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Double XP sucks!


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I'm not a fan of double xp. I like to do the planet and side quests. That's the game to me. Once I get a 50 they get put on the shelf to gather dust. You already get over-leveled enough as it is, double xp makes it worse. A toggle for the feature would be welcome.


The late, lamented City of Heroes had a similar problem. They did a permanent xp boost and received many complaints from people leveling so fast they were missing content. They put in an option to just flat out turn off xp gain.


The more options for the player the better.


what someone mentioned:

you can just do the quests, even if they are gray for you, in that case you don't get any expirience (or about 10 per quest) and it will balance itself out

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They put in an option to just flat out turn off xp gain.

You already have that option. Ignore the XP bar and just play what you want. When stuff goes grey, you'll stop getting XP. At the end of the weekend, you wind up right where you would have been on normal XP, because as soon as you get "overleveled" you stop gaining XP, and you won't gain any more until you decide to move on. "Power level" for half the time + "No level" for half the time = Normal leveling. Problem solved.

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I'm not a fan of double xp. I like to do the planet and side quests. That's the game to me. Once I get a 50 they get put on the shelf to gather dust. ...

Just curious, do you redo every side quest and planetary quest on new alts, even if you've seen them before?


Personally, that would drive me crazy. I'll completely skip over all the side quests on Taris on one toon, but do the planetary quests on Balmorra. Then on the next toon I'll do that in reverse, just to keep my sanity.

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I disagree that double xp sucks.


I found it was not possible to run only class quests as you would quickly get behind. I still had to do a couple side quests on each planet, killing mobs, and/or pvp to keep up. The only challenge I had was leveling too quickly that I wasn't making enough credits to pay for training. But aside from that it was great and helped me level my BH from 35-43 quickly. I have no desire to repeat the same side quests with every single alt, as I'm sure many others don't either. The double xp allows us to skip some of those (but not all) if we choose to do so. It also allows me to level my alts so that I will have more toons capable of running the new content when it arrives.

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You already have that option. Ignore the XP bar and just play what you want. When stuff goes grey, you'll stop getting XP. At the end of the weekend, you wind up right where you would have been on normal XP, because as soon as you get "overleveled" you stop gaining XP, and you won't gain any more until you decide to move on. "Power level" for half the time + "No level" for half the time = Normal leveling. Problem solved.



On the same note there no reason to chaise tail. When there is available option to use your hands. Oh wait you probably agree with that too...

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anyone else think it really suck balls? I do. I started new char, but it's unplayable, as there is no challenge at all to anything.


Give me option to turn this stupid feature off.


thank you


The XP's aren't what make the game challenge-free, the game is the reason for that.

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please stop pms'ing OP.


There is no feature to turn it off: GOOD I am pretty sure if there would be you would be posting to remove it because you hit it by accident and now bioware own you xp...


Its pathetic really to watch you call everyone (90%) morons while I think you win the trophy. Please mention the word retard once again, you are such a wordsmith! For the record the way you argue lessens your chances of ever getting what you want. Before your thread I did not give 2 $*its about such a feature, now I REALLY hope they dont ever give you this choice...



You seem to be referring to me judging by the 90% and retard remark. However without making any generalized statements about your intelligence, i would like to note that i am NOT AN OP. So ya i think the 90% stands quite solid in your case. Yet again another worthless, pointless disagreement post with zero basis. The option to turn it of is clearly needed for some people, and it does not hurt anyone, well maybe besides your fragile ego (for unknown reason)

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You seem to be referring to me judging by the 90% and retard remark. However without making any generalized statements about your intelligence, i would like to note that i am NOT AN OP. So ya i think the 90% stands quite solid in your case. Yet again another worthless, pointless disagreement post with zero basis. The option to turn it of is clearly needed for some people, and it does not hurt anyone, well maybe besides your fragile ego (for unknown reason)

Actually the OP called everyone "morons" back around page 1 or 2 of this thread. Yours was the "retard" comment.


Why are you so interested in starting fights? I noticed you started ignoring my posts right about the time I stopped being snarky. Reasoned debate not interesting enough?

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I like the double xp. I prefer being over leveled when playing content anyways. Maybe not as much as this double xp makes it but still fun for me anyways. I've never been one to race to max level anyways. So if this double xp gets me there slightly faster than normal I'm ok with that.
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Actually the OP called everyone "morons" back around page 1 or 2 of this thread. Yours was the "retard" comment.


Why are you so interested in starting fights? I noticed you started ignoring my posts right about the time I stopped being snarky. Reasoned debate not interesting enough?


Your post refers to OP yet you use wording out of my post, so don't try to wiggle your way out of a fail post.


I am ignoring your posts? Lawl do i have moral obligation to answer all of your posts now? All post in this thread?


Fact remains there was NOT A SINGLE reason to not include this feature. So unless you can come up with one, don't bother answering.

