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Gree even XP Exploit fix FAILED!!!!!


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The OP has every right to point the finger at the exploiters. It does negatively impact the game for him, me and you.


1.) Ilum is over crowded with low level players making it very difficult for players of the appropriate level to find a pylon and the mission


2.) The servers will become bloated with level 50 toons with players behind them that do not know how to play them causing the quality of pugs and queue groups to go through the floor.


3.) Given that ilum is the path of least resistance and that its been promoted all week lower level planets that were designed for the leveling experience will be abandoned. The minority of players that want to play the game as it was intended will not have a vibrant planet with grouping opportunities abound.


4.) Giving people free level 50s speeds them toward running out of content even faster than double xp already does. This will effectively cause population decline as people will get bored with it. Once the novelty wears off on the fast leveling you are left with a game where more than half the content has been made irrelevant.


5.) The lack of effort required to hit 50 being diminished also diminishes the sense of accomplishment a player gets from it. This may cause population decline.


all of this is invalid as an argument. Much of it has already been demonstrated to be false. Case in point, WoW. Going on its 8th year, many, many people with up to 10 or 12 top level characters and its still the largest subscription base in the known world.


This actually will benefit the game, and the dev's know it. This will guarentee that there will be ample people for to play with, level with during the new expansion so that players will have ample opportunity to reach maximum enjoyment of the game (low queue times, class availability, sufficient numbers of crafters, raiders, PvPers etc.)


This is why they are giving us what amounts to (with buffs, four weekends of up to triple XP boost. Do we not think, for one minute, that if this has been demonstrated to hurt or hinder games, they would be doing it? Where would be the motivation for something that was not even on the table to be introduced?

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Oh yeah guys , granting free lvl 50s will drastically increase the "quality" of the lvl 50s we have now. ROFL


i counted over 20 lvl 50 vanguards playing ranged dps on ops pugs...... before the double xp weekends started.

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it seems even after the "fix" they are still able to farm just fine out there... now you need to list it as an EXPLOIT and ban/roll back the people exploiting what you said should not be happening.


i blame this boozo for the servers being down. Just had to open your big yap didn't you



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it seems even after the "fix" they are still able to farm just fine out there... now you need to list it as an EXPLOIT and ban/roll back the people exploiting what you said should not be happening.


Way to go. That a way to mind your own business.

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Oh yeah guys , granting free lvl 50s will drastically increase the "quality" of the lvl 50s we have now. ROFL


i counted over 20 lvl 50 vanguards playing ranged dps on ops pugs...... before the double xp weekends started.


Because Vanguards are actually the only "glass cannon" class in the game. And if you compare them to shadow/guardian tanks, they are sub-par.

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then explain space upgrades...p2W right thar.


They can be bought for less then 100k each on the GTN. Other's can be bought off the vendors. More still can be made with in-game supplied Schematics.


No payer is advantaged here. If one cannot afford them, or acquire them via in-game methods then this is not a case of P2W, but L2P. ;p

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omg i cant believe i have to keep saying this






if you havent done it, do it tomorrow with my combo (which is double xp+max legacy+major exp booster.) and come back to me


I have leveled many toons, and done a LOT of pvp leveling. I like to have capped ranked/regular, and at least 10 weapons. So, I do a lot of pre-50 pvp.


I just finished another toon up this past weekend, and it took me like 1.5 hours to go from 48 to 50 by going to ilum (NOT THE CHEAP WAY), but took like 2.5 hours to get from 47 to 48 with just pvp'ing.


You realize all the perks you say help pvp levelling (or make it "faster") also work doing regular pve stuff?

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They can be bought for less then 100k each on the GTN. Other's can be bought off the vendors. More still can be made with in-game supplied Schematics.


No payer is advantaged here. If one cannot afford them, or acquire them via in-game methods then this is not a case of P2W, but L2P. ;p


You can also save yourself the time and effort by using cartel coins to buy them for instant gratification. That is the advantage you ignore the grinding of fleet comms and dialy comms along with gathering crafting materials. That is P2W.

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I have leveled many toons, and done a LOT of pvp leveling. I like to have capped ranked/regular, and at least 10 weapons. So, I do a lot of pre-50 pvp.


