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The PvP exploits


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Are the devs even pretending they are working on this... the speed hacks the teleporting and the heal hacks are absurd.


I just fought a powertech and the SECOND he went to 1HP he was instantly at full HP. There is no heal in the game that will heal 21k instantly.. These cheaters need to be flat banned and if they need to shut off warzones to fix them the do it. The cheating is ruining the game.

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Are the devs even pretending they are working on this... the speed hacks the teleporting and the heal hacks are absurd.


I just fought a powertech and the SECOND he went to 1HP he was instantly at full HP. There is no heal in the game that will heal 21k instantly.. These cheaters need to be flat banned and if they need to shut off warzones to fix them the do it. The cheating is ruining the game.


I've seen this happen like 2 or 3 times recently, where you get a player down to almost nothing, and suddenly, BANG, completely full health bar, with no one else around that could have seemingly healed him that fast. I mean it's not like there were three healers around him all casting a heal at once, but that bar zoomed across from zero to full in a bloody instant.


Can someone who is skilled with the Sniper advanced class say whether or not there's some ability that basically restores you to full health with one click?


I will say, this is really ruining the game for me. I really only PVP now for the most part apart from events, so people ruining the PVP experience isn't going to last long.


And how about we get some mechanic that determines if a player or two or three from one side have quit like the sniveling quitters that they are, and if so, temporarily freezes or locks the same number of enemy players so that the existing match is still even, like 5 v 5, or 6 v 6, until new characters arrive? Then as new players show up, release those frozen on the opposite team.


If they aren't going to assign debuffs or titles to these freaks, it's time to change tactics and do something else. Something is going to need to be done about the warzone quitters, or it's eventually going to get so bad no one ever plays a full match.

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Good luck with that, biowares complete disregard with pvp has made me abandon that part of the game. It wasn't the hacks, to be frank i have only seen a few in the 1 year of pvping constantly, but the lack of interest in keeping pvp balanced was what threw me off. Edited by tekhiun
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You know I want to believe all of you, but I NEVER see this happening on my server (JC). i've seen some questionable stuff, but most of the time its just me not aware of the entire situation around me. I know that there are things like speed hax but don't really see anyone using them. So IMO BW is fine on my end, and until I see actual video proof then I don't believe claims to hackers.
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You know I want to believe all of you, but I NEVER see this happening on my server (JC). i've seen some questionable stuff, but most of the time its just me not aware of the entire situation around me. I know that there are things like speed hax but don't really see anyone using them. So IMO BW is fine on my end, and until I see actual video proof then I don't believe claims to hackers.


OK, no problem, you may not believe, after all it doesn't matter if you believe or not. Because you're not some kind of VIP like SirCopperfield or developer, you're just simple forum poster!

Edited by Zjabin
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hi, i play a guardian, and if i had 100 cc for everytime someone told me i was life hacking cause i went from nearly dead to good chunk of hp, id have enough cc for 48 hypercrates:


What i do: Enure+ Wz medpack, that is all


also in your case, it could have been a wz health pick up + medpack, was the player near any of the in game wz health pick ups?

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Good luck with that, biowares complete disregard with pvp has made me abandon that part of the game. It wasn't the hacks, to be frank i have only seen a few in the 1 year of pvping constantly, but the lack of interest in keeping pvp balanced was what threw me off.


Are you fracking kidding me? Ever since release BW has been making changed to balance PvP at the expense of PvE.

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A lot of the people who complain about pvp hacks usually throw the blame to more skilled players...i have myself been accused of using speed hacks just for leap frogging from cover to cover with my sniper, i highly doubt that there are many hacks out there, i pvp pretty much every day and i have never seen anything i thought could be a hack of some sort.


i have once experienced lag issues which me and all my team mates experienced, choppy frames etc then the other team planted on voidstar, this could just be a matter of connection issues though.

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A lot of the people who complain about pvp hacks usually throw the blame to more skilled players...i have myself been accused of using speed hacks just for leap frogging from cover to cover with my sniper, i highly doubt that there are many hacks out there, i pvp pretty much every day and i have never seen anything i thought could be a hack of some sort.


i have once experienced lag issues which me and all my team mates experienced, choppy frames etc then the other team planted on voidstar, this could just be a matter of connection issues though.

fighting someone 1v1 on Illum getting them to a few HP left just to see them instantly get to max H then beat them down again and see it happen again is not "a more skilled player" its someone cheating. Seeing a team get 6 scores in hutt ball before anyone can legitimatly run to the ball the first time is not "a more skilled player"


There are far too many cheaters out there. PvP can be fun but when a person or a team is cheating it takes the fun out of it. Its even worse when you report the players doing it day after day after day seeing Bioware does nothing about it.


