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Everything posted by bkinc

  1. as a 55 healing op this is what i'm currently running at 500 or so crit (30%+ w buff) 500 or so alarcity (which shaves a good chunk off my cast times and adds to my energy regen) 10%+ 250 surge or so (70% or so) rest is power... really i find that while power gets you nice heals getting the heals off faster is better (that and everything and its dog proc'ing tac adv...)
  2. bkinc

    grade 7

    hard mode and operations
  3. march 12 to 26 14 days of dailies = 14 gray helix 4 xeno runs = 6x2 8x2 = 28 total helix 42 thus making it impossible to get the speeder with helix's from just this event...
  4. unless you spec healer your heals will always suck gems being kolto probe and the uber heal at lvl 30 basically before you go into combat cast probes on yourself and kaylio and then heal as needed...
  5. origin.com orders supposed to be shipped out on the 16th so ideally day or two after but before the 20th...
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