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The 4 Arguments of HIghly Overpowered Snipers


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lol this thread actually made me laugh.


ok if the teams are all full of snipers then guess you quit or swapped class and either way a nerf wouldnt be needed lol


Seriously, there are so many muppits out there that cant play the game skillfully roll every class they think is easy play and because of all these fotm threads same as smah ones so they instantly roll a sniper now so the influx of snipers may not actually be because there over powered but because they saw some threads saying "snipers need nerf there over powered" now roll that class but becasue there will be so many guess means there over powered just because there x % more since 2.0 goes live. lol


you will be able to tell the real sniper from the sniper wannabe simply by they cant play the class as it actually requires more or less every single ability you receive to be most effective compared to some classes that just spam a couple of abilties.


I've played Sniper for a while now (50 on live and fully aug'd WH) and I tried Lethality in 2.0, It only requires 6 abilities to be parsing the highest numbers ;\

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dmg is 10%-15% to high, 35m range is to much 30 m would be fine as it completly take out the ability of a healer to do its job from some safty, entrench reset, roll, cc primarily consits of roots that are not affected by resolve bar values, cover as well disabling all forms of leeps/pulls and on top neglecting range dmg to a high amount. should i go on?


the probloem with snipers is that they do not have one grosly overpowered ability like smash but everythinbg is slightly to good making the whole class grossly overpowered.


What's really funny is that the Good Snipers don't play with Cover that often.

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I agree that good snipers/GS should be very mobile (crouch vs. cover, and notspending a lot of time IN cover); if they're not dropping in and out of cover often and smartly, then they're just doing it wrong.
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dum dum dum

another smash bites the dust

dum dum dum

another smash bites the dust.

and another one gone, and another one gone

another smash bites the dust.


I read this, and couldn't help but sing it to myself to the sound of Another One Bites the Dust.

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I agree that good snipers/GS should be very mobile (crouch vs. cover, and notspending a lot of time IN cover); if they're not dropping in and out of cover often and smartly, then they're just doing it wrong.


Marksman, yes, Leathality which more PVPers that know what they are doing use, not so much.

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Marksman, yes, Leathality which more PVPers that know what they are doing use, not so much.


luckily 99% of all leth-snipers dont use it efficently - and only generate hughe numbers for them selves and me the enemy healer without generating the slightest pressure.

Lethality: again you fail to see where the real problem is, the problem is not takedown, the problem is spamable corrosive grenade which is stupid. However the whiners and QQing people instead of seeing the real problem of sniper class, they come up with some disingenuous assertions about sniper being OP because some melee cannot leap to them.

and thats why no one cares about corosive granate - its great to build big numbers on the final spreadsheet but is as usefull as a tab-doting sorc.

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Well, for me.. Lethality and MM parse equal but Lethality is more mobile so it looks like it'll be the one for me.


Oh, and I just tried Operative in PTS and was parsing 2.6k, I guess i'll run Operative so I don't feel as bad as running Lethality with all the FoTM baddies playing Sniper :)

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Its too early early to determine how snipers or any other class will perform in 2.0. Once it hit live and a month passes (enough time for people to adjust using their class and learn how other classes can perform after the revamped trees) then will talk.


Funny is in all the your sarcastic arguments, you failed to mention snipers lack of mobility and line-of-sight (LOS) as snipers main weakness, which are still the same in 2.0.

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Snipers/Shooters aren't OP at all. It's just that most who play them understand that you need at least some skill to do so well, and make the effort to cultivate same in a vast, stinking, heaving, maggot infested midden-heap of brainless "I R 1337 I 0wnz0rs u n00b, harr-harrr-derp-derp!" lolsmashers.


I'd say this differently. Most who try them fail and go back to their other classes which are easier to succeed with. On the exceedingly rare occasion that I see a sniper in level 50 PVP and on the rarer occasion that they actually do well enough for me to notice them, it's a pretty safe bet that via survivorship bias they're actually a decent PVP'er.

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and thats why no one cares about corosive granate - its great to build big numbers on the final spreadsheet but is as usefull as a tab-doting sorc.


Corrosive Grenade = internal damage aka cant be shielded does also mean Cull will also do extra internal damage making it a meltdown on any class

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I don't understand why you guys are hyping up snipers like the end all be all for 2.0, as I run my Operative on PTS and still owned the **** out of them.


Granted if you have stacked snipers you will be kill immediately if they stun you (so they are high priority targets in PvP more now than ever) but they still have the same weakness, I still hit them for tons of damage out of stealth and with the new charge ability that operatives get you don't have to sneak up on a sniper now, "Just run in back stab, knock down rotation, rotation, rotation, and find the next victim".


Gunslingers and Operative even in 2.0 are easy if you know what your doing and not blowing all your cool downs (make them use all their cc abilities) at the first sign of trouble.


Had to add, teams of snipers are rough if you don't have healers but so are teams of Operatives and scoundrels to.

