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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Goodbye TOR


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Lol EAWare should care. They're losing another OT customer, just like they did with Urael. They've lost so many OT customers. THey will lose more if they continue down the path of nickel and diming.


I like your sig.


EAware: Soon.

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They make more off the f2p than straight subs there's no question about it. F2p restrictions are such that you simply paying for 4 flashpoint, space, warzone, Section X access passes etc brings in more than the $10s a sub pays after the free cartel coins. All you gotta do is look at the cartel market to draw a pretty good estimate of how that's working out for them. How many packs did one person buy to finally get the Revan mask or the thrones , how many incendias are on the market, Nihlus masks. cartel packs. There's people who "claim" to have spent hundreds trying to acquire certain items and got zilch out of it.


If there's no question about it, show me data. It's easy to make stuff up.


You imagine f2p players are shelling out money for flashpoints and all that stuff. Why do you think they'd pay more than $15 a month for that when they could pay $15 a month and get less posterior bleeding while they're at it?


I can look at the cartel market, specifically the gambling packs, and imagine it takes a grand total of 2 people to produce all that "content" at the pace it's getting produced. Assume they're cheap overseas labor and that's a grand total of maybe $3k/month. The equivalent of 200 subscriptions.


I'm aware there are people who claim to have spent $100's gambling. Every single one was a subscriber. They're also a tiny fraction of the forum posters.


Point stands. Unless you can back up your claim with numbers published by EA, the best you have is a guess.

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If a person plays for a year and a half, that is fine. Forums users rarely realize how much churn there is in these games. People come and they go. It is no indictment on the game. I played EQ 2 on and off for years. Never felt the need to post an overwrought break-up letter when I left.


You are correct, EA should care. They should be proud that a player enjoyed their game for well over a year.


Another one that doesn't get it.


nothing is holding this game together other than the name it adopted From Lucas. It tries to feel and be reminiscent of the Star Wars movies/characters. They missed the mark on so many places. Most of us gave a lot of feedback about it over the past year and a half. Very little has changed. This is not Bioware. It is Mythic. Bioware is still in Edmonton. These guys try very hard I'm sure. But They don't have the skills to create and maintain a solid MMO. It's full of holes and they know it. They didn't know how to design appealing Star Wars gear. We shouldn't have to tell them that the class "Jedi Wizard" is an effing dumb name for a class, or ketchup and mustard don't make cool color schemes for clothing. This is just common sense! They don't know how to draw an organic rock formation, or know how to use textures properly. The use of colors are amateur. From a professional stand point it sucks! But we all looked past it and tried to focus on other things to fall in love with, because we love Star Wars. We see the potential it has but instead they focus on the Cartel Market. Greeeeeeeeeed! Rep grind. gimme money. Doesn't matter what type of currency. Cartel Coins or Credits. Its still insanely expensive. And forget about that other rare thing you get from the packs that you use to buy items from a special vendor with past Cartel items. More money more money more money. No more in game quests, rare drops or special events to gain these items. Now someone has to pay through the nose, somehow to get somewhere. Barber shop in the Market and not in the game for use of in game credits?! Enough! Tell your masters, that they are seriously souring the game more and more until there will be no one of worth to support your dying game if you keep this up. Stop lying to yourself about imaginary success. Most of us see through it all. The only way to make up for all the lost revenue from players quitting is to get those numbers back from the ones that are playing. Seducing us to spend more money than what is deserved to make up for lost money. You are no better than Goldman and Sachs and the conspiracy that surround them.


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Meh...whatever....no such thing as an MMO that NEVER has people leaving. Players leave. It's all a personal choice. BW will do what they can, but at the end of the day, you can't please every single person. Some will leave for good reasons, some for stupid ones (OMG, CC for hair?!?!!) It's just game. Go find one that makes you happy. I'm glad you're leaving. Really, you can't get the heck outta here fast enough. You won't be missed.


I've gladly contributed to your thread in the hopes it gives you a warm fuzzy feeling inside that a thread with your name has grown by one more person. Take that joy with you to your next game.

