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Say NO to Oceanic server cancellation and YES to merging!


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Bioware is planning on shutting down the Oceanic servers and transferring the populations to the North American servers. When the game was launched there were no Oceanic servers and as a result there was extremely bad lag in the game. PvP was completely unplayable, and many quests were extremely frustrating to play with as a result.


Hey everyone,


I have an update for you on our long term plans for the APAC servers. Before I do that though I want to let you know up front that we still have quite a bit of work to do to make this happen so I cannot provide any timeframes for you today.


We know that when we asked you, the community, for your opinions on what we should do, we received quite a variety of suggested solutions. Some people wanted to be able to transfer to higher populated North American servers, some suggested merging the three existing APAC servers into one large APAC server, and then there were a host of other ideas as well. However, the one common theme from the suggestions, which we heard clearly, is that everyone wants the opportunity to play on higher populated servers. With this in mind, we have evaluated all of the options and determined that the best solution, that will offer the best long term play experience, is to merge the APAC servers with higher populated North American servers.


Getting to the point of being able to merge the servers is going to be a multistep process. First off we need to update our Free Character Transfer System to include the game changes that we have made recently along with the upcoming changes in Game Update 2.0 and the Digital Expansion: Rise of the Hutt Cartel. We will then offer Free Character Transfers to anyone currently playing on an APAC server to a North American server of the same gameplay type, specifically:

  • Mastar Dar’Nala (PvP) will transfer to The Bastion (PvP)
  • Gav Daragon (RP-PvE) will transfer to Begeren Colony (RP-PvE)
  • Dalborra (PvE) will transfer to The Harbinger (PvE)

We will also need to update our server merge technology at which point we will ultimately merge each of the APAC servers into the corresponding North American servers as indicated above. We are moving as quickly as we can to make this happen, but we want to make sure this is a smooth transition, so it will take some time.


Why did we decide not to merge the three APAC servers into one large APAC server? We decided this for two main reasons. 1. The issue in doing this is that two play-styles (PvE, PvE-RP, or PvP) would need to sacrifice their desired play-style in order to have one server with a higher population. We feel that it is important that each player is allowed to continue to play SWTOR in their preferred play-style. Therefore, accommodating all the existing play-styles was a primary goal. By allowing you to move to a NA West server, you will be able to keep your play-style. 2. The move to North American servers better delivers on our ultimate goal of providing the best play experience, with the most possible players, long term.


I will continue to provide updates as soon as I have them. I know the next big question will be “when” and as soon as I have that information to release, I will do so. Thank you for your continued patience on this. I know it took longer than you would have liked but I intend to continue to give you information as soon as I can!





Not to be rude or anything ... but hell no.


There is almost no one playing on the Oceanic PvP server, so merging the PvE, PvP and RP servers into a single PvE-RP one is obviously the best choice. The population will be perfectly adequate once the three servers become merged. The people who still want to play on the PvP server should be given the opportunity to transfer to a different PvP server. Disabling the Oceanic servers will be disasterous for Oceanic gamers due to the excessive lag that we experienced in the old days. The game becomes entirely unplayable due to that lag.


I highly recommend taking this advice and merging all the Oceanic servers into one instead. I have spent a lot of money on this game, and I know that when I log in someday to find that I can no longer play due to the lag, I'd be very unhappy.


It feels good to have Oceanic servers because no major game has ever created Australian servers, but what are the rest of you thinking? Please sign this petition: http://www.swtorface.com/2013/03/are-you-happy-with-asia-pacific-servers.html

Edited by MastaKorgy
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They dont give a rats *** about us

i came back after the break cos of little to no content sub up pay for hut exp pack and this is what i get

sorry the ping you where paying for is going to bad so sad yours truly ea biodrone

this is a *********** joke and a bad one at that

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I'm already playing on The Harbinger at the moment. When I came back to the game a couple of months ago I found 24 people online on one of the starter planets during our peak time. I went over to the Harbinger and there were more than 100. So 4x as many online compared to an Australian server during the Australian peak times.