However you report someone for breaking the naming rules and within an hour their forced to change their name.

Edited by Hizoka
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There will always be 2 kinds of players :


- The min-maxers, those who try to find out the very best they can get within any given game

- the more "!casual" players, those, who just want to "play" and not seeing much sense in totally having an advancement over other players.


Group 1 will always be the "Über-Players", meanwhile group 2 will always feel "slaughtered" by them.


This conflicht isn't solveable. Even worse, Group 1 will deny that it exists, because being so much Über gives them many, many, many, many, many, many more PvP commendations, simply because it is sooooo much easier to "slaughter" "casual payers" ...

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II will say, this is really ruining the game for me. I really only PVP now for the most part apart from events, so people ruining the PVP experience isn't going to last long.


I don't mean to get all serverist on anyone, but.... if you fundamentally love the game, and are actually seeing stuff like this, why not just re-roll on a server where it doesn't happen? I mean, I never, ever see 9/10 things that are discussed in the PVP forum happen on my server -- and that's being generous. Our rated teams even got together and made a pact to ban bubblestun , /stuck, and wall-capping, because everyone felt it was making the game less fun. Some of what I hear from people makes me wonder whether everyone else is crazy, or if I just really lucked out with the server that I initially rolled on.

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Well in huttball i watched an enemy sorc with the ball reach the start of the ramp just past the poison pit,and in the space of 2 seconds reach our goal line like he had a giant warpdrive engine attached to his back.No other enemy players there to pull him.During those 2 secs he dissapeared from view twice and fell through the floor a few times as well.


There is a premade of twinks on red eclipse who,whenever my pubs goes near them,one is untargettable by tab targetting,and i will suffer terrible lag around all 4 of them(yet i don't get this being near any other enemies)i come up against these guys regularly too.


So i'm convinced these are hacks.


The full health thing,well i can do that with wz med and self heal almost instantly so i doubt any hack for that.


Don't really care enough to report and film them though,this games just a filler for me,and judging by what others have said,bw will most likely do nothing to them.

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Well in huttball i watched an enemy sorc with the ball reach the start of the ramp just past the poison pit,and in the space of 2 seconds reach our goal line like he had a giant warpdrive engine attached to his back.No other enemy players there to pull him.During those 2 secs he dissapeared from view twice and fell through the floor a few times as well.


This sounds rather like Lag to me, but I'm of course not sure.

Never seen such a thing before.

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Are the devs even pretending they are working on this... the speed hacks the teleporting and the heal hacks are absurd.


I just fought a powertech and the SECOND he went to 1HP he was instantly at full HP. There is no heal in the game that will heal 21k instantly.. These cheaters need to be flat banned and if they need to shut off warzones to fix them the do it. The cheating is ruining the game.


I'm not one to go around claiming hacks, but today in the lowbies on Begeren Colony I was fighting a level 17 commando, brought her down to 20% health, then all of a sudden my screen stuttered for a sec and she was instantly at 100%. It reminded me of how at the end of a match before it shows the scoreboard you get shot up to 100%, thats what happened but only during the match. When I saw it I thought it was the match being finished, warzone shutdown, but then quickly realized she just miraculously shot up from 20% to 100%, no self heals, no medpac (not that it would boost 80% hp) and no other healers around. I've ever only seen this once before, a couple months ago. And before people call this bs, I know what I saw. As I said before, I'm not one to call people hackers, but 20% to 100% instantly for a level 17 is some shady stuff. I've been on the receiving end of false hackusations, so I know what thats like. I'd also like to note that the first time I saw this phenomenon it was a Marauder. The second time, the one above, a Commando. So it's evidently not some super secret high skilled class ability.


hi, i play a guardian, and if i had 100 cc for everytime someone told me i was life hacking cause i went from nearly dead to good chunk of hp, id have enough cc for 48 hypercrates:


What i do: Enure+ Wz medpack, that is all


also in your case, it could have been a wz health pick up + medpack, was the player near any of the in game wz health pick ups?