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oh, this guy is quitting.... I think I saw a livestream or twitch.tv of his once.

This guy has to make a public statement of this type on the forums because he's a youtube director and has 395 subscribers. A public post like this cuts down oh having to repeat himself, to the potential 400 people who might ask him why. He can just link this thread.


It's all in his signature, this is his youtube page:


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People like the OP (good post or not) are simply perceived as attention whores looking for sympaathy thinking the community will miss them and seem to think the community cares about Moe Player leaving when BioWare as most companies have a feedback field when you unsub to tell them why you unsubbed eliminating any necessity to make a thread about it. Also these threads tend to lead to flame wars and get locked pre-emptively.
HAve you even read his post? He didn't even mention his channel, subscribers or anything about making videos to help players. He left the original post strictly about why the game isn't worth coming back to, and specifically left out what he does for the community. That is not typical attention whore posting behavior,


take SirCopperfield for example, two completely different types of people. You've aimed your attention-whore busting cannons at the wrong guy.

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Never felt the need to post an overwrought break-up letter when I left.


Hello, and welcome to the world of quality control and feedback analysis.


Here in the modern age, developers encourage customers to describe why they are unsatisfied with a product, and the input helps the developers more closely relate to the user populace. As a result, developers are able to focus on points that are often brought to light in the customer feedback. This, in turn, allows developers to focus efforts on improving aspects of gameplay that act as a deterrent for continued customer support.

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BW should just add a "Retirement Section" of the forums so those who feel compelled to let a mass group of unknowns read that they are moving on.


We have that. It's the Unsubscribers Thread.


However, we seem to be unable to keep the snowfall contained within that thread specially created for their particular needs. Oh well.

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Hello, and welcome to the world of quality control and feedback analysis.


Here in the modern age, developers encourage customers to describe why they are unsatisfied with a product, and the input helps the developers more closely relate to the user populace. As a result, developers are able to focus on points that are often brought to light in the customer feedback. This, in turn, allows developers to focus efforts on improving aspects of gameplay that act as a deterrent for continued customer support.


True, but not in a /random I quit thread in "general discussion" on a gaming forum.


That is why they have an exit survey. ;)

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BW should just add a "Retirement Section" of the forums so those who feel compelled to let a mass group of unknowns read that they are moving on.
The introductions forum could serve this purpose, if more unsubscribe'rs could think a little outside the box AND realize outro(ductions), fit nicely in the indroductions category
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That is why they have an exit survey. ;)


Except...There is no exit survey. When I removed my credit card from the payment options, I actually didn't even get any confirmation that my payment method had been removed.

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The introductions forum could serve this purpose, if more unsubscribe'rs could think a little outside the box AND realize outro(ductions), fit nicely in the indroductions category


I believe that's not the best of ideas. I'm providing my post as feedback to Bioware - not trying to communicate with other players. Also, it just wouldn't look good for new players to see metaphorical bird poop all over their shiny new metaphorical car.


I realize that a majority of players will contest my opinions and statements contained in this thread. They're not going to change my mind, and I'm not going to change theirs. That's the way it works, and I'm fine with that, as long as my feedback is read by a moderator.

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What are they gunna do? Ban you?


Clever, however, not the point. I don't believe it's a good idea, because people excited about being new to the game shouldn't have to share a sub-forum with why people are upset with the game and leaving. Hence the thing about bird poop and cars and metaphors and dry humor.

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This is a very casual game for casual players, with a few harder challenges sprinkled here and there. I am surprised you played that long and still express any sort of feelings about the fact people are not skilled. Many people don't invest energy or plain hours into getting skills beyond the very rudimentary level it takes to level up. And this game makes it possible. The majority of SWTOR players don't play competitively. They don't think they are good, or bad, or anything. They are just not evaluating their skill level at all.


I wish there were five or ten different "MMOs with lightsabers" designed for different types of players, and clearly labeled too. Or more diverse content within the same game. It does not look financially or technically possible, yet.

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Please don't go! The game won't be the same without you!!!!!!!

