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Marriage and Kids.


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This is something I found in the General Discussion, and I do think it does seem like something which could be a nice expansion. It's even hinted at the last companion conversations that they'll be with you forever, wether that means having kids in the future etc...


So yup, I do think this could be a nice expansion. On top of that, once you've gone through all conversations with your companions, they pretty much become errand boys and girls.

Edited by Swedguy
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I would like to see an expansion of the current or future romances with the companions you already have with you. I do know that the storyline is different depending on the past and present choices we make but the storyline at this stage feels incomplete after you had reached level 50.


Perhaps there should be random daily missions that your companion could take you into an adventure to work together and save the world, spending time together and enjoy the impressive dialogue and storyline. That's what made SWTOR where it is today.


Mind you the same gender relationships would be interesting as well, but I'd like to see a good update on this in the near future.

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I would like to see an expansion of the current or future romances with the companions you already have with you. I do know that the storyline is different depending on the past and present choices we make but the storyline at this stage feels incomplete after you had reached level 50.


Perhaps there should be random daily missions that your companion could take you into an adventure to work together and save the world, spending time together and enjoy the impressive dialogue and storyline. That's what made SWTOR where it is today.


Mind you the same gender relationships would be interesting as well, but I'd like to see a good update on this in the near future.


I agree. It really did feel incomplete, especially with them saying that they would be together, and even having children. I do think they should expand on that since it did feel, as said, incomplete, and it could also be a nice feature.

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I agree. The storylines need to be expanded upon, especially if you reach max affection with a character you romanced, and reached the assumption of marriage with them. A furthering of the storyline would solidify the relationships, be they romance or friendship, and make the post 50 game more interesting. Along these lines, I think there needs to be an expansion of the Class storylines, post 50 as well, otherwise the game really becomes just another grind.


I'd also love to see same gender romances be enabled, simply because I have characters whose personalities I've developed for them oddly, make them a more viable choice for a different companion being a romance option. In example: My male (human) IA is fairly by the book, and very much a pro-Empire patriot. He like Kalyio, but doesn't fully trust her, suspects her motives, ect. Conversely, my female (Rattataki) IA became an IA purely for the free license to deceive, cheat, and kill. She and Kalyio are on the same page, so to speak. Yet as current romance options stand, My female cannot romance Kalyio, even though she'd be the better match, RP wise, nor could my male romance Vector, though likely, he'd be far more compatible with Vector, than with Kalyio.

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On the note of having kids with the companion, while I won't say I am against that, I will point out there would likely be complications in such a thing.

I mean, Jaesea talks about giving your (male) sith warrior all the children her body can squeeze out, but if she's talking to Twi'lek or (eventually) a Cathar sith, a huge question mark hangs in the air if humans and some of the alien species can even interbreed?

Then there's how companion customizations might/should effect the kid. My black bounty hunter married and knocked up a black Mako.

So why're our kids white as bread?


There's also time issues to consider, most of the Old Republic storyline seems to occur within a span of two years right now, (if not one), and your don't even get to sleep with your first companion until somewhere around the half-way point, if not further, assuming you were hitting all the dialogue choices that boosted their affection from the very beginning.

So, possibly by the time of the Hutt Cartel's rise, you or your companion are only just realizing their pregnant.


I would like to say I support expanding on NPC relationships, including homosexual relationships as well.


I had suggested once for a mini-mission that your romanced companion could give you a quest, while on the ship (possibly with them specially appearing in your bedroom) to ask for some time together.

Then the mission hilariously takes place entirely in the ship as you run between all of your companions, one-by-one and try to convince them to leave for a bit.

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If you did not get it: in SW all races are compatible.

Win to Unix, Unix to OS2, OS2 to Win.

You can even roll the bed as you with a Hutt.


Yes, 2x black = 1 white.

2 negatives make a positive? (jk)


IRL here in Belgium a white couple had a BLACK negro child, curly hair, the whole shabang.

Man thought he was cheated upon, but DNA pointed him as 'absolute' father.

Seems that, in the past, the female had negroid ancestors.


In your negroid male/negroid female, it could be a DNA error (pigmetation flaw, somewhat like Albino), or that she had paper-white ancestors.

Perhaps one of you was exposed to some experiment, a toxic, or a radiation with strange result.

Who's to say?


If your kid does not have 3 arms, 2 tentacles and a worm body, be glad.

Naga Sadow did far worse, y'know.


As for the topic: yes, marriage would be cool, but not to NPC.

As NPC's are entirely 'teh dumborz' and lack any form of AI, marrying a companion would be uberly moronic.

Hell, then you better marry an R2-D2 with disconnected power.

Or a 3PO.


I do see marriage to players as add-on to RP value, I guess...

My wife too is in-game, would be nice to remarry her....

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If you did not get it: in SW all races are compatible.

Win to Unix, Unix to OS2, OS2 to Win.