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All these 'i hate double XP' threads are a bunch of trolls. They are just looking for ppl to reply to get ppl upset at them. Any 'True' gamer knows all MMOs run double XP its a part of the game. If you dont like them dont play on those days. its that easy..


True gamer? Is that the one that comes with mom's basement and 300 pounds? What other MMO's exactly? And what other MMO's do not have option to stop it? Oh right... i am talking to a dumb troll why bother.

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You seem to be referring to me judging by the 90% and retard remark. However without making any generalized statements about your intelligence, i would like to note that i am NOT AN OP. So ya i think the 90% stands quite solid in your case. Yet again another worthless, pointless disagreement post with zero basis. The option to turn it of is clearly needed for some people, and it does not hurt anyone, well maybe besides your fragile ego (for unknown reason)


Ok so your not the OP big f ing woop, you two sound alike so I merged you into one great entity.


You might see zero basis to any other point then your own... as for my ego lol, I suspect you are using projection here is the definition for you:



"Projection is a defense mechanism that involves taking our own unacceptable qualities or feelings and ascribing them to other people. For example, if you have a strong dislike for someone, you might instead believe that he or she does not like you. Projection works by allowing the expression of the desire or impulse, but in a way that the ego cannot recognize, therefore reducing anxiety."


Now Beastfury, grab some kleenex, calm down and lie down on the couch... tell me how was your relationship with your father?

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I ran your post through Babelfish translate.

Your post refers to OP yet you use wording out of my post, so don't try to wiggle your

way out of a fail post.

I mashed Maelop's post together with Khevar's and I'm pretending they were the same person.


I am ignoring your posts? Lawl do i have moral obligation to answer all of your posts now? All post in this thread?

I couldn't come up with a good response to your post so I'm going to ignore it, and focus on the angry ones.


Fact remains there was NOT A SINGLE reason to not include this feature. So unless you can come up with one, don't bother answering.

I'm going to continue to insult others in this thread who don't agree with me.
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So you actually still cant come up with any reason, but somehow there is a miracle amazing post that i missed and did not respond to ... ok

Because I like discourse, here's the post I was referring to:

Fair enough.


I will say, in my personal experience, that the best leveling experience is the class story itself. Some of the planetary quest lines are interesting, but they don't vary character to character. If someone isn't the type of person to get much out of whatever endgame experience there is, it seems that the best thing to do is to try out the different storylines.


Actually, if you do more than one class quest, there are points where they cross over. Those I particularly enjoy. Having known a character or a situation or a storyline in one class quest, and then seeing another side of it when you do a different one. Or when one of your companions on one toon makes a holocall to one of your companions on another toon.


To truly enjoy this experience (the class quest ones), the fewer repeated side quests you do, the better. On my second pub, Coruscant was boring. By my fifth pub it was almost intolerable. That was one of the reasons I found the double xp so helpful.

Now, the point of this post wasn't to argue against having the double xp optional. I don't really care. Lobby away.


The point of this post, is that if you are someone who LIKES leveling your characters and DON'T want to rush to end-game, it is better to focus on the class stories than on the optional side quests you see again and again. You could instead see other class storylines.


Other than "I want it because I want it because I like to play the game that way because I said so nyaaaa" I honestly can't come up with a reason that double xp would be bad for the player.


Aren't the class quests better than the side quests anyway? What's so bad about NOT having to do the same identical side quests over and over and over and over again on every single alt?


Edit: Let me close with this question. Why is double xp bad for you personally, as a player? What happens when you have double xp that you don't like?

Edited by Khevar
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Double XP can't harm anyone, only benefit. You can still do every planetary quest (over and over if you like it) and every flashpoint (because they are for X levels, not only one or two). So i rly don't get this complaining and whining about it. Most players embrace it with open arms and joy.


If there some real reason why somebody thinks it sux?

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If there some real reason why somebody thinks it sux?


Yes, there is. Things turn grey too quickly for some people, trivializing content too soon.


Expanding on that, a little bit:


Those people have no interest in levelling quickly, nor skipping any of the normal content. They want to enjoy both their class story as well as the planetary stuff, fully. They probably don't do many war zones and perhaps only a few of the flashpoints already, in order to not over-level too much, but do not want to skip the planetary content since that would remove too much from the levelling experience.


The simple solution that does not hurt anyone, is to provide the option to turn it off, for those who want to, and leave it on for everyone else. Those who enjoy it can continue to do so. Those who want to use the regular xp rate can switch the toggle and do so. Nobody is forced to either rate. Everyone defaults to the bonus being on when it's initially enabled. Everyone can play at the rate they prefer.


That's how I see things. I've seen a few posts demanding that the feature be removed entirely, and I disagree with those. The feature as such is great. The only problem with it is that it's forced on and can't be turned off, even if you want to.


