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2x hypercrates (48 packs) = 2 cartel certificates


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I finally gave in and decided to purchase not one but two hypercrates. I thought "48 packs should definitely snag me 4 certificates". But it didn't. It only got me 2 certificates. I'm a little bit peeved. I don't mind paying money for stuff and I'm also a subscriber (6 month recurring) but the drop rate for these certificates seems really really harsh - I'm not going to pay for two hyper crates just to get a mere 2 certificates. I hope that Bioware will loosen the purse strings a little for future customers. Sorry for moaning, but it's been bugging me for a week and I needed a little moan hehe. :)

Edited by Toxxo
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I got 2 packs and got 1 certificate... guess I was extremely lucky then... unfortunately 1 cert is worth exactly nothing as long as you do not get more... which I won't get, as I am not willing to waste my money to get 500 jawagrams in order to maybe get 2 certificates :)
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I was far luckier with my packs as far as certificates go, but I don't particularly like that the certs are completely RNG, bound, and can offer unique rewards from the rep vendor. The "previous pack" items seem to be a decent implementation for continuing to offer items for old packs after removal (such as Revan's Mask, etc). The rep is manageable, as it is reliably obtained (with the blue or purple rep items being a nice bonus), but I can see how obtaining an Aratech Eclipse or Crown of Avarice can be extremely painful with bad RNG.
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In my opinion certifactes should be tradeable. They are rare so it would make them xpensive. It would also justify the price of the packs as they do not really contain anything rare worth of selling for over 3-4 mil. Old packs did - items like thrones and Revan's mask. If the idea of certificates and reputation vendor is to REWARD players for buying packs then players should be able to do what they please with those certs. I only need 8 and after that they will be useless to me.


Another thing is that the certs actually pop instead of some item, taking the space and just becoming another trash for some users. Who knows what they could've rolled instead?

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I was far luckier with my packs as far as certificates go, but I don't particularly like that the certs are completely RNG, bound, and can offer unique rewards from the rep vendor. The "previous pack" items seem to be a decent implementation for continuing to offer items for old packs after removal (such as Revan's Mask, etc). The rep is manageable, as it is reliably obtained (with the blue or purple rep items being a nice bonus), but I can see how obtaining an Aratech Eclipse or Crown of Avarice can be extremely painful with bad RNG.


By the time you'll reach enough reputation you will have required certs for both. Don't you worry.

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I only bought one pack and I got one.


I'd love to be able to sell it.


The items that need them already have a rep requirement, and the trophies can't be sold, so they are already only of value to people who buy lots and lots of packs / hypercrates.


For a reputation meant as a reward for people who spend far too much cash on the Cartel Market, it seems poorly designed to punish them by adding a non-trade-able currency they need to buy the rewards they unlocked by paying real cash.

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It wouldn't be bad if it was legacy bound but nope.

They will be in 1.7.3.


The drop rate is still a bit low though. At 10 certs for the higher end items, that's in the neighborhood of $500-600, which is a little extreme for one item. Doubling the drop rate would be reasonable over what it is now.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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They will be in 1.7.3.


The drop rate is still a bit low though. At 10 certs for the higher end items, that's in the neighborhood of $500-600, which is a little extreme for one item. Doubling the drop rate would be reasonable over what it is now.


Just let them be traded on the GTN.


It takes 70000 rep to max the reputation. Assuming an average of 400 rep per trophy (greens are 270, blue 630, and purple 1440, so 400 seems a reasonable guess depending on luck), that's 175 packs to max your reputation. That's 7 Hypercrates and 7 Packs, for a price of ~54,000 CC. At the cheapest rate of 5500CC for $40, that comes to $392.73 to max out your reputation.


I think once you have spent $300-$500 on reputation (depending on trophy luck), you should be able to trade for the certificates to get the gear you paid so much to get access to.


Or maybe this is just BW/EA being really obvious about how dumb they think someone is who would pay $400 for questionable cosmetic options.

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I haven't purchased a single pack yet. They all say random this or random that. There's just no chance in hell that I'm going to pay real money for something I have no clue what I'm getting.


I'll pay for definites though. For example, Speeder, unlocks, perks... Things that say Spend this many points and get THIS. But the other stuff? It's like someone walking up to me and saying "Give me $20 and maybe I'll give you something good".

