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10 Good
  1. Still no service, nor, apparently, any official word. And it is now 1:30 pm Pacific Time. ***?!
  2. While the feasibility of add ons such as DPS meters and the like can be debated endlessly, the types of add ons I personally would LOVE to see, would be those that assist in Role Play. A Major one would be the ability for Player Created Quests that can be set to be offered to anyone, guild members only, and friends only. Obviously, Bioware is NOT going to spend time and money for something like this, though IMHO it would rally assist with RP. Another one would be the addition of in game, viewable character profiles. Something that could be viewed upon inspect, such as a tab on the 'character' page that allowed a player to write a brief history and/or description of their character, and their character's personality, that as previously mentioned, could be viewed when doing an 'inspect' of the character in game.
  3. I agree. The storylines need to be expanded upon, especially if you reach max affection with a character you romanced, and reached the assumption of marriage with them. A furthering of the storyline would solidify the relationships, be they romance or friendship, and make the post 50 game more interesting. Along these lines, I think there needs to be an expansion of the Class storylines, post 50 as well, otherwise the game really becomes just another grind. I'd also love to see same gender romances be enabled, simply because I have characters whose personalities I've developed for them oddly, make them a more viable choice for a different companion being a romance option. In example: My male (human) IA is fairly by the book, and very much a pro-Empire patriot. He like Kalyio, but doesn't fully trust her, suspects her motives, ect. Conversely, my female (Rattataki) IA became an IA purely for the free license to deceive, cheat, and kill. She and Kalyio are on the same page, so to speak. Yet as current romance options stand, My female cannot romance Kalyio, even though she'd be the better match, RP wise, nor could my male romance Vector, though likely, he'd be far more compatible with Vector, than with Kalyio.
  4. So I logged in yesterday and found out the level 43 chest pieces have been removed from the Cartel Market and I must say I am VERY UNHAPPY about this . Yes I understand they didn't have matching items to go with them, which possibly was a common complaint, but instead of removing them altogether, why not ADD the matching pieces? Either as sets or as spate items for mix and match? Would have made a lot more sense to me. This removal has completely ruined the look I was going to use for my Sith Assassin, especially considering that as a light armor user, only the adaptive armor had the look I wanted with the ability to be light armor. The only reason why I hadn't bought the chest piece I wanted (along with the set I had planned to mix and match it with) was because my character is far too low to wear them, yet. BRING BACK THESE ITEMS!. Or... bring them back as sets. Oh and GET RID of the ugly Sand People set. NO ONE LIKES IT! I've not seen a single person in game, on either of the two servers I play on, wearing it. Yet I saw a lot of people wearing the level 43 items...
  5. AGREED! I would love to have an option for the hood on my robes to be up or down AND to not have my helm automatically lower the hood... ALSO, Why not have the option to have the helm display under the hood? I rather like the hood up, rebreather mask helm (for sith) look... or hood up and mask (faceplate) of the helm displaying underneath. Making all these options available, Hood Up/Down Hide/Show Helm Hood up/ Facemask Visible, Hood down, helm hidden, ect would be awesome.
  6. It'd be much more feasible to have something like this on the screen instead of just in the chat bar, especially when you have a response to make, but didn't get to read half of what the NPC said before making your decision. I'm not dyslexic, but I do read slow, likely because I pronounce all the words in my head, much the same way as if I were reading aloud, and I too either miss half of what is being said or have to constantly restart conversations because I missed something. and I also love the idea of either a universal translator or the ability to just mute the NPC altogether and give me enough time to actually read everything before it continues to the next paragraph. I love the idea of being able to tab to indicate that I am done reading and am ready for the next part to display.
  7. Sheeldon, you said "3. an achievement system - the codex is complete crap i speak for most players when i say we want bragging rights and achievement system can add that say player 1 looks at player 2 achievements he has an achievement that's really hard the other guy would be inspired to go out and do something different than he normally would." Personally, I disagree vehemenently! All Acheivement systems do is encourage people to grind the same zones, the same dailies, the same BS day after day after day... just to earn some stupid title. The daily grind to gain an achievement! PFFT that was one of the BIGGEST reasons why I quit playing WoW! Speaking for myself personally, I HATE GRINDING! What do I love? STORY DRIVEN CONTENT! I would much rather see more story driven content, ESPECIALLY additions to the class stories after you reach level 50!
