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Bioware justify your reasoning for APAC - Facts dont support your theory.


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If it hasn't been perfectly obvious for months now, THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU.


I see it slightly differently. They cared too much.... such that they took a business risk and put in localized servers for them last year on the speculation that APAC had a sustainable player population. That risk backfired on them, leaving a difficult mess to clean up. The safe play would have been to defer any consideration of APAC localization until at least a year after launch.


Someone at Bioware, probably the same people that went the route of 200+ small population servers at launch, made a large mistake in ever committing to localized servers for APAC. Now they have to clean up the mess, just like they had to last year for US and EU.


It happens. Companies take risks and make mistakes. It's what companies do in a competitive marketplace. Sometimes the gamble pays off, other times it does not. They are the ones that have to sort it out and clean it up too.


Of course, hindsight is always 20/20.

Edited by Andryah
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If they aren't financially viable they should just say so. But they are selling this change based on it being for our own good, which it really isn't. On Gav Daragon I've not had much trouble finding groups at peak hour, merging with the other two would alleviate that further. Forcing me onto a NA server with higher latency (and having to change ALL my character names which is upsetting as I've had them since day one of APAC servers) isn't improving my gameplay experience. If it is a financial necessity then I have to accept it, but that isn't what they are saying.


In short if it isn't costing them money, we should have the option of keeping a single APAC server.

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I see it slightly differently. They cared too much.... such that they took a business risk and put in localized servers for them last year on the speculation that APAC had a sustainable player population. That risk backfired on them, leaving a difficult mess to clean up. The safe play would have been to defer any consideration of APAC localization until at least a year after launch.


Someone at Bioware, probably the same people that went the route of 200+ small population servers at launch, made a large mistake in ever committing to localized servers for APAC. Now they have to clean up the mess, just like they had to last year for US and EU.


It happens. Companies take risks and make mistakes. It's what companies do in a competitive marketplace. Sometimes the gamble pays off, other times it does not. They are the ones that have to sort it out and clean it up too.


Of course, hindsight is always 20/20.


They should have never put APAC servers in the first place. There aren't enough people to justify placing servers in that region. If any thing out this mess other companies will refuse to localize their servers in that region.

Edited by Knockerz
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Yes, MDN people including myself who discussed with the OP on Vent the creation of the Consolidated APAC Concerns thread.


And one of the options on the table that we would have been OK with back then was transfers to a US server.


Don't try to rewrite history that merger was what we wanted from day 1 because it wasn't.


For the majority of us it is though - why is this so hard to understand.


The petitions nearly at 600 already - which I would imagine is well over half the APAC population (granted im not sure if all who signed the petition are in fact APAC members)


And this is a double slap in the face if you didn't want server mergers in the first place.


In an ideal world bioware would have merged the 3 APAC servers into one APAC server, while offering free server transfers to affected players to whatever destination server they wanted and allowing free transfers to the revised APAC server.

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They should have never put APAC servers in the first place. There aren't enough people to justify placing servers in that region. If any thing out this mess other companies will refuse to localize their servers in that region.


Imagine if BW had thought about actually advertising that they had APAC servers?

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They should have never put APAC servers in the first place. There aren't enough people to justify placing servers in that region. If any thing out this mess other companies will refuse to localize their servers in that region.

Questionable, Australia has one of the highest rates of video game purchases per capita, meaning there are a lot of gamers here. Had they actually bothered to advertise we may be in a different situation now. Not to mention the 'not enough people to support a server financially' argument is pure speculation.


They could at least have trialed a merged server to see how it went.

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I've directly linked actual torstatus.net data for the servers you decided to compare and that data does NOT support your contention.



Master Darnala isn't being migrated to those servers, it is being migrated to The Bastion. the other servers population is therefore irrelevant. You are also forgetting the time difference. Tor status doesn't show me numbers, only a load. And trust me the bastion was "light" during prime time when those screens were taken.



In addition:

Source: http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=6061872&postcount=4261


Which also does not support your contention.


So it is logical, in the face of multiple unreleated data sources that contradict your claims, to conclude you cherry picked screenshots to support your demand to Bioware, rather then present any objective factual information.


This is the reason for the thread, that statement is clearly shown false by the screenshots.


But by all means, keep trying to argue facts without understanding the topic, I'm sure everyone else finds it as amusing as myself.

Edited by Yndras
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I know alot of folks are bummed, but as a player on the Bastion who tends to play late enough in MMOs to run into Aussies, etc. I welcome you. Only on the weekends am I up past say 1-2 am PST, but we have plenty of action although it does get light late at night(only one fleet per side).
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Questionable, Australia has one of the highest rates of video game purchases per capita, meaning there are a lot of gamers here. Had they actually bothered to advertise we may be in a different situation now. Not to mention the 'not enough people to support a server financially' argument is pure speculation.


They could at least have trialed a merged server to see how it went.


it STILL has a smaller population then the state of California

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Server stability is already horrid, with this merger it will be even worse. Common sense seems to be lacking within the leadership cast of EAware. They seriously need to re-examine this and add more servers to help with the server instabilities instead of dropping them!
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If they had just merged all the APAC servers into one, then 2/3 of you would be complaining that you cant play on your server type anymore. For example, if the only APAC server was a PvE server, the PvPers would be complaining that they're on "care bear" rule sets and the RPers would be complaining that RPing is impossible when 2/3%+ of the player base isnt interested in role playing.


There was no perfect solution for you guys. No matter what decision Bioware made, there was going to be a serious downside to it. Going to have to live with it or just move on to a new game/hobby.

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If they had just merged all the APAC servers into one, then 2/3 of you would be complaining that you cant play on your server type anymore. For example, if the only APAC server was a PvE server, the PvPers would be complaining that they're on "care bear" rule sets and the RPers would be complaining that RPing is impossible when 2/3%+ of the player base isnt interested in role playing.


There was no perfect solution for you guys. No matter what decision Bioware made, there was going to be a serious downside to it. Going to have to live with it or just move on to a new game/hobby.


Ya, everyone wanted a merge and it looks like everyone is moving on to a new game. Nice move BW. Didnt have to be this way.

Edited by Thornsbane
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