The only problem I have with this is I had 9 characters on Balborra and so will end up with something like 20 on The Harbinger, some with the same names. Is this going to be possible?

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I'm already playing on The Harbinger at the moment. When I came back to the game a couple of months ago I found 24 people online on one of the starter planets during our peak time. I went over to the Harbinger and there were more than 100. So 4x as many online compared to an Australian server during the Australian peak times.


The only problem I have with this is I had 9 characters on Balborra and so will end up with something like 20 on The Harbinger, some with the same names. Is this going to be possible?


You will have to rename some. Also, you might want to start buying up character slots on Harbinger. Last I checked they were on the GTN for like 150-200K which is not bad at all.

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Thought I would add my voice to this. I am 100 percent against it! My flatmate is considering leaving the game over it. Mostly because we have been bounced around most of the time we have been playing this. We both got a basic game, then got the digital upgrade, then we both tracked down the Collector's edition, and this is what we get for it all?


Once again moved off to another server, where we will most probably have lag and high pings to deal with. I am saddened by this to be honest. The players who really just wanted to be left alone to play the game they loved, were ignored so some could get a shorter cues?! I think that is a bit much to be honest.


I never asked for this, but I have to put up with it or leave a game I really enjoy, and have put a lot of time and money into.


I am also saddened by the fact that they were the first MMO company to make servers in our home nation and we threw that back in their face! People playing Wow have asked for this for years, and never gotten it. We were given it very early, and we spat on it! We should keep them, merge them, whatever come up with a better solution, cause this is wrong.

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Not the first company, funnily enough EA/Mythic put up WAR servers on east coast too at launch. Took about 2 years to be shut down but they where much lower pop then swtor by that time. Got to give EA credit they have tried it twice in Aus now. But they should merge them first, the pop is good on 2 servers and the pvp rule set is useless in this game with all the pvp in warzones anyway.

Make one large pve server for Aus and allow people transfers to the states if they really want, paid or not. I would pay to get my Assassin off MD, as long a server stays active in Aus.

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er probably the minority at this point, but im looking forward to the mrge, even with APAC servers merged into one i doubt you guys could even field 20% of the population of a US server.

At AU launch all of the servers were high pop or full, with only the RP server being an inherently lower pop server. Had the absolute nightmare of content releases that was the transition from 1.2 through to 1.4 never occurred, that would probably have remained the case to this day, if not more so with F2P introduced.


What has happened here is a player base became indecisive due to EA & BW's indecisiveness. A Fortune 500 company that can't make up its mind in an appropriate time frame? The end is nigh for EA as we know it today, and people will be smiling as it sinks into oblivion.

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er probably the minority at this point, but im looking forward to the mrge, even with APAC servers merged into one i doubt you guys could even field 20% of the population of a US server.


Enjoy playing on 300% your current latency, I'll take a guild in a ghost town over population and lag

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There are some very vocal people in this argument on both sides but the majority, from what I gather, want a merger or at least an attempt at one. If this fails to increase pop and whatever other metrics EA is using to monitor the situation then I'm sure most of us would deem it fair we go to the NA servers.
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Just bought the game and started playing today and i didn't buy the game to get lag from a North American server!


Exactly!! The competitive advantage SW:TOR has over other MMOs is the local servers with this removed many will grow frustrated and move on.

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It is clear to me now eaware has their head in the sand. It never ceases to amaze me just how little they really care about what we want and continue to push on us what they want but keep trying to tell us it is what we want. I mean it would be like ordering a big mac but instead you get a turd sandwich yet mcdonalds insists it is a big mac.
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It is clear to me now eaware has their head in the sand. It never ceases to amaze me just how little they really care about what we want and continue to push on us what they want but keep trying to tell us it is what we want. I mean it would be like ordering a big mac but instead you get a turd sandwich yet mcdonalds insists it is a big mac.


Best analogy I've heard on the situation yet!

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Merging their servers with the US ones isn't going to help. If anything just add more servers. So tired of all the server lag coming from too many people in any given location bogging it down. When the game first came out and they had all the servers, there wasn't any lag. Now there is! Is it just me or does anyone else see a pattern?
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