Its one thing to pop endure pain and a medpac, thats not going to shoot you to 100% full health, it will boost quite a bit though. What I and others have seen is someone go from the teens and lower twenties to full 100%, instantly.


I don't mean to get all serverist on anyone, but.... if you fundamentally love the game, and are actually seeing stuff like this, why not just re-roll on a server where it doesn't happen? I mean, I never, ever see 9/10 things that are discussed in the PVP forum happen on my server -- and that's being generous. Our rated teams even got together and made a pact to ban bubblestun , /stuck, and wall-capping, because everyone felt it was making the game less fun. Some of what I hear from people makes me wonder whether everyone else is crazy, or if I just really lucked out with the server that I initially rolled on.


Don't lie to these people, Grim still uses /stuck, bubblestun, and wall capping in rated warzones. Its the only way they can win.

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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I see cheats everyonce in awhile, I know my toons I have played evey class, and some things I just cast off as glitches unless they repeat in different parts of the map on the same people, there are youtubes to watch and you can pick up on some of them.


I like how some people come in and deny any cheating in this game, that any one that sees cheating needs to learn to play, everything is a glitch, I always figure the loud ones must be the cheaters or why would they so strongly deny cheating is happening in this game, it is fact there are cheats, and if you have not seen them happen, keep pvping and you will or you have just have not noticed them, the sad thing I don't think Ea has a large enough staff any longer to do anything about it which is really sad..:(

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There will always be 2 kinds of players :


- The min-maxers, those who try to find out the very best they can get within any given game

- the more "!casual" players, those, who just want to "play" and not seeing much sense in totally having an advancement over other players.


Group 1 will always be the "Über-Players", meanwhile group 2 will always feel "slaughtered" by them.


This conflicht isn't solveable. Even worse, Group 1 will deny that it exists, because being so much Über gives them many, many, many, many, many, many more PvP commendations, simply because it is sooooo much easier to "slaughter" "casual payers" ...


You forgot group 3 of the people who exploit the game like sages who can use force speed continuously rather than for 1.5 seconds like you're supposed to.


Being better or better geared is hardly the same thing as cheating.


Frankly, I only ever see cheats in huttball. Maybe that's the only match they can do them in.

Edited by LoneRegulator
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hi, i play a guardian, and if i had 100 cc for everytime someone told me i was life hacking cause i went from nearly dead to good chunk of hp, id have enough cc for 48 hypercrates:


What i do: Enure+ Wz medpack, that is all


also in your case, it could have been a wz health pick up + medpack, was the player near any of the in game wz health pick ups?


That's just it, if it was being close to zero health, and their bar popped up 35%, 50% or more, that would be okay. But this is what I'm talking about:


You know how you might be fighting someone at the very end of Novare Coast or another map, and you're fighting an opponent and you have them down to 2% health, and the match ends, the other team's bunker is reduced to 0%, and the system automatically restores all players to full health.


That is EXACTLY what it looked like with that Sniper that I remember vividly, except it was smack in the middle of the match, not at the end where we all get boosted back to 100%. I remember it because I had leveled up my gunslinger a ways and was looking forward to trying to take on some snipers in PVP matches. That's why I was so excited when I was able to plop down and fire off enough shots to get that guy all the way down, but then all of the sudden, WHAM, I get hit with a stun, and within a second or two later, his health bar zooms from 2% straight to 100%.


Except now all my cooldowns are blown trying to kill him, and he just wails on me until I'm dead (since my health bar doesn't do the magic 2% to 100% filled trick).


I understand, pop a medpac and a healing ability or two and your bar could go up very quickly. But literally from 2% to 100%? There being just a sliver of a shred of health left to a full, stretched red health bar? No way. I've been playing this game for 15 months now... I know what I saw, and I know I haven't ever seen that in a warzone before (except at the very end of matches) until about 5-7 days ago, when I first saw this 2%-100% trick.


Fix this crap, BioWare. I beg you.

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A lot of the people who complain about pvp hacks usually throw the blame to more skilled players...i have myself been accused of using speed hacks just for leap frogging from cover to cover with my sniper, i highly doubt that there are many hacks out there, i pvp pretty much every day and i have never seen anything i thought could be a hack of some sort.


i have once experienced lag issues which me and all my team mates experienced, choppy frames etc then the other team planted on voidstar, this could just be a matter of connection issues though.


