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Emperor Palpatine's Future In Star Wars


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If you take into account the EU that is, if you go by just what the movies show...then yes Anakin did complete the Prophecy. However...who says that Anakin didn't complete the Prophecy anyway? Just because Palpatine came back, doesn't mean that balance wasn't brought to The Force if only for a time before darkness comes again.
That's just it, it just makes the whole symbolic act lose a lot of its weight because the guy comes back a few years later... I also don't really see what positive aspects it adds to the Star Wars universe. Paired with yet another superweapon - the World Devastators - it seems like some sort of Infinities Universe gone wrong.
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That's just it, it just makes the whole symbolic act lose a lot of its weight because the guy comes back a few years later... I also don't really see what positive aspects it adds to the Star Wars universe. Paired with yet another superweapon - the World Devastators - it seems like some sort of Infinities Universe gone wrong.


What's wrong with World Devastators? There can't be more superweapons now? Though they weren't really impressive as it took months, to actually destroy a planet and they were more easily destroyed compared to the Death Stars.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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What's wrong with World Devastators? There can't be more superweapons now? Though they weren't really impressive as it took months, to actually destroy a planet and they were more easily destroyed compared to the Death Stars.
Its more the fact that the Emperor's back, and hey looks he's got a new superweapon. Guess killing him and destroying the Death Star was kinda a waste of time... oh well! Really? That;s the best story they could come up with. The Emperor Strikes Back? Again?


I mean, come on, not only is it lacking in originality but its unnecessary and only degrades the value of the movies. Sometimes bringing characters back is worth it, normally these characters are unexplored and with a lot of potential, both for character and there interaction with other characters. The Emperor is not this character, his saga ends in the Original Trilogy when evil is banished from the galaxy, to have evil come straight back and do it all over again - well it speaks for itself really.

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Its more the fact that the Emperor's back, and hey looks he's got a new superweapon. Guess killing him and destroying the Death Star was kinda a waste of time... oh well! Really? That;s the best story they could come up with. The Emperor Strikes Back? Again?


I mean, come on, not only is it lacking in originality but its unnecessary and only degrades the value of the movies. Sometimes bringing characters back is worth it, normally these characters are unexplored and with a lot of potential, both for character and there interaction with other characters. The Emperor is not this character, his saga ends in the Original Trilogy when evil is banished from the galaxy, to have evil come straight back and do it all over again - well it speaks for itself really.


Since when do things, ever end just because the big bad guy dies? Or the Prophecy is done? I mean The Matrix was kinda the same thing, we learn in Reloaded that there were 5 other Ones before Neo, so he wasn't the end all be all guy, it was all a cycle.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Since when do things, ever end just because the big bad guy dies? Or the Prophecy is done?
When the big bad guy comes back and the fans shut the book. :p


No, but really. Yes the saga continues, but going back and doing it all over again isn't how to do it. There are new villains, new prophecies to be explored. Once the hero has overcome the challenge, he shouldn't have to do it all over again, instead it should open up an expanse of new adventures and opportunities. Instead they choose to milk old, done concepts, that's just bad storytelling.


P.S. A lot of DC/Marvel works suck because they do just this.

Edited by Beniboybling
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When the big bad guy comes back and the fans shut the book. :p


No, but really. Yes the saga continues, but going back and doing it all over again isn't how to do it. There are new villains, new prophecies to be explored. Once the hero has overcome the challenge, he shouldn't have to do it all over again, instead it should open up an expanse of new adventures and opportunities. To ignore those possibilities is just bad storytelling.


Well they did so that for a time before Palps came back, and then continued on after he was finished off for good.

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If Palpatine does come back, we may actually see something akin to Dark Empire. This could also tie into the rumors that the plot of Episode VII entails some acolyte trying to build an army.


So let me make a prediction off of this hypothesis.


Perhaps the acolyte is building an army, with Palpatine's spirit acting as an advisor/teacher. Of course Palpatine is a masterful manipulator, so he is just using this acolyte as a tool for his own purposes, most likely preparing him as a vessel for his Essence Transfer technique. Then Palpatine attempts to rebuild his Empire and take revenge on Luke Skywalker.