I just finished another toon up this past weekend, and it took me like 1.5 hours to go from 48 to 50 by going to ilum (NOT THE CHEAP WAY), but took like 2.5 hours to get from 47 to 48 with just pvp'ing.


You realize all the perks you say help pvp levelling (or make it "faster") also work doing regular pve stuff?


yes, but the Wz popped up like every 30 sec after another WZ ended and again it took me about 10 hrs to go from 20 to 45 on my merc

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then explain space upgrades...p2W right thar.


The Grade 7 space stuff is available legitimately without paying a single real cent. Putting it on the market actually helped the people that don't want to pay for it because it drove the GTN prices down. Have you looked at the mats to craft those things?


Pay2Win to me, is putting something out that has better stats than anything that can be obtained through playing the game without spending real money.

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The Grade 7 space stuff is available legitimately without paying a single real cent. Putting it on the market actually helped the people that don't want to pay for it because it drove the GTN prices down. Have you looked at the mats to craft those things?


Pay2Win to me, is putting something out that has better stats than anything that can be obtained through playing the game without spending real money.


You don't know what P2W is then. P2W = paying money instead of putting in the work to get the best gear possible. Grade 7 space upgrades are the best available and you can circumvent this by using the cartel market or in game credits. That is exactly what P2W is.

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How exactly is the Ilum powerlevelling bad? If f2p newbies do this, they will likely be more apt to want to do endgame PVP and Ops, buying the weekly passes for them. Hell, this may even encourage them to buy Makeb when it comes out since they'll have a 50, which was the entire reason for the BXPW, isn't it? Who cares if more older players that already have 50's grind another toon to 50. This could even encourage people to cross servers easier, which is better for community. If you didn't do it, how exactly does it affect you? Why should this even have been an issue and why should BW have even bothered with "fixing" something that isn't even an exploit when there are other, more pressing issues to be dealt with?


Again new players are also doing this power-leveling as well. They are they ones we have to group with and them not understanding their toons. People really need to stop saying it doesn't effect the rest of us because it does.

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The bolster also meant that combat experience gained by somebody lower than 50 was still doled out to all group members as though they were level 50. Removing the bolster means that combat experience will be treated like it is in any other quest zone, namely: the 50 will get the lion's share of experience and the lower levels will get virtually nothing.


SO what? Who cares? I knew people where doing this. I didn't complain. Doesn't affect my game, so I don't care. THIS is called "minding your own business".


If it wasn't what the dev's intended, I can see them wanting to fix it, but is it really worth keeping the servers down? I don't think so. 2 hours patch, sure. Now servers have been down for what? Around 8 hours? Let it go.

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Outside of 10-20 or so, pvp is just about the slowest way to level.

If you sit in fleet and do nothing else, sure. You have to use them as filler in between whatever else you're doing (class mission / space combat / flashpoints).


I was getting 48k - 50k experience per warzone for a win, 24-28k for a loss, with an average match being what, maybe 10 minutes? If you're in the PVP queue while you do other stuff, it goes by quickly.

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They can be bought for less then 100k each on the GTN. Other's can be bought off the vendors. More still can be made with in-game supplied Schematics.


No payer is advantaged here. If one cannot afford them, or acquire them via in-game methods then this is not a case of P2W, but L2P. ;p


I haven't seen any grade 7 schematics only the "grade 6" schematics. Where are these Grade 7 schematics you can get?

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If you sit in fleet and do nothing else, sure. You have to use them as filler in between whatever else you're doing (class mission / space combat / flashpoints).


I was getting 48k - 50k experience per warzone for a win, 24-28k for a loss, with an average match being what, maybe 10 minutes? If you're in the PVP queue while you do other stuff, it goes by quickly.


28k or 50k per 10-15 minute warzone is drastically lower than what you can accomplish from grinding mobs or doing quests in pve. Most quests during double exp combined with an exp booster will reward between 14k-30k and take much less than 10 mins to complete. You also get the bonus exp from bonus quests and killing mobs. Plus most quests are usually close to eachother so you knock out multiple quests. Accepting a warzone queue is hindering your leveling not helping.

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