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Grey Helix Tokens, BtL?


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Nope, BW doesn't want to give advantage to people that have multiple alts over people that have only one char.. It was already discussed and got such reply first time around.


Altough, they could change it when event returns once again. With over month of farming, everyone could get everything they want on all their chars, all so-called 'advantage' would be already irrelevant, and it would let us use those odd tkens just taking up space in inventory.

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That's lame...

Anyone could have gotten 48 by soloing by now anyway, especially if they had let us know the speeder was coming instead of letting us blow all our first two weeks of tokens on weapons. By the end of this week I'll have exactly 47 tokens on my main, and 1 on an alt..

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Keeping them BoP has no justification at this point.


I have two Blue spheres after doing Xeno SM & HM today on all my charachters.

After this I still have the Helix tokens on some of my toons, 28 on one and around 22 and 18 on two others, so no way to get to 48 on either. Would be much sense to devide them between chars to have 1 more sphere and maybe spend the rest on a weapon (which I don't like tbh).


Noone would get hurt if I had 3 Spheres and not 2, right?

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I think we can all agree this would not be an issue, even to those that only have one character. I'd really like to see these become BtL in the 1.7.3 patch, which will be after this round of the event ends anyway. Please bump thread if you agree (since it takes 150+ pages for devs to take notice evidently) Edited by ViciousFett
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I'd love to see it.


I have only one toon that I would buy a speeder for, but all my toons will be around the 45 com mark max. I understand their position on wanting to not disenfranchise those with only one toon, but that also punishes those that have put the time and effort into multiple story lines and multiple toons, something that SWTOR seems expressly designed for. Had I known a mount was coming in the next round of the gree event, I would have put more effort into completing the heroics needed to get the three extra helixes needed.

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I see cartel tickets will become Bind to Legacy in an upcoming update. Any chance we can get the same treatment with Grey Helix tokens BW?


Those tokens should have been bound to legacy from the start. I mean, they're used to buy legacy-bound gear, for crying out loud.

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It did make sense initially to keep them BoP so noone with large legacies could get far ahead of single charachter type players. However now there is no such issue (ex. yesterday was in a pug Ops with a guy that claimed he had little less then 70 Helix on his single charachter), but there are quite a few Helix lying around in our inventories with no practical use till next Gree Return..
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I see cartel tickets will become Bind to Legacy in an upcoming update. Any chance we can get the same treatment with Grey Helix tokens BW?


Isnt the goal of mmorpg`s to have some items a bit more hard to get so that everyone dont run ingame with the same "rare" stuff?


Dont really agree that helixes should be btl.

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Isnt the goal of mmorpg`s to have some items a bit more hard to get so that everyone dont run ingame with the same "rare" stuff?


Dont really agree that helixes should be btl.


I don't agree either.


I actually think if reputation wasn't legacy wide and you had to work for the reputation in addition to the items you wanted on each individual character then there would be less complaining - I mean really the reply from one poster who blames BW for the fact he spent all his tokens because they didn't warn him additional items would go in on a recurring event is mind-blowing and I have seen a few make this ludicrous argument. It really does seem that the more we are given, the more pathetic our demands become.

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Well... after thinking it over, this is a no win situation for BW once again. Let's say they changed it with the next patch to BoL. The QQ would continue because BW did not do this with enough time for players to take full advantage of it...


Eh... might as well leave it alone for now then.

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Totally against it.

Fed-up of "new stuff" being added to the game and everyone having it a few days later.

People have actually had to wait a few weeks to get some of this stuff *shock, horror*


Please leave them as they are.

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Totally against it.

Fed-up of "new stuff" being added to the game and everyone having it a few days later.

People have actually had to wait a few weeks to get some of this stuff *shock, horror*

Uhm... wut?

People had to wait, yes. Had.In past. Right now(or rather at next occurence of event) there are 2 options - either BW adds another cool helix item and only people with loads of saved helixes will buy it on day one, or there won't be anything new and everyone will already have aeverything regardless of how many chars they have.


Only 'difficulty' those helixes give right now is that they take up space in inventory.

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Well... after thinking it over, this is a no win situation for BW once again.


Serve them right for not implementing them as BtL from the start as they should have done. Items used for obtaining BtL equipment being bound to a character is idiotic.

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just make the event tokens bol and the event items bought with them bop.


this is how rift designed their events and it works rather well since one or more 50s can feed lower level alts or the opposite. if any of you want to see game events, play that game as every 4-6 weeks they are replaced. the old event items are placed on the event merchant allowing you to buy them anytime afterwards too. items are level ranged so you cant put a level 50 powered item on a level 10. but you can buy them for later use. mounts can be used by all with their speeds scaling up much like this game. also the event merchant allows you to "exchange" tokens on it with other event tokens so you can buy older event items. over all it is very well done.

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I heard about a trick today (I do not try it yet):


- Use your Grey Helix tokens to buy an item with any character

- Send the item to your main

- Sell the item with your main INSIDE the 2 hours delay

- He gives you back your Grey Helix tokens! :eek:


(Is it true?)

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Heroics can net 7 in the week, and Xeno can net 10 a week or 14 or so if he drops extra.


7 x 3 = 21

10 x 3 = 30 / 14 x 3 = 42

As you can see it's totally possible to get well over 48 helix in one three week period. At most you can get 63. The event hit twice so thats a possible 126 helix.

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I heard about a trick today (I do not try it yet):


- Use your Grey Helix tokens to buy an item with any character

- Send the item to your main

- Sell the item with your main INSIDE the 2 hours delay

- He gives you back your Grey Helix tokens! :eek:


(Is it true?)


I will try this on an alt and post about it if it really works. If this works you saved me doing Xeno on hard to get my 48.

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E-mailing a new BoL item will make that item non-refundable for the original cost. Soon as you send that e-mail the item can no longer be returned for gray helix components.


Didn't actually try it for that purpose, but I did get that message when I first got the lightsaber on one character, and sent it off to a second character with a hilt I wanted to transfer.

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E-mailing a new BoL item will make that item non-refundable for the original cost. Soon as you send that e-mail the item can no longer be returned for gray helix components.


Didn't actually try it for that purpose, but I did get that message when I first got the lightsaber on one character, and sent it off to a second character with a hilt I wanted to transfer.


Did you buy the item and then equip it with the hilt? If so that makes it bound to legacy and non-refundable since you put something into it.

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