In short:

- Scrapping the increased weekend bonus rate is a very bad idea. Tons of people like it.

- Providing an option to disable it, for those who want to, is a good idea. A lot of people want that too.

- There is even an overlap: For some of my characters, I'm enjoying the bonus rate a lot, while on others, I'd like to be able to disable it.

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The idea of +100% XP Fridays, weekends, and Mondays is as silly as -100% XP Weekends.


The sense of achievement and challenge comes with a normal speed gain.


Anyway, someone asked me why there are eight days, not three. It is easy: there will be three more such events that cannot be avoided.

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Yes, there is. Things turn grey too quickly for some people, trivializing content too soon.


Expanding on that, a little bit:


Those people have no interest in levelling quickly, nor skipping any of the normal content. They want to enjoy both their class story as well as the planetary stuff, fully. They probably don't do many war zones and perhaps only a few of the flashpoints already, in order to not over-level too much, but do not want to skip the planetary content since that would remove too much from the levelling experience.



I can understand this and I have no problem with making the bonus xp optional.


In all the back and forth I've had on this thread, there is one aspect of this that I still have a hard time grasping.


Are you referring to someone with a single alt, who isn't planning on making multiple alts, yet who wants to run all the planetary quests and not miss anything? Because this type of player is already going to overlevel content without xp bonuses. In fact, I did just that on my very first toon. I had triangle fever, no xp bonuses of any kind (this was before 1.2), did no flashpoints or space missions, and yet I spent most of the game 2-3 levels over just doing the class, planetary and side quests.


So it seems to me that the ONLY way to not overlevel content (regardless of any xp bonuses) is to skip some content. Which you could then see when doing another alt.


It is this reason that I have a hard time truly grasping the objection to the xp bonus. Leveling too fast? Skip optional quests. Don't want to miss content? Level another alt to run those quests. Don't want to level an alt? Hey, you're going to overlevel content regardless.

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Are you referring to someone with a single alt, who isn't planning on making multiple alts, yet who wants to run all the planetary quests and not miss anything? Because this type of player is already going to overlevel content without xp bonuses. In fact, I did just that on my very first toon. I had triangle fever, no xp bonuses of any kind (this was before 1.2), did no flashpoints or space missions, and yet I spent most of the game 2-3 levels over just doing the class, planetary and side quests.


So it seems to me that the ONLY way to not overlevel content (regardless of any xp bonuses) is to skip some content. Which you could then see when doing another alt.


It is this reason that I have a hard time truly grasping the objection to the xp bonus. Leveling too fast? Skip optional quests. Don't want to miss content? Level another alt to run those quests. Don't want to level an alt? Hey, you're going to overlevel content regardless.


But that's just it, overleveling by 2-3 levels is ok, most of my alts now do that and that works, you keep getting a little less xp so it sorta balances things out without going too far.

Trust me :p with 14 alts I know all about what I can do to stay on course and not. Basically, all normal quests, skip FPs, Warzones, Space and most Heroics and you're fine, just a little over which keeps content from getting completely trivial.

With the bonus xp you're screwed. Things get grey and trivial and a lot less fun.


I just enjoy being in game, running around, doing the quests and it doesn't feel like a grind at all even though I'm going through some planets for the 14th time.


What feels like a grind is endless dailies or gear grind at 50 and I really don't feel like spending my time with that.

It's not like it takes long to level as it is, I can easily go through a planet in an evening, doing ALL the quests save the heroics, and yeah, I do spacebar sometimes but only because I read faster than they talk :p

So skipping content will only make my planets go by faster, something I don't really want because then I run out of things to do even faster.


So... I get my content, I don't feel like I grind, I don't feel a need to rush to 50 (got 8 of them already) - why would I see double xp as a positive?

Edited by AngelCath
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I'm personally neutral towards this. Double XP has it's benefits, and it's drawbacks, and they're both acceptable. For me, it's "Story" that matters, so i usually level up characters to experience the class stories (or re-play them). I don't personally care if i outlevel something. Having fun is what counts the most, so both sides are right.
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I'm personally neutral towards this. Double XP has it's benefits, and it's drawbacks, and they're both acceptable. For me, it's "Story" that matters, so i usually level up characters to experience the class stories (or re-play them). I don't personally care if i outlevel something. Having fun is what counts the most, so both sides are right.


Yup me to, plus I work 50+hrs a week, so i only get play for an hour or two a few nights a week. Double XP weekends means I actually get to see the stories on the 4 characters I've created. You may call it over leveling. ...I call it "My Sith, BH, & Smuggler finally got ships last weekend." lol

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They want to enjoy both their class story as well as the planetary stuff, fully.

The people who actually want to do this are not here. They are playing the game and enjoying it, rather than spending all day bleating on the forums about how they can't play anymore cause they don't enjoy it.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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