Just tell me how a Sniper gets from 2% health to full 100% health instantly, in the middle of a PVP match, and I'll go away. And I do mean instantly.... there was no progression from 2% to 100%, it was an instant bar stretch all the way across. That's what I mean, it looked exactly like the end of a match when the time runs out, except there were still 5-7 minutes left in the Huttball match.


And no, my system was not lagging at the time, my system was responsive throughout the encounter and there was no particular rubber banding or delaying at that time. I do deal with lag quite a bit on occasion, and I also know what that looks like, and how it behaves, and how you start to notice the delays and so forth, how your GCDs won't trigger because it can't connect to the server, and only THEN does the lag indicator show up. So this isn't a lag issue.


My system was flawlessly receptive all the way through that combat sequence between me and that one sniper, all the way through the stun and the poof to full health.


Just teach me this awesome skill and I'll shut up about the hacks.

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I don't mean to get all serverist on anyone, but.... if you fundamentally love the game, and are actually seeing stuff like this, why not just re-roll on a server where it doesn't happen? I mean, I never, ever see 9/10 things that are discussed in the PVP forum happen on my server -- and that's being generous. Our rated teams even got together and made a pact to ban bubblestun , /stuck, and wall-capping, because everyone felt it was making the game less fun. Some of what I hear from people makes me wonder whether everyone else is crazy, or if I just really lucked out with the server that I initially rolled on.


I've never seen this either until the past week or so. If anyone had described this before, I'd be in the same boat as you, I've never seen this hack or anything like it.


Long story short, I've already re-rolled twice, and now have a slew of 6 50s on the same server, with several more about to get there. I'm too invested in this server's characters, and we're too close to the unveil of server transfers to bother.


If it gets that bad, I'll just stop playing for a while. So far, the hacks are not really enormous. I've seen a few where some guy gets "glitched" in the frame and isn't moving, but looks like he's vibrating forward and backward, except no one can target him to shoot him, while he magically holds the Huttball until the end of the match. And I've seen a few that look like they were definitely resolve hacks, but I'm not someone who says there's hacking going on in every game.


I'll take my drubbins like a man. You can tell when it's gear, skill, and cooperation. And you can tell when all of the sudden, something completely strange and weird happens that is completely in-your-face wrong.

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You know I want to believe all of you, but I NEVER see this happening on my server (JC). i've seen some questionable stuff, but most of the time its just me not aware of the entire situation around me. I know that there are things like speed hax but don't really see anyone using them. So IMO BW is fine on my end, and until I see actual video proof then I don't believe claims to hackers.


There have been speed hacks on Jedi Covenant multiple times.

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In Huttball a single player on the opposing team scored 6 times in under 2 mins.


But at least the next match that same person ended up on my team.


The port hack is pretty common. I see players all the time use it. Sometimes you can almost see the edge of the name plate as the run beneath the floor of the map.

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In Huttball a single player on the opposing team scored 6 times in under 2 mins.


But at least the next match that same person ended up on my team.


The port hack is pretty common. I see players all the time use it. Sometimes you can almost see the edge of the name plate as the run beneath the floor of the map.


If I'd watched a player do that and I suddenly appeared on his team I'd quit straight out of the WZ.

Can't moan about exploits one second and then happily be on the team of someone who does just that - exploit.

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All things being relative, there isn't much cheating going on in SWTOR.


That aside, I did see something wierd last week during a Huttball match. I was leaving the endzone having been killed, there was not another player in sight. Then just as I started up the first ramp, I passed a stealthed enemy player who was carrying the ball and moving at speed! When I discussed this with my team, a few said it was a graphics glitch and the person wouldn't have been stealthed but come out of stealth recently and my gfx hadn't recognised that. Still doesn't explain why the ball icon would also be invisible, nor did it explain how they were able to run with the ball :rolleyes: Being quite new I am willing to listen to a reasonable explanation of how this could happen.


The only other thing I witnessed was also during Huttball where the enemy players were able to glitch into their own area where we couldnt get at them. They would then just pass the ball to each other until time run out and they won the match. Thankfully BW have recently fixed this (again: I believe this exploit wasn't new and used to occur in the past too).

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