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Unicorn Stampede Offical Hate Thread Plz Make Sticky


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Honestly I like some ppl in Uni stampede but they do have a bad rep for super queing which I don't understand why not do ranked as many times as you guys super que. But the reason of not caring is a bad mentality for a pvp guild. Anyways, I say US needs to do less super queing and more ranked.
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After reading thru this thread, I believe every imp should consider this as step 1 before a match starts: Look around loading zone for guild tags. More than 2 US members equals leave warzone. I've never dropped from a WZ, never. Irregardless of how bad the team looked, or how lopsided the match got. Think I will make exceptions for US tho, but you shouldn't care, winning was never your goal to begin with.


Because I don't already do this with most guilds on imp side already...

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Honestly I like some ppl in Uni stampede but they do have a bad rep for super queing which I don't understand why not do ranked as many times as you guys super que. But the reason of not caring is a bad mentality for a pvp guild. Anyways, I say US needs to do less super queing and more ranked.


More ranked against who? As much as this may come a shock to some people unless we create a thread saying hey! lets do ranked it doesnt pop. Unless the US folk want to 1v1 against uncensored all day and somehow I don't see that happening.:rak_03:

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After reading thru this thread, I believe every imp should consider this as step 1 before a match starts: Look around loading zone for guild tags. More than 2 US members equals leave warzone. I've never dropped from a WZ, never. Irregardless of how bad the team looked, or how lopsided the match got. Think I will make exceptions for US tho, but you shouldn't care, winning was never your goal to begin with.


Lol, this would be kinda funny to see the imps leave us having a 4man where usually most solo que imps are like yay! awesome win thanks! or at the least well played guys, get them next time ^^. This only happens on my jugg if you see on my merc get ready for a loss <3

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After reading thru this thread, I believe every imp should consider this as step 1 before a match starts: Look around loading zone for guild tags. More than 2 US members equals leave warzone. I've never dropped from a WZ, never. Irregardless of how bad the team looked, or how lopsided the match got. Think I will make exceptions for US tho, but you shouldn't care, winning was never your goal to begin with.


To funny most of the time are fellow imps are saying thank you to the four US members that just qued because there tired of getting there face rolled in. Saying things like sweet i can finally get my weekly done on a Sunday. Since it taken them all week just to win 4 matches. When most of are guild has that done in a day with out queing more then 4 members in a group.

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Happened again today. 5 Unicorns in the same novare, and your 25k assassin tank didn't guard and we ended up triple capping. Was exciting for our team, had 2 of my guildies with me and a beast healer grouped with us, but if I got a game where a 25k assassin tank didn't guard I would leave. After it was apparent we were going to win they were all death matching at mid. Not south. Mid, like between the 3 nodes by the speed boost. Not everyone is saying yay to getting you guys in regs. It wouldn't bother me too much if one of your players hadn't admitted that you guys aren't going to guard or heal pugs, but if I am in a warzone where we're losing because you guys "don't care" then I would leave. I lose most games as an imp and take the beatings but if you guys have players in your guild that don't care about winning then I don't want them on my team. I know there are some players in the guild that do care and play to win, but how can you care and still group up and be guilded with a good half the guild that doesn't care.
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Happened again today. 5 Unicorns in the same novare, and your 25k assassin tank didn't guard and we ended up triple capping. Was exciting for our team, had 2 of my guildies with me and a beast healer grouped with us, but if I got a game where a 25k assassin tank didn't guard I would leave. After it was apparent we were going to win they were all death matching at mid. Not south. Mid, like between the 3 nodes by the speed boost. Not everyone is saying yay to getting you guys in regs. It wouldn't bother me too much if one of your players hadn't admitted that you guys aren't going to guard or heal pugs, but if I am in a warzone where we're losing because you guys "don't care" then I would leave. I lose most games as an imp and take the beatings but if you guys have players in your guild that don't care about winning then I don't want them on my team. I know there are some players in the guild that do care and play to win, but how can you care and still group up and be guilded with a good half the guild that doesn't care.



I was in this game. We lost because whoever went to our node didn't call out they were dead and getting capped. It's not a guild's responsibility to babysit a team just because they're in a premade. By the time anyone got to our node, that we hadn't capped, they had 4 guys there ready to defend it all game. As it is, I get my daily from 2 wins, or 4 games. I'm gonna be pvping for way more than 4 game in a night so again, I'm getting my daily and playing the game. If you want to pay for my sub, I'll gladly guard our node all night long for you. Go be ignorant somewhere else.

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I was in this game. We lost because whoever went to our node didn't call out they were dead and getting capped. It's not a guild's responsibility to babysit a team just because they're in a premade. By the time anyone got to our node, that we hadn't capped, they had 4 guys there ready to defend it all game. As it is, I get my daily from 2 wins, or 4 games. I'm gonna be pvping for way more than 4 game in a night so again, I'm getting my daily and playing the game. If you want to pay for my sub, I'll gladly guard our node all night long for you. Go be ignorant somewhere else.


It's cool if you guys play to have fun, but maybe, just maybe, a guy in the same mumble as you that's a sin tank could have held off the 2 that went west to take it.

Edited by SEANeD
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It's cool if you guys play to have fun, but maybe, just maybe, a guy in the same mumble as you that's a sin tank could have held off the 2 that went west to take it.


I was on a civil war much like this when i was on my sin tank, and we had a 18k sin tank that guarded the node after 2 mins because we needed a legit tank in middle. Within 60 seconds, he was dead and we had just received his "im dead, inc snow" call. He wasn't doing any tanking in mid either, he did 15k protection at best, by my memory.


