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Fuel costs.. why??


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No big deal, I just don't understand why there's fuel costs.


The cost is so little it barely has any affect, and I don't think anybody has ever ran out of money due to travelling. It's extremely frustrating when I transfer my credits to another toon and forget to keep some credits back, then I try to travel and I cannot due to the aggravating fuel costs.


I'm not asking for a cost increase, but the travel costs are so low they aren't even worth having. Hell, even adding an option to pay some credits for a faster load (probably not possible but hey) would be reasonable.


Just my 2 cents.


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No big deal, I just don't understand why there's fuel costs.


The cost is so little it barely has any affect, and I don't think anybody has ever ran out of money due to travelling... forget to keep some credits back, then I try to travel and I cannot due to the aggravating fuel costs.


Um, I know there's a reason for you having low credits, but... you know... it still happens, apparently.

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I've got this 50 toon that I'm barely using, but for the gree event i'm making an exception, what I do is transfer money but leave always 10k in that toon, for emergency repair costs, and to get companions on the crew skill mission the moment i log in, and yes, travelling. quite simple rly :)
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Um, I know there's a reason for you having low credits, but... you know... it still happens, apparently.


Don't mail off all your credits, problem solved.


People also not reading threads happens sometimes too.


transfer my credits to another toon and forget to keep some credits back


My point being, the fuel travel costs are that low and are nowhere near a credit sink that they aren't needed.

Edited by Jayshames
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People also not reading threads happens sometimes too.




My point being, the fuel travel costs are that low and are nowhere near a credit sink that they aren't needed.


Sorry you're not happy with it. Toss this one in the suggestion box. It's not sink and it's easy to have 1k on each toon for travel purposes.

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Um, I know there's a reason for you having low credits, but... you know... it still happens, apparently.


Lol I was thinking the same thing. Apparently some people are running themselves broke traveling.

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You obviously underestimate how many times I swap toons. I have 2 accounts full of 12 characters each on the one server, I play about 14 of those characters pretty frequently which includes seven 50s , several 40+ and the rest mostly 30+. Not a day goes by (when I'm online) that I don't swap characters at least 5 times. Playing so many characters also has a negative effect on my credit pile, I constantly spend on upgrading gear and augmenting which means I am always transferring my credits every time I swap and often I'll forget to keep some credits behind. In the rare occasion that I then go on to travel without credits I find it frustrating that such a low cost is added as there's no need for it. I'm not making a huge deal out of it as I said In my first post, I just can't get my head round the need for it, that is all. Hell I could probably care less about it if I really tried. I am merely having a little moan to express my views because I'm currently contemplating on what character to move onto next.


-Who knows-

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You obviously underestimate how many times I swap toons. I have 2 accounts full of 12 characters each on the one server, I play about 14 of those characters pretty frequently which includes seven 50s , several 40+ and the rest mostly 30+. Not a day goes by (when I'm online) that I don't swap characters at least 5 times. Playing so many characters also has a negative effect on my credit pile, I constantly spend on upgrading gear and augmenting which means I am always transferring my credits every time I swap and often I'll forget to keep some credits behind. In the rare occasion that I then go on to travel without credits I find it frustrating that such a low cost is added as there's no need for it. I'm not making a huge deal out of it as I said In my first post, I just can't get my head round the need for it, that is all. Hell I could probably care less about it if I really tried. I am merely having a little moan to express my views because I'm currently contemplating on what character to move onto next.


-Who knows-


I'm still not sure what you are asking for. Do you want the cost removed or do you want the cost increased?


I think it would be easy to keep in mind, "Don't send all credits to other character. I remember when I got stuck with no credits." But maybe that's just me.

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You obviously underestimate how many times I swap toons. I have 2 accounts full of 12 characters each on the one server, I play about 14 of those characters pretty frequently which includes seven 50s , several 40+ and the rest mostly 30+. Not a day goes by (when I'm online) that I don't swap characters at least 5 times. Playing so many characters also has a negative effect on my credit pile, I constantly spend on upgrading gear and augmenting which means I am always transferring my credits every time I swap and often I'll forget to keep some credits behind. In the rare occasion that I then go on to travel without credits I find it frustrating that such a low cost is added as there's no need for it. I'm not making a huge deal out of it as I said In my first post, I just can't get my head round the need for it, that is all. Hell I could probably care less about it if I really tried. I am merely having a little moan to express my views because I'm currently contemplating on what character to move onto next.


-Who knows-


:rolleyes: What exactly is your point?????


I have 23 characters, all on one account, 18 on one server and 5 on another. I manage fine without having to come to the forums and complain about fuel costs or basic money management between characters.


Got multiple characters on one server.. fine. Keep some money on each.


As for complaining about gearing and such for so many characters.... really? Gear is dirt cheap in this game with the advent of cartel pack boxed gear going for cheap in most cases. You don't need to be moving all your money around everytime you login. Keep a couple hundred K credits on each character and the rest on a GTN mule. Use the mule to do all gear gathering and shopping for other characters. Mods are where the cost is and frankly.... level up crafting on a couple characters to cover your basic mod needs and gathering on all the rest and you are good to go. Rocket science this is not.

Edited by Andryah
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No big deal, I just don't understand why there's fuel costs.


The cost is so little it barely has any affect, and I don't think anybody has ever ran out of money due to travelling. It's extremely frustrating when I transfer my credits to another toon and forget to keep some credits back, then I try to travel and I cannot due to the aggravating fuel costs.


I'm not asking for a cost increase, but the travel costs are so low they aren't even worth having. Hell, even adding an option to pay some credits for a faster load (probably not possible but hey) would be reasonable.


Just my 2 cents.



I don't know if you knew this, but in 2.0 the fuel prices are significantly increased, for example to fly to ilum from republic fleet, you'll have to pay 2900 credits instead of the average 50 credits, like it is now. Sigh... I hate these kind of credit sinks so much.

Edited by Aelther
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:rolleyes: What exactly is your point?????


I have 23 characters, all on one account, 18 on one server and 5 on another. I manage fine without having to come to the forums and complain about fuel costs or basic money management between characters.


Got multiple characters on one server.. fine. Keep some money on each.


As for complaining about gearing and such for so many characters.... really? Gear is dirt cheap in this game with the advent of cartel pack boxed gear going for cheap in most cases. You don't need to be moving all your money around everytime you login. Keep a couple hundred K credits on each character and the rest on a GTN mule. Use the mule to do all gear gathering and shopping for other characters. Mods are where the cost is and frankly.... level up crafting on a couple characters to cover your basic mod needs and gathering on all the rest and you are good to go. Rocket science this is not.


Hell you don't even have to go that far. On my server mods and Enh. are more expensive than Armoring and barrels/hilts on the GTN. So I buy my armorings and barrels/hilts from the GTN and usually grab artifact quality ones and then just grab blue mods/enh. from the comms vendor. Don't even HAVE to craft the mods and still have plenty of credits left. Otherwise o agree completely.

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I don't know if you knew this, but in 2.0 the fuel prices are significantly increased, for example to fly to ilum from republic fleet, you'll have to pay 2900 credits instead of the average 50 credits, like it is now. Sigh... I hate these kind of credit sinks so much.


I didn't know this, is the fuel cost going to be based on distance from where you are to where you're going or level range of the planet? Assuming of course that you know the answer to that question.

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I'm not asking for a cost increase, but the travel costs are so low they aren't even worth having. Hell, even adding an option to pay some credits for a faster load (probