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Business case for EA to create PUG friendly queues is?


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I don't have a business case to justify EA investing dev hours in an "all solo queue" or a "pug but balanced" queue but perhaps someone can craft a convincing argument for the devs to consider. I suspect a solid financial reason would get their attention faster than another "nerf premades" page.


Yes I do queue solo as well. For the record, as a healer, solo PUG groups are generally not a fun experience. I would welcome the change personally, I just don't see it increasing revenue. You are also playing a MMO and mechanics further weakening community are generally unwise for keeping subscribers around.


Have at it soloists.

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Seriously? You're going to sue Bioware over pugs vs premades?


Might as well spill some coffee on your lap and add that to your list of grievances. You can say it was the premades fault you did it.


PROTIP: File this claim in America, you might actually win

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Seriously? You're going to sue Bioware over pugs vs premades?


Might as well spill some coffee on your lap and add that to your list of grievances. You can say it was the premades fault you did it.


PROTIP: File this claim in America, you might actually win

where did the OP say he was going too sue ?
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I don't have a business case to justify EA investing dev hours in an "all solo queue" or a "pug but balanced" queue but perhaps someone can craft a convincing argument for the devs to consider. I suspect a solid financial reason would get their attention faster than another "nerf premades" page.


1) They already have an alternate model of a queue finder in place for FP and ops. Therefore no real development time is needed simply to alter the existing code to make this work.


2) The community consensus is and has been that PVP is broken in a number of ways.. ( Keeping the community happy retains player base, thus retaining revenue ) If the word gets out that the devs are looking into ways to improve PVP or at least modify it to fit the wants of 85% of the community ( a speculative number not actual data ) then players that have quit may return and renew their subs and that leads to an increase in revenue. Only EA and Bioware know exactly what those numbers are and Im sure its in the tens of millions of dollars.. That's enough incentive in my book.

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So no business case yet then? 85% of people who chew gum prefer sugar free. Really?


The founders I knew who left did so because of the Ranked bait & switch, not because PvP was too hard.


LOL at suing. Whose idea was that?

Edited by Achyllis
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It should be obvious that there are more casual players than hardcore. It should also be obvious that the current system really punishes people that don't premade with a good comp and with good gear (which is most casuals). Therefore the current system is bad for casuals and thus bad for revenue.


Also, many good hardcore pvprs want a decent number of near even matches. This is what makes pvp fun for many of us hardcores. The current system produces very few even matches and is the main reason all of the people I used to premade with quit. Most matches were easy easy easy wins if we formed a great comp premade.


So the current system turns off many casuals and hardcores alike. This means less revenue.


One idea I read about and really agree with for the short term is to make huttball solo q only for regs and to make it truly split up 16 players randomly. This would be a lot of fun and would also help solo q'rs.

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I don't have a business case to justify EA investing dev hours in an "all solo queue" or a "pug but balanced" queue but perhaps someone can craft a convincing argument for the devs to consider. I suspect a solid financial reason would get their attention faster than another "nerf premades" page.


Yes I do queue solo as well. For the record, as a healer, solo PUG groups are generally not a fun experience. I would welcome the change personally, I just don't see it increasing revenue. You are also playing a MMO and mechanics further weakening community are generally unwise for keeping subscribers around.


Have at it soloists.


There is a huge financial incentive for EA/BW to go with a "solo" option. Warzones are premium content that FTP pay to have access to aside from their 2 Warzones per week. I doubt that FTP accounts are going to pay for access to unlimited warzones after being crushed by premades during those introductory matches.

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