either as they are supposed to dps according to your rules.


Wow, not his point AT ALL. He wants more slots in the group total so that everyone gets to play. come on.

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your point is correct.


But may I remind you that 5 is NOT the norm? It's just a chosen number between 3 (the bare minimum to get the Trinity system work) and infinity. LotRO for exemple uses groups of 6.


This being said, waiting time for a HM flashpoint as DPS at level 50 is not that bad. I never waited more than 7-12 minutes when I did them daily (that's about 4-5 months ago)


And, sadly OP, don't you think it's a little late to redo this whole gaming system? :rak_02:


DDO, Turbines other IP game also uses the 6 man party system. Although the Trinity system doesn't come into play ad you can ostensibly be all 3 at the same time, less effectively mind you but it is possible. Allowed to take 3 different classes in what ever level combination you choose and able to build your stats as you choose with racial and class bonuses as part of the combo. I actually always loved DDOs flexibility in that regard.

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Please go ahead and do some of the flashpoints without a single healer or tank. Wonder how long you'd last against some of the bosses. Dps cannot heal either as they are supposed to dps according to your rules.


His point was instead of 4 man groups why not allow 5 or 6 or even 7 man groups instead of just 4. Argument being that it will allow more people to find a group, which would make for shorter queue times.

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It's not a bad idea, but I believe it's a little late for Bioware to retune flashpoints to require 6 people and actually have the content balanced.


As well, I would bet that 4,912 angry posts decrying this change would appear in this very forum moments after implementation.

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I would've loved seeing more Black Talonish flashpoints personally; possible to do with 2-3 people and companions.


Bigger group size would be nice but, as others have said, it's probably hard to rebuild the party system at this point. Though I suppose new flashpoints could be built around a bigger number of players and you could go with a small operations group. That'd be trickier with group finder I imagine...


On a slightly related note, it is possible to do some flashpoints without a tank or with anything else replacing a DPS if you group up the regular way, i.e. not via group finder. It's not ideal and certainly not a good idea for -all- flashpoints, but it works for some.

Edited by Pscyon
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Chalk it up as another noob MMO developer mistake, like launching with 100s of small servers while stating things like a group finder were not needed.


Some of the design decisions make little sense and impede the ability of the game to truly shine, and unfortunatly, like this one, probably will never be changed as doing so would require a lot more effort and development dollars than EA would ever be willing to spend.

Edited by DawnAskham
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The four player group is standard DnD.


Warrior - Tank

Wizard - Controller

Cleric - Healer

Rogue - DPS


EQ copied these basics. WoW copied EQ and removed the Controller by spreading it's abilities to the other 3, and by spreading around more DPS to everyone to further simplify it.


TOR's game mechanics and concepts come from a direct line through those 3 games. That's why it's still built around the 4 player core.

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Hmm... I don't know. After playing MMOs that claim not to have a trinity I have come to the conclusion that no matter what... a trinity evolves anyway. Otherwise... it is just a scrambled zerg fest with not real strategy or coherent game play.


In short, I don't mind the specs. Dual specs will help, but hey... if you are dps, you should know you are a dime a dozen. If you don't like waiting, then maybe you should consider rolling heals or a tank.

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It's not a bad idea, but I believe it's a little late for Bioware to retune flashpoints to require 6 people and actually have the content balanced.


As well, I would bet that 4,912 angry posts decrying this change would appear in this very forum moments after implementation.


Not flaming. But could you explain to me how having 6 people would balance the content? How is it unbalanced if I may ask.

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Not flaming. But could you explain to me how having 6 people would balance the content? How is it unbalanced if I may ask.


Because tanks get an instant que and dps takes forever to pop. He laid out, extremely clearly, that the game would have to be rebalanced for more dps which is the core of his proposal. Rebalance the content to even out the supply of roles so everyone groups up with an even chance to get in.

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Not flaming. But could you explain to me how having 6 people would balance the content? How is it unbalanced if I may ask.


Thats not what he said...

Just ignore the last 6 words, as they don't have any relevance to his actual message. I dont know why it was included.


Anyway, my take is similar, though I wouldn't mind if they did change it to 6, and I dont believe it would be hard, just a bit of time to retune the Flashpoints via buffing the hit points and adding some more trash for the most part, and some bosses would need routines changed or altered.

Edited by Mowermanx
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Simple. If an instance is made for 3 dps and you had a 4th and a 5th one, what part of challenge will remain ? (you will need to tweak the numbers of mobs, their HP, their damage...)


Well yeah it would stand to reason that they would have to revamp the FPs after a change like that. I guess I just thought that part went without saying when I read the OP.

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The four player group is standard DnD.


Warrior - Tank

Wizard - Controller

Cleric - Healer

Rogue - DPS


EQ copied these basics. WoW copied EQ and removed the Controller by spreading it's abilities to the other 3, and by spreading around more DPS to everyone to further simplify it.


TOR's game mechanics and concepts come from a direct line through those 3 games. That's why it's still built around the 4 player core.


DnD groups were often run with 5 also.

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Hmm... I don't know. After playing MMOs that claim not to have a trinity I have come to the conclusion that no matter what... a trinity evolves anyway. Otherwise... it is just a scrambled zerg fest with not real strategy or coherent game play.


In short, I don't mind the specs. Dual specs will help, but hey... if you are dps, you should know you are a dime a dozen. If you don't like waiting, then maybe you should consider rolling heals or a tank.


Again DDO does not use the trinity format, CoH/V also managed to at least somewhat get away from the pure trinity standard. The games are out there but definitely are not as abundant.

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4 is a terrible number for a group, I said that the moment I heard about it way before beta. I even started a petition to enhance it to 6 back in the beta-forums.


They didnt reconsider, now we are stuck with groups with only 2 DDspots and no playe to put in additional underequipped friends/guildmates.

When TOR was new there were many people left out of the initial gaming experience. As Guilleader and Tank I had to run most dungeons multiple times so all the DDs in the guild could see them.

annoying, to say the least, but not changable anymore.


One thing I know for sure, I will never play an mmo again with groups under 6 people in Dungeons.

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