Regardless if you're being sarcastic or not, I wish i did not have to. However, the glaring inadequacies are simply too profound to ignore them when your sole purpose is to PVP competitively in an environment which encourages such dedication.


I honestly love the mechanics of this game. The response feels so good, barring the heinous GCD bug. From a purely numbers/nerd stand-point, this game has very solid throughput for role mechanics. For example, as any of the DPS classes, a skilled player can clearly asses the strengths of his/her class and execute devastating results with calculated situational rotations, synergistic skill specs, and careful CD management. Literally every class is lightning in a bottle, even if some have a little more lightning than others.

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Regardless if you're being sarcastic or not, I wish i did not have to. However, the glaring inadequacies are simply too profound to ignore them when your sole purpose is to PVP competitively in an environment which encourages such dedication.


I honestly love the mechanics of this game. The response feels so good, barring the heinous GCD bug. From a purely numbers/nerd stand-point, this game has very solid throughput for role mechanics. For example, as any of the DPS classes, a skilled player can clearly asses the strengths of his/her class and execute devastating results with calculated situational rotations, synergistic skill specs, and careful CD management. Literally every class is lightning in a bottle, even if some have a little more lightning than others.


But there isn't enough SKILL!!!! If only MOAR SKILL was possible. Please provide us with a dissertation on SKILL before you go.


When people like you leave, the game gets better. We have less people in warzones typing in all caps about their skill.


In all seriousness, your post is way too serious. All this talk about how you can't stand it anymore and how no one can play up to your level is just ridiculous at best. In any game that the general public can play (read: any game) you will have varying levels of players across the board. And trust me, there are plenty better than you.


So please...go. Can I have your stuff?

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The majority of SWTOR players don't play competitively. They don't think they are good, or bad, or anything. They are just not evaluating their skill level at all.


I've had numerous players argue with me to the bitter end about how my spec/gearing/playstyle is garbage, and I need to do this-that-and-the-other to get on their level. Then we either meet in a WZ or duel and I completely annihilate them. I've parsed higher numbers in my PVP gear than some people have in their PVE gear, who argue against me using a specialized Pyro spec of mine for PVE.


There is no end to these type of people that believe, just because they are the best in their guild, that they are the authority on my class. Hell, I'm not even trying to say I'm the authority on my class, but at least I know where to start.

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When people like you leave, the game gets better. We have less people in warzones typing in all caps about their skill.


I'm not one of those people. I do call incs in caps, because upper-case text is easier to catch during heated node fights than lower-case. Also, I generally only run with premades from my guild, so we're communicating effectively in our TS3 server.


In all seriousness, your post is way too serious. All this talk about how you can't stand it anymore and how no one can play up to your level is just ridiculous at best. In any game that the general public can play (read: any game) you will have varying levels of players across the board. And trust me, there are plenty better than you.


I completely understand that there are going to be varying degrees of player skill. There might be people better than I am, but I would never know or be able to play with them, because there is no cross-server queues for Warzones. So, I'm limited to the stagnant pool of level 50 players currently residing on the server I used to play on.


So please...go. Can I have your stuff?


No, because you have to earn it. However, I believe that Bioware should be ready to grant you with free supplies and gear, due to the dedication and zealous defense you provide them with ever-so-witty signatures.

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I've had an active subscription since December 17, 2011, and it was fun while it lasted. However, I just don't enjoy the content you have to offer any more. Too many persistent bugs, corporate mismanagement, and lack of cross-server queues has made the domination of the same pool of people for months on end a real bore. I just don't see the point in playing since competitive pvp is in a really bad place, and the 18-month-old GCD bug doesn't help. Every hard mode Operation is one-shottable (in one night), and nightmare mode does nothing to enhance the experience over hard mode - it's just a gear check, instead of a skill check.