So....yeah. I hear your arguement, but the fact is when we are in a 4-5 premade (we usually have anywhere from 3-15 ppl running pvp 24/7) we are trying to win.

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I don't get all the hate, it really only affects a very minor percentage of the people queueing at any given time. It's not like they run 3 superqueues simultaneously or anything. Everyone mocks them for being easy to beat even with 8 on the same team, so why all the hate, you would think people would welcome it. Not trying to be a super defender or anything, just don't really understand all the rage.
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More ranked against who? As much as this may come a shock to some people unless we create a thread saying hey! lets do ranked it doesnt pop. Unless the US folk want to 1v1 against uncensored all day and somehow I don't see that happening.:rak_03:


I will personally see to it that you have games to play.

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Lol, this would be kinda funny to see the imps leave us having a 4man where usually most solo que imps are like yay! awesome win thanks! or at the least well played guys, get them next time ^^. This only happens on my jugg if you see on my merc get ready for a loss <3


I would actually leave any warzone that Str'yker was in. He is the worst kind of bad. I mean the nerve of him to blame the loss on the pug who didn't call inc, that lost is on all 5 of the Unicorns. I mean the pug did exactly what you should of thought he would do. If you really think you are to leet to guard a node then chances are you aren't very leet. I hate losing and will do anything that I can to help my team to win. And I'm not afraid to quit a warzone when my teammates don't care if we win or not.. I mean seriously who refuses to heal pugs or think they are to good to guard.



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I would actually leave any warzone that Str'yker was in. He is the worst kind of bad. I mean the nerve of him to blame the loss on the pug who didn't call inc, that lost is on all 5 of the Unicorns. I mean the pug did exactly what you should of thought he would do. If you really think you are to leet to guard a node then chances are you aren't very leet. I hate losing and will do anything that I can to help my team to win. And I'm not afraid to quit a warzone when my teammates don't care if we win or not.. I mean seriously who refuses to heal pugs or think they are to good to guard.



The rage is strong with you. Good.


Do you call incs when you're guarding? What about your guildies? I know I do. Even when I'm in voice with 4 other of my teammates, ima still type it out. So for you to insist that it's my fault, or our fault, for some pug not calling an inc, or asking for backup when getting beat, than you must have some wild connotation that we can read minds. IIRC we had 1 go our node, one go their node, and 6 go to get mid. Pretty standard strat, except our node got capped before anybody knew what was happening.


I'm just sick of people thinking that because Unicorn is in a game, that whatever bad happens is our fault. I've seen great pugs willfully guard nodes, and i can assure you, and Toth can confirm that I definitely guard nodes myself. The notion that unicorn has to do everything for every terrible pug we group with is ridiculous, and that every loss we are involved with is somehow our fault is beyond disbelief.


Again, it comes down to me wanting to play how i play, and I have every right to do that. Like i said to Seane, if you want to pay my sub, I'll play whatever kind of game you want me to. But until that happens, I'm going to queue with who I like, and play how I want. Maybe it's because I know I'll still get my dailies and weeklies done, where others have to rely on luck to queue with us to win games in a week.


And I'm glad you can call me bad, seeing as I've played so many games with you and you know my personal game so well.

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The rage is strong with you. Good.


Do you call incs when you're guarding? What about your guildies? I know I do. Even when I'm in voice with 4 other of my teammates, ima still type it out. So for you to insist that it's my fault, or our fault, for some pug not calling an inc, or asking for backup when getting beat, than you must have some wild connotation that we can read minds. IIRC we had 1 go our node, one go their node, and 6 go to get mid. Pretty standard strat, except our node got capped before anybody knew what was happening.


I'm just sick of people thinking that because Unicorn is in a game, that whatever bad happens is our fault. I've seen great pugs willfully guard nodes, and i can assure you, and Toth can confirm that I definitely guard nodes myself. The notion that unicorn has to do everything for every terrible pug we group with is ridiculous, and that every loss we are involved with is somehow our fault is beyond disbelief.


Again, it comes down to me wanting to play how i play, and I have every right to do that. Like i said to Seane, if you want to pay my sub, I'll play whatever kind of game you want me to. But until that happens, I'm going to queue with who I like, and play how I want. Maybe it's because I know I'll still get my dailies and weeklies done, where others have to rely on luck to queue with us to win games in a week.


And I'm glad you can call me bad, seeing as I've played so many games with you and you know my personal game so well.


Im calling it your fault cause you should know that there is an 85% chance the pug who you made guard node because you are too scared to wouldn't call inc. I mean seriously if you cared aboot winning you or one of ur guildies would guard. Period. I mean if your scared to then by all means keep blaming the pug. If you need lessons on how to solo guard I will be on my Sorc Syck'syyde all day tomorrow.



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Meh unicorns are just as bad about not calling out as a pug. Myself and my tank got into a match with 6 unis we went mid they had someone snow. After fighting for mid for most of the match we get grass thanks to shatter I believe. Left mid reinforced grass next thing I know snow is capped:eek:... think we lost 40-0. Morale of the story call out Inc idc if you're all in mumble or whatever. And btw was a good game not knocking them for that but definitely need to peel for healers more my tail is still raw from caprica.
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Meh unicorns are just as bad about not calling out as a pug. Myself and my tank got into a match with 6 unis we went mid they had someone snow. After fighting for mid for most of the match we get grass thanks to shatter I believe. Left mid reinforced grass next thing I know snow is capped:eek:... think we lost 40-0. Morale of the story call out Inc idc if you're all in mumble or whatever. And btw was a good game not knocking them for that but definitely need to peel for healers more my tail is still raw from caprica.


I feel like we need a campfire for this thread! Keep up the stories.

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