It's possible, but unlikely.

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In what way exactly did Anakin fulfill the Prophecy, or more to the point, how was the Force 'balanced' by his actions?
He fulfilled the prophecy by destroying his master, Darth Sidious, and returning to the light - restoring the imbalance in the Force that had been shifted immensely to the dark side. Efforts that were undone 5 years later...


There's something nice and complete about that. Which is why I dislike 'Palpatine Reborn'.

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He fulfilled the prophecy by destroying his master, Darth Sidious, and returning to the light - restoring the imbalance in the Force that had been shifted immensely to the dark side. Efforts that were undone 5 years later...


There's something nice and complete about that. Which is why I dislike 'Palpatine Reborn'.


With the last of the Sith Lords dead and his apprentice redeemed to the Light, doesn't that mean that balance swung radically back in the other direction?


II find that idea of the Prophecy incredibly...banal, particularly in light of the fact that the 'Rule of Two' had no mystic significance and was a conscious decision of the Sith


It implies that the Force has a spoiled 3 year olds concept of fairness.


I have 10 toys and you have 10 toys. I throw a tantrum and smash 8 of my toys, so now you should let me smash 8 of yours so that we both have 2 and it's 'balanced'.


I always thought that Luke was the one who brought 'Balance' to the Force in the literal, personal sense. He avoids the rampant passions and cruelties of the Sith, but doesn't go in for the intense navel-gazing and self-denial of the old Jedi.

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With the last of the Sith Lords dead and his apprentice redeemed to the Light, doesn't that mean that balance swung radically back in the other direction?


II find that idea of the Prophecy incredibly...banal, particularly in light of the fact that the 'Rule of Two' had no mystic significance and was a conscious decision of the Sith


It implies that the Force has a spoiled 3 year olds concept of fairness.


I have 10 toys and you have 10 toys. I throw a tantrum and smash 8 of my toys, so now you should let me smash 8 of yours so that we both have 2 and it's 'balanced'.


I always thought that Luke was the one who brought 'Balance' to the Force in the literal, personal sense. He avoids the rampant passions and cruelties of the Sith, but doesn't go in for the intense navel-gazing and self-denial of the old Jedi.

The Prophecy is open to interpretation. Some believe balance means the destruction of the dark side and elevation of the light, others say that there has to be equal balance between the two. I'm not really sure which interpretation is correct, a question I'd like to have answered in the Sequels.
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In what way exactly did Anakin fulfill the Prophecy, or more to the point, how was the Force 'balanced' by his actions?


read Darth Plagueis novel.

there is no room for interpretation regarding bringing balance to the force,it is explained in the novel

Edited by Kaedusz
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I kind of expect him to stay dead, considering The Force (basically the final word in the Star Wars universe) prophesied his death at the hand of the also-dead Vader. I expect him to live on through texts or holocrons, but I think his physical existence is basically over.
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read Darth Plagueis novel.

there is no room for interpretation regarding bringing balance to the force,it is explained in the novel


Well that's a bit of a silly Prophecy then. All that trouble for a Prophecy that actually boils down to, "He'll bring balance to the Force for like, a whole week!" , given all the EU silliness of Palpatine clones and Sith cropping right back up anyway.

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Well that's a bit of a silly Prophecy then. All that trouble for a Prophecy that actually boils down to, "He'll bring balance to the Force for like, a whole week!" , given all the EU silliness of Palpatine clones and Sith cropping right back up anyway.


Not for long. I'm sure most of that stuff will be retconned away. They'll either give the prophecy greater significance by showing how Vader "brought balance to the Force" or do something else that helps to great better connectivity between the EU and films.

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The entire argument that he didn't bring balance is on the assumption that by balance it was meant he would defeat the dark side.