Thank you, Bioware, for allowing F2P to inflate your population numbers while allowing people to have an option to contribute absolutely nothing to the game other than their ignorance and lack of skill. The dominant player mentality of, "I just don't see all these bugs you complain about," just goes to show the lack of insight, awareness and experience the game population has to offer. The average skill level of players is sub-par (compared to the 4 other AAA MMO's I've played long-term over the last 15 years) for every aspect of this game. I know how a large majority of players like to think their really good, but mostly...they're just awful. I honestly just sit back and laugh at players 80% of the time when I'm playing...that's how awful.


Get over the pretty graphics rendered by an engine that is so poorly optimized for MMOs that there will never be massive (40+) player battles of any sort (PVE or PVP). Try putting more than 30 players on the screen and watch your game turn to a slide show from ability animations going off from each player, player position tracking, and player status tracking (damage, healing, buffs, debuffs). That's why they took out the Ilum World PVP scenario - it had nothing to do with the mechanics being imbalanced - it was because people with even the best SLI/Xfire rigs couldn't display more than 5-10 FPS. Hell, why do you think Fleet is so laggy? And you're not even tracking 90% of the data that would be necessary while in combat.


The fact that almost no one remains on the development team from launch just goes to show how ridiculous Bioware is with their mismanagement of resources and assets. Hell, even two Bioware founders, Greg Zeschuk and Ray Muzyka, left Bioware as things declined substantially in TOR during early summer 2012. Sorry to burst your bubble, fanboys, but Bioware is now just a mediocre subsidiary of Electronic Arts that made a mediocre MMO on the coat tails of a massively successful franchise.


Both of them cashed in. Read there exit blogs. There goal from day 1 of founding Bioware was to get bought out by a big company and retire. Neither one of them gives 2 ***** about any game much less SWTOR. They were in it for the money. Smart dudes who got rich and got out. Isn't that the point. Make a fortune and retire.

Edited by anfo
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Bummed out PTs are getting balanced in 2.0?


I've tested out the new mechanics and I was really impressed with their changes. I think, if anything, PT's will be more powerful because of increased utility for ALL specs. Annihilation/Watchman will be literally the ONLY spec to provide a hard-counter to Assault/Pyro in 2.0, if everything goes live as-is.


The thing people don't understand is, Pyro PT's were balanced as soon as the PPA proc got a 6sec ICD. Plus, it's all single-target damage. If you're not able to mitigate the initial burst from a PT Pyro, then it all comes down to learning what Pyros can/can't do as a class. They're not hard to kill, you just have to survive the initial burst.

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Both of them cashed in. Read there exit blogs. There goal from day 1 of founding Bioware was to get bought out by a big company and retire. Neither one of them gives 2 ***** about any game much less SWTOR. They were in it for the money. Smart dudes who got rich and got out. Isn't that the point. Make a fortune and retire.


I've read their exit blogs and it reports very nicely to the community. However, they were VERY personally invested into SWTOR, and when it hit rock-bottom in Summer 2012, it broke their hearts. You should go back and read some of their feeds and blogs from SWTOR production, beta, launch and post-launch. Ray Muzyka was especially personally/emotionally invested into SWTOR, all but claiming it to be the crowning achievement of Bioware.


I'm not saying that the rock-bottom low of SWTOR caused them to retire, but it certainly had an obvious impact. It was also the point at which (the new) Bioware announced they would be launching F2P models and the Cartel Market. I don't think either Zeschuk or Muzyka wanted to see SWTOR have to institute a F2P model along with a RMT model. I don't think they were willing to accept that the game was in dire straights.

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The only exception I take to this thread is the elitist attitude of the poster in thinking that there is something wrong with attracting new players to a game. You had a "day 1" on this (and other) games as well, so please practice a little tolerance and maybe even assume the role of mentor to those willing to glean your wisdom.


I have spec "how-to" guides on my Youtube channel which I made publicly available and posted the links to in the appropriate Class forums. I would also help by replying to topics every third or fourth day (not enough traffic to reply every day) in the class forums.


What happens?


Some people appreciate the help, but most people want to argue with me about it. They try to convince me that their spec is the best, because beating on a dummy for 60 seconds is the best way to test PVP specs/builds. Yet they could provide no real-world data from actual duels/skirmishes...and then get roflstomped and complain how the class is broken.

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