You can even roll the bed as you with a Hutt.


Yes, 2x black = 1 white.

2 negatives make a positive? (jk)


IRL here in Belgium a white couple had a BLACK negro child, curly hair, the whole shabang.

Man thought he was cheated upon, but DNA pointed him as 'absolute' father.

Seems that, in the past, the female had negroid ancestors.


In your negroid male/negroid female, it could be a DNA error (pigmetation flaw, somewhat like Albino), or that she had paper-white ancestors.

Perhaps one of you was exposed to some experiment, a toxic, or a radiation with strange result.

Who's to say?


If your kid does not have 3 arms, 2 tentacles and a worm body, be glad.

Naga Sadow did far worse, y'know.


As for the topic: yes, marriage would be cool, but not to NPC.

As NPC's are entirely 'teh dumborz' and lack any form of AI, marrying a companion would be uberly moronic.

Hell, then you better marry an R2-D2 with disconnected power.

Or a 3PO.


I do see marriage to players as add-on to RP value, I guess...

My wife too is in-game, would be nice to remarry her....


I'm trying to decide if the last part is sweet or just sad.

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My ship is not big enough for kids and I doubt my ship droid has the proper programming to help raise kids.. :eek:


As long as the child lines are entirely optional for those of us who don't like kids (or the child models in this game *shudder* the horror...) or don't envisage our characters have babies at all or any time soon.


Companion based dailies would be a far better and more likely idea, in my opinion.

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I'm trying to decide if the last part is sweet or just sad.


How it is sad? I mean some lovers are such geeks, they get their characters married in about every game they play together, even if they're married in real life.


Also, guy whose name I cannot remember, thank you for the enlightening post. Though I will say I was just using the "two black parents having a white child" more as just an example than to be literal. I do know human and Zabrak are compatible and produce their own group, and Sith were a pretty strong possibility since apparently, 97% of the Sith Empire possesses detectable levels of Sith DNA, but everything else did seem up in the air.

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there is already a Legacy family tree that includes companions but makes no attempt to include the story and relationship you spent 50 levels building with them, disconnected and incomplete systems are what we have and its unrealistic at this point to expect them to be fixed any time soon, especially if it lacks an opportunity to use a CM item for cash!


There was such a lot of fuss made over the legacy and like a lot of things its really just a place holder for simple buffs and minor rewards, anything of value is cash/creds and a legacy level, maybe it will continue to grow but I wouldn't count on it

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  • 2 months later...
I agree. The storylines need to be expanded upon, especially if you reach max affection with a character you romanced, and reached the assumption of marriage with them. A furthering of the storyline would solidify the relationships, be they romance or friendship, and make the post 50 game more interesting. Along these lines, I think there needs to be an expansion of the Class storylines, post 50 as well, otherwise the game really becomes just another grind.


I'd also love to see same gender romances be enabled, simply because I have characters whose personalities I've developed for them oddly, make them a more viable choice for a different companion being a romance option. In example: My male (human) IA is fairly by the book, and very much a pro-Empire patriot. He like Kalyio, but doesn't fully trust her, suspects her motives, ect. Conversely, my female (Rattataki) IA became an IA purely for the free license to deceive, cheat, and kill. She and Kalyio are on the same page, so to speak. Yet as current romance options stand, My female cannot romance Kalyio, even though she'd be the better match, RP wise, nor could my male romance Vector, though likely, he'd be far more compatible with Vector, than with Kalyio.


I agree. It really did feel incomplete, especially with them saying that they would be together, and even having children. I do think they should expand on that since it did feel, as said, incomplete, and it could also be a nice feature.


Yeah I do agree with you both. However what I expected in this expansion was more expansion on the current companion dialogues but there was no reaction to any of them except when jumping into a new scenery. With that being said, HK51 in my opinion was a let down before Makeb and now during throughout it there was no real dialogue in terms of the RP side of things.


In terms of the current expansion, yeah we level to 55 and meet an interesting chick on the Republic side that we could fall in love with but there was no reaction made by the companion you're already dating or married to. Slightly annoyed about that, unless this was intentionally left as a cliff hangar for a side effect later on after that storyline was complete. Furthermore, the Sith storyline was definitely interesting for a male relationship.


Mind you though whatever is happening with you and your companion is still incomplete. Not much to go by except hypothetical reasoning implying that the relationship is still happening and this is what is going on. I only just hope that in the coming new content either throughout this expansion or the coming next expansion there would be more storyline and dialogue added between you and your companion, and crew. The storyline is what got me so hooked in with.

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this is something i found in the general discussion, and i do think it does seem like something which could be a nice expansion. In fact, there are others who think this would be nice. And it's even hinted at the last companion conversations that they'll be with you forever, wether that means having kids in the future etc...


So yup, i do think this could be a nice expansion.


chapter v: The offspring

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