Edited by Tonev
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I don't understand why you guys are hyping up snipers like the end all be all for 2.0, as I run my Operative on PTS and still owned the **** out of them.


Granted if you have stacked snipers you will be kill immediately if they stun you (so they are high priority targets in PvP more now than ever) but they still have the same weakness, I still hit them for tons of damage out of stealth and with the new charge ability that operatives get you don't have to sneak up on a sniper now, "Just run in back stab, knock down rotation, rotation, rotation, and find the next victim".


Gunslingers and Operative even in 2.0 are easy if you know what your doing and not blowing all your cool downs (make them use all their cc abilities) at the first sign of trouble.


Had to add, teams of snipers are rough if you don't have healers but so are teams of Operatives and scoundrels to.


Indeed, I was parsing nearly the same as Lethality on both Operative and Sniper, Operative losing ranged attacks but I find that reasonable for gaining stealth + self heals. Also the no cooldown on exfiltrate is amazing, even if it takes away a full energy bar by spamming it, it still saves you.


I really don't get why Snieprs are being hyped, I have both Sniper and Operative fully war hero geared and augmented and quite frankly I much prefer operative in 2.0.


EDIT: Also just remembered, with Lethality Operatives get a 30% proc chance on exfiltrate to make kolto infusion free cast and it's a lovely little 4k~ heal with a HoT.

Edited by WaldoA
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Also the no cooldown on exfiltrate is amazing, even if it takes away a full energy bar by spamming it, it still saves you.


Last I played on PTS, you could carry the huttball and exfiltrate. Considering that you can do 6 exfiltrates in a row, that seems a bit OP. Outside of carrying the huttball, I think the exfiltrate is a balanced escape since it consumes a lot of energy.

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Man or girl, you could be at least more ingenious and provide us, snipers, with some entertainment value.


All i need to shut the mouth of any Sniper QQer, is to get down to the details, see exactly where the dude thinks the sniper is overpowered. And guess what, everytime the QQer doesn't even have a clue about what sniper spec he is talking about. All i see is just some crappy rant from a melee or in our case from a crappy assassin that has trouble keybinding his abilities.




Although I gotta say, I'm a bit concerned about how lethality spec will play out. THAT tree might need a nerf. I'm not 100% sure right now, didn't get a chance to play it much on PTS.

Edited by islander
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Man or girl, you could be at least more ingenious and provide us, snipers, with some entertainment value.


All i need to shut the mouth of any Sniper QQer, is to get down to the details, see exactly where the dude thinks the sniper is overpowered. And guess what, everytime the QQer doesn't even have a clue about what sniper spec he is talking about. All i see is just some crappy rant from a melee or in our case from a crappy assassin that has trouble keybinding his abilities.


Wait wait wait wait...ok, at first I was like:yeah the OP have good points, I think snipers are going to be very strong but as an assassin I dont really care, I can take them pretty much 100% of the time(lets say 95% to be sure). I was on the pts and even before the buff to deception I was winning my 1v1s vs snipers.


But now,I know the OP is an assassin and...If I was a cat with 9 life I would kill myself. How can you have any problem with snipers as an assassin?!?! yes some snipers are awesome and can beat stealthers but WTH?!? why would you cry about snipers as an assassin???


Cry about the roll,maybe the stealth detection idk (30 stacks of stealth detect is easy to counter btw) but crying about snipers overall? WUT DA PUK is this?


/facedesk till my forehead bleed

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This was an extremely good post.


I'm a sniper, and have been one since day 2 of early access, but this kid totally invalidated those points.


Because those points suck, and snipers really are OP. in BM gear I was wrecking multiple WHs lmfao.

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Last I played on PTS, you could carry the huttball and exfiltrate. Considering that you can do 6 exfiltrates in a row, that seems a bit OP. Outside of carrying the huttball, I think the exfiltrate is a balanced escape since it consumes a lot of energy.


With the right amount of Alacrity it shoots right back up though, even more so with TA active.

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This was an extremely good post.


I'm a sniper, and have been one since day 2 of early access, but this kid totally invalidated those points.


Because those points suck, and snipers really are OP. in BM gear I was wrecking multiple WHs lmfao.



Just because you can kill people doesn't mean your OP.


On my Sorcerer hybrid spec if I try to play my best I can "Wreck" like all melee classes and Snipers. Does that make me OP?


People really need to stop crying about Sniper being OP, i's really not. I think half of you forget Snipers can ONLY DPS. Just because they can parse highest damage doesn't make them OP.

Even as a sorc, if I could only do half the damage a Sniper does I can still easily win a fight by LOS and healing up. Stop QQing just because your class doesn't do as high damage, each class brings something different to the table, stop trying to get everything. It's you people who ruin MMO's by nerfing every class into the ground and then still crying because your class isn't best.


Snipers get highest damage, but in return they can't self heal, can't stealth, aren't very mobile, pretty lame defensive cooldowns.

Edited by WaldoA
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