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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A possible solution to the server queue problem.


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Why not send PM's to those people on heavy servers that aren't in guilds and ask if you can move their characters to lighter servers? You could offer some sort of incentive to anyone willing to move.


Just an idea.

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Why not send PM's to those people on heavy servers that aren't in guilds and ask if you can move their characters to lighter servers? You could offer some sort of incentive to anyone willing to move.


Just an idea.


You have just described me. This would solve my problem. I hope Bioware considers this.

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I don't see why people keep making characters on servers that have a FULL beside them. When the wait goes from 10min wait (which was more like 3min for me don't know why) to a 60min wait then.....Is it that popular of a time to play or? Look for standard or maybe even heavy if your worried about not finding groups or whatever. Sitting in a 900 position in my queue right now.
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Or you could just send pm's to guild masters and ask them to move servers. You'll make more room that way instead of singling out un-guilded people.



Very good idea. I was just talking to my guild leader a second ago and he said if asked, he'd happily move the entire guild and all the characters to a new server right now.

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I don't see why people keep making characters on servers that have a FULL beside them. When the wait goes from 10min wait (which was more like 3min for me don't know why) to a 60min wait then.....Is it that popular of a time to play or? Look for standard or maybe even heavy if your worried about not finding groups or whatever. Sitting in a 900 position in my queue right now.

1. Because they a lot of them are joining their friends. Bigger server with more people pre-launch = more of their friends joining them on said server.


2. TONS of us were placed on servers by the guild prelaunch system. See #1 (guildies joining us who weren't in the guild prelaunch).


If my RL buddy and I could just pick up and move servers, we would. We've already invested 30+ hours in our characters though. That's sort of a pain in the *** decision to just straight up reroll.

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Why not send PM's to those people on heavy servers that aren't in guilds and ask if you can move their characters to lighter servers? You could offer some sort of incentive to anyone willing to move.


Just an idea.

I was about to make this thread myself, I'm not in a guild at the moment but i'd hate to have to level up a new character (currently lvl 37) just to avoid queues. Offering server transfers would be a godsend.

Edited by Manigma
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It's just a queue. It's the first day. It will clear up on its own if people have patience. Its not the end of the world if you can't get in tonight, and you didn't waste your money. Every MMO ever is like this.


It's day 5-7 for some of us. It's not getting better, but much much worse.

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Why not send PM's to those people on heavy servers that aren't in guilds and ask if you can move their characters to lighter servers? You could offer some sort of incentive to anyone willing to move.


Just an idea.


I dont understand why it matters if someone's in a guild or not? Some people still have tons of friends on a server, but choose not to be in a guild for specific reasons. And furthermore if you are that 'turned off' by que times that you are suggesting other people move, shouldn't you be willing to move first?

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Also, SR has already stated that these queue issues will not alleviate anytime int he foreseeable future. This is a fix that would work now.


That's why this is a request, not a forced move idea. If you aren't in a guild, you would be asked and have the ability to say no.

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They said they have "no ETA" on server transfers yet, so apparently they are trying to figure out how to implement this very service. It would seem they didn't think to do this before launch, and must have thought it was not going to be a problem.
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They said they have "no ETA" on server transfers yet, so apparently they are trying to figure out how to implement this very service. It would seem they didn't think to do this before launch, and must have thought it was not going to be a problem.


I doubt that. They are probably just waiting for server populations to stabilize.

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I doubt that. They are probably just waiting for server populations to stabilize.


this is the quote


"Character transfer is a common request for these servers. The ability to transfer your characters is being worked on, but there is no ETA on when it will be available."


That's what it seems to mean to me. Do you think they are intentionally not letting people who want out of these servers a way out?

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If you think they don't have the ability to move accounts from server to server right now, you're wrong. They're just trying to figure out the fairest and most cost effective way to do it.


What I'm offering here solves the fairness part, now they just have to find a cost effective way to implement it.

Edited by Elfa
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If you think they don't have the ability to move accounts from server to server right now, you're wrong. They're just trying to figure out the fairest and most cost effective way to do it.


What I'm offering here solves the fairness part, now they just have to find a cost effective way to implement it.


This ^

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