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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

It's been fun!


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Hello everyone. This game is/was a lot of fun and I am not trying to make a bitter "puh-bye". Just to post a view on the general feeling and so on.


First and foremost, thanks for making the game. It provided us a lot of fun for a long time. It was worth the time and money spent (2 x sub from the beginning + 2 x Makeb pre-order).


I stopped by less than a week ago (forums) to see the direction this game is going to. Today I decided to check again. Besides that, I haven't logged on for about three weeks. Now I have a strong feeling we will not play after Makeb for various reasons, time consumed being one and us being all-in kind of players. We'll be dropping our subs after we are done with Makeb and then we'll see what the F2P has to offer after Makeb.


Don't get us wrong Bioware, we like the game, we really do. I do not have other MMORPG experience and here I became a progression raider quite quickly. Hard core if you will. I leveled 6 alts to 50 rather quickly, geared them all to pretty much latest gear (most with loot instead of crafting). Loved the process. Then I got bored of the process and I am guessing that is something everyone goes through with MMORPGs.


As for problems: Largest issue for me, as a MMORPG newbie is the F2P combination with subscriptions. I don't see it as a success from customer point of view. I see it bring a lot a cash to your end, and that is awesome for a flopped title. However, from our perspective, when we see more efforts to bill extra money from subscribers, we have felt your efforts in contrast to our subscriptions are a disappointment. Other big problem for me was, which I guess is a problem with all the games of the genre: I get bored grinding one operation for fiscal quarter twice or thrice a week.


We'll be lurking around.


Until that. Thanks for all the fish.





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I honestly wouldn't blame you. I just recently subbed back a week ago and already I'm feeling bored. Not to mention, I still see bugs that were around when I left 4 months ago and our server (Harbinger) facing serious issues that should have in no way happen.


Recently, I've subbed to WoW also and quickly I have been having more fun there than here. I still like this game for PvP though, and honestly making alts in this game is just getting repetitive and boring. A lot needs to be done that it already has to make this game more enjoyable again.

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well sorry to hear your disappointment but good to see a NON-whine about the game. You get two thumbs WAY WAY up. :D


But on another note BECAUSE you subbed you will get Preferred Status, which is an upgrade of course from Free with bonus server unlocks. Cheers and hope to see ya around :D

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I am on the wind down also. I have played this game since as early as possible on live and a few months before that as a regular tester in beta. Some may argue, "you are just burned out",...but that is not the case. Like you OP, I still like the game, but watching it come to life and lose its soul has been hard to deal with. I knew when it went F2P my days would be numbered.


I have stuck it out with a false hope the CM would be nothing more than fluff...but the slippery slope is approaching infinity {a vertical line}. I made the same mistake here I made in STO and SWG {left when the card game came out, but was there from its beta until then} before that....I invested way too much time developing my personal infrastructure....only to watch it become meaningless. I left STO before it went F2P mainly as they sold out to the Chinese. I may have stuck it out there a tad longer otherwise.


In my opinion the game has become a carnival act {with psychedelic color crystals to match}...it just does not feel like Star Wars anymore. I realize the original vision of the game is gone for good and I need to acceot that fact....and the fact that most did not like it. Perhaps had the game lauched in a better economic environment less would have pissed and moaned about a measly $15 a month.


Anyhow, while our views differ OP, I do feel you...and wish you well. I am likely just going to chill until something else comes along. But am fully aware that they will likely all be F2P cash grabs that prey on that type of impulsive psychology that cannot help itself. Some would argue, "this had to happen the save the game"...I would rather it would have just shut down instead of what it has become.

Edited by Urantia
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Can I have your stuff? Message me.


Just transforming to F2P/Preferred status player after Makeb. I can still enjoy my shinies whenever I log on -if I log on. However, if you are on the Red Eclipse (iirc my server) and I haven't logged on for months, I'll try and log on to give you my stuff. :)


On other note: Whoever is adamant on quitting due to discontent and deletes characters is not what I'd call a sharp pen. Unless of course the result of gaming damages real life and one is hopeful the addiction is not transferred to something else after deleting, hih. Then I understand it.

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I still enjoy the game and will keep my sub. I will say though that I am watching things carefully as I do want to make sure my sub is worth what I am paying for it. Sometimes it is about the principle of things. A much discussed item at the moment is the so called barbershop that is coming this summer. As usual, they haven't given full details, probably on purpose to see how people will react to certain things, but it does make me a bit more critical about things.


Personally I've got tons of stuff to do still and I think it's because I didn't become a hardcore raider. I do have a few toons in 61+ gear but haven't spent that much time in EC and TFB HM and the new skins that came with the gree event and the cartel shop (I tend to get them off the GTN) do keep me busy as I like to give my characters a cool look. That is more important to me than having full 63 gear.


Why am I saying this? Well, because it is my impression that people who do hardcore raiding are the ones most in danger of running out of things to do. They tend to burn through content and go for the endgoal and once it's achieved they feel done. And that gives them the impression there is nothing left to do. Don't get me wrong, I am not a casual player. I play 30+ hours a week I am sure but I am not too bothered to get max gear asap.


I do wonder however with Makeb and 2.0 if it will be as easy to get max gear. You might find that it takes longer to get the 72 gear or whatever the new max gear will be. Also the scope of Makeb is unknown. We have no clear idea what will be added with that planet. Will it just be story content to get to level 55 or will it add more? We'll see.


It just seems to me that either you're jumping the gun a bit or burnt yourself out and already bought Makeb so you might as well go for it and then take a step back. Could be interesting to find out whethere Makeb gets you back in, you decide to be burnt out or just needed to take a break from the game. Time will tell I guess :)

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