You can just as easily see the prophecy as bring balance to teh force by wiping the Jedi out and hitting the reset button on the order that had grown arrogant and blind, so that the new order could evolve just as the sith had evolved. Which happens regardless of if Sidious lives. THAT is how I interpret it. That was heavily implied by Mace Windu in Ep3 as well. And its just plain more interesting as its ironic. The prophecy was about fixing the Jedi's arrogance through cleansing fire, but they were so arrogant that they fueled the prophecy themselves while assuming they were safe from it.

Edited by Doctoglethorpe
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I'd give Disney my left nut if they went ahead and came out with, you know, new characters and new stories for Episode 7. I don't need a 70 year-old Han Solo and a cloned/reborn/whatever'd Empire. Their stories have been told.


I don't know what it is about Star Wars fans, but not only do they accept, they actually seem to like terrible writing. "I am Palpatine! I have been cloned for the sixth time, but this time I really will beat you!"

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I'd give Disney my left nut if they went ahead and came out with, you know, new characters and new stories for Episode 7. I don't need a 70 year-old Han Solo and a cloned/reborn/whatever'd Empire. Their stories have been told.


I don't know what it is about Star Wars fans, but not only do they accept, they actually seem to like terrible writing. "I am Palpatine! I have been cloned for the sixth time, but this time I really will beat you!"


i'm fine with Han/Luke/Leia appearing as support characters, giving continuity with the previous movies and 'passing the torch' to the new Heroes.


I agree about Palpatine. Ian McDiarmid having a cameo as a Force Ghost or Holocron recording or something would be okay, Cloning and 'Essence Transferring' and other such nonsense not so much.

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Its funny. I would prefer no other original character, and actor, return to the new movies EXCEPT Palpatine. He's the only one thats both interesting enough and involving an actor that's still capable of performing said character without Old Indiana status, to not most likely ruin both the movie and the characters themselves. Original Leia is never gonna be the same after fat old washed up Leia.
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You can just as easily see the prophecy as bring balance to teh force by wiping the Jedi out and hitting the reset button on the order that had grown arrogant and blind, so that the new order could evolve just as the sith had evolved. Which happens regardless of if Sidious lives. THAT is how I interpret it. That was heavily implied by Mace Windu in Ep3 as well. And its just plain more interesting as its ironic. The prophecy was about fixing the Jedi's arrogance through cleansing fire, but they were so arrogant that they fueled the prophecy themselves while assuming they were safe from it.
Yeah, I would agree with you here. The Mortis arc in TCW seems to be saying that balance in the Force is balance between the light and the dark. And with Sidious dead and Luke being the only Jedi left, balance has pretty much been restored (considering their are still dark siders out there.)

Well that's a bit of a silly Prophecy then. All that trouble for a Prophecy that actually boils down to, "He'll bring balance to the Force for like, a whole week!" , given all the EU silliness of Palpatine clones and Sith cropping right back up anyway.
Exactly, accept its not the prophecy that's silly - its the EU crap that comes after. I really don't see how they could have thought bringing back Sidious was a good idea.


However despite this, Ian McDiarmid is my favourite actor, and I'd love to see him return to the franchise in some form. Perhaps in a spin off or perhaps as a Force ghost/holocron, that would be really cool. Just keep him dead.

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However despite this, Ian McDiarmid is my favourite actor, and I'd love to see him return to the franchise in some form. Perhaps in a spin off or perhaps as a Force ghost/holocron, that would be really cool. Just keep him dead.


Oh, I agree, like I said, I'd be perfectly happy with a Palpatine as Force Ghost/Holocron cameo/recurring role. Palpatine is one of my favorite characters and McDiarmid plays him fantastically, even at his cheesiest (UNLIMITED POWERRRR!). Just bringing in the silliness of clones and essence transfers and 'Palpatine is the only villain in Star Wars, forever." would be annoying.

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What would be really the most amazing thing ever though, if anybody has seen House of Cards, imagine a Palpatine version of that. A dark serialized drama that follows Palpatines political maneuverings as both the politician and the sith lord. Would be entirely focused on the politics and scheming rather then the action. Could have fight scenes too, sure, but they would be the rare, character building type not the action fluff that TCWs usually boils down to.


Yeah it will never happen but I can dream. And watch shows like House of Cards.

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