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I haven't purchased a single pack yet. They all say random this or random that. There's just no chance in hell that I'm going to pay real money for something I have no clue what I'm getting.


I'll pay for definites though. For example, Speeder, unlocks, perks... Things that say Spend this many points and get THIS. But the other stuff? It's like someone walking up to me and saying "Give me $20 and maybe I'll give you something good".


It's very similar gambling. Of course I agree with you, I'm not likely to spend a dime on a "chance"... but that's why this business model works from a business perspective.

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It's very similar gambling. Of course I agree with you, I'm not likely to spend a dime on a "chance"... but that's why this business model works from a business perspective.


That the gambling packs are exactly that does raise a question about the ethical and legal issues surrounding online gambling and gambling addiction. Since it costs real money but doesn't reward anything you can convert back to money, the legal side is probably fine (and I'm sure their team of lawyers checked), but the ethical issue still remains.


Some people feel compelled to keep pulling the arm on that slot machine because "maybe this time!" It's one thing when it's just the artifact boxes bought with tokens from in-game play, its another when it is boxes you buy with real world cash.

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I don't understand gambling addictions, but clearly people have it. I play the Powerball and MegaMillions, but I ONLY buy one ticket for each. But when I'm there buying the ticket, there are people in line that buy the scratch offs and step asside to see if they won, then get back in line to buy more. They are there before I arrive and after I leave. It's really sad.
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That the gambling packs are exactly that does raise a question about the ethical and legal issues surrounding online gambling and gambling addiction. Since it costs real money but doesn't reward anything you can convert back to money, the legal side is probably fine (and I'm sure their team of lawyers checked), but the ethical issue still remains.


Some people feel compelled to keep pulling the arm on that slot machine because "maybe this time!" It's one thing when it's just the artifact boxes bought with tokens from in-game play, its another when it is boxes you buy with real world cash.

This is a succinct explanation of my viewpoint. Thank you Ru.


When these started showing up on the CM, I was hoping that they wouldn't become very popular. Unfortunately, the opposite is the case -- many players seem to be buying these in droves. From EA's perspective, it's a runaway success and they will continue to push the packs.



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At the very least, they should cap the number of Packs/Hypercrates a person can buy per week. Just the gambling packs, it shouldn't apply to the "fixed cost for fixed product" purchases. Some people will surely complain "If I want to spend $600 a month on packs, that's my right!" but the flipside is that it puts a control in place to prevent gambling addiction issues. It also puts a cap on the number of crates that appear in-game in a set time frame, which puts an upper supply-side limit on the economy.
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I finally gave in and decided to purchase not one but two hypercrates. I thought "48 packs should definitely snag me 4 certificates". But it didn't. It only got me 2 certificates.

Guess you're unlucky then. I bought 2 hypercrates and I received 10 certificates.


At the very least, they should cap the number of Packs/Hypercrates a person can buy per week. Just the gambling packs, it shouldn't apply to the "fixed cost for fixed product" purchases. Some people will surely complain "If I want to spend $600 a month on packs, that's my right!" but the flipside is that it puts a control in place to prevent gambling addiction issues. It also puts a cap on the number of crates that appear in-game in a set time frame, which puts an upper supply-side limit on the economy.


People really need to stop with all this "gambling" nonsense. Leaving aside the fact that these packs are not deemed to be "gambling" under the law because you can't receive anything of actual monetary value, people are obviously just shouting as much as they can about "gambling" under some misguided belief that this will somehow make BW and EA get rid of the packs. It's not gonna happen.


Anyone who thinks that these packs have anything to do with "gambling addiction" just doesn't get it. People with gambling addictions are placing calls to their bookies and making trips to the casinos. They get a rush from winning and their decisions have nothing to do with what they can afford to spend or the odds of them winning. There's a massive difference between someone blowing their paycheck at the casino for the thrill of winning compared to some guy buying a bunch of Cartel packs because he specifically wants Revan's Mask and has nowhere near the credits to afford it off the GTN. That has nothing to do with gambling and that person should be permitted to spend whatever amount they want to buy packs to get that item. Trying to turn the "I don't like the packs" argument into some sort of public service argument against gambling addiction in an attempt to make the opposition to packs more palatable is disingenuous.

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