  8. I once grouped in a normal FP with someone who continually need rolled on everything that droped that was blue or purple. We ended up having to kick him out of the FP. Frankly, IMHO while it should be possible to roll greed on any itme that drops in a FP, Op, or Heroic, rolling need on prototype (blue) quality items and above, should be limited to only the player whose class can actually use the item. IE if a Sith Inquisitor chest piece drops that is a prototype (blue) item, then ONLY a Sith Inquisitor can roll NEED on that item, but ANYONE could roll greed or Dissasemble. As far as the nodes / chests, I've tried to loot a node while my companion is fighting the mob, and guess what? I COULDN'T until the mob was dead. I tried single clicking and double clicking the node. Every time I've attempted this, I've failed and it really sucks to have some jerk run up and steal the node while I am fighting the mob(s) that is (or are) guarding it. While this happened occassionally before FtP was released, it has definately increased since the FtP was introduced. Something else that has increased is other players attacking the mob(s) in the same group as what I am fighting. Thhis especially happens in areas where there are certain mobs where a certain number of a certain type are required for a quest. There should be some kind of lock that prevents another player engaging mobs in the same group, after they've been engaged by another player. I mean it is pretty obvious that if 4 mobs are standing around together, they are part of a group that will attack the player together.
  9. So my friend and I have noticed something, there is a LOT of gear the we love the skin of, the basic design of a set of armor, or a chest piece, or what not, but absolutely DETEST the color!. We've said we'd absolutely LOVE to have armor that was colorable. Specific armor that displays in plain monochromatic tones (white/grey/black) to show the design features (ie 'tiger' or 'jungle' stripes on BH armor) that can be colored by the player, with say, up to 3 different colors of their choice (ie, again the 'jungle striped' armor in tones of say red, white, and black, OR blue, gold, silver.) Another idea to allow for color changes would be a single use kit, that allows a player to modify the color of their existing item (again with a limit of up to 3 colors, to allow for multi-colored armor designs.) a Third option would be the ability to change the color(s) on an existing item one section at a time, (ie primary, secondary, and thrid segments) individually (or all at once) but the price goes up (or down) depending upon if you choose to change just 1 section, 2, or all 3 (allowing the player to change which section(s) they dislike and keep those they do, and pay based upon how many options they take. The ability to color our gear to our own tastes, adds a GREAT AMOUNT of cusomization to our characters. I've seen many variations of armor coloring in many different games and it is always a hit with the players!
  10. I would love to see something like this that is story driven and class specific. though I agree that the instance should scale to the player character's gear (W/O the ability to swap to a higher level of gear after entering the instance.) I ALSO think it'd be GREAT to have a HARD MODE VERSION where you could take not just one companion, but all of them (or at least 3 to 'full group' size.) I find it really sad that most players only run with one favorite companion, and sometimes a second favorite companion, usually the one that does them the most good. In example, as a Sith Warrior (Marauder) I tend to run with Quinn, for his heals. Sometimes I will run with Jaesa, just because I love (Dark) Jaesa. But I hardly ever use Vette, Pierce, or Broonmark, because I simply have no use for them.
  11. I think many people would love to see more playable races added. I've heard this time and time again from friends and in General chat channels in game. Cathar have been mentioned, as have Torgutas (spelling) and Naudalans (spelling?) I've also heard Echani mentioned (though there are people making very light skinned humans and RPing them as Echani. The SWG name drop really sucked, sorry, had to be said. SWG is a totally different game published by a completely different company. Bioware could not legally take game play features from that game and add them to this game, it'd be a copywright infringement. Though I have to admit, I personally do not like the way the space missions are currently operated.
  12. I agree cmpletely. The whole reason why Ashara comes to you in the first place is because she is very passionate and follows her passions, which is actually following the Sith Code "There is no peace, there is passion..." It would make much more sense for her to be able to be influenced to the dark side in story dialouge (or left light sided,) much the same way that the Sith Warrior Companion Jaesa can be. I see a lot of similarities in the two companions in that they both started out as Jedi Padawans, but now follow a Sith Master. Ashara is now a Sith Apprentice, she should be able to be turned to the darkside by her Master. While I don't know if there are any Jedi companions that start out dark, if there are, they too, should be able to be turned from their prior 'side' to the side their new Master follows (or left dark sided if their master is a dark Jedi.) Really any companion that is an APPRENTICE / PADAWAN to your Sith or Jedi, they should be able to be influenced by their Master to the side (dark or light,) that their Master is. It just makes sense within the scope of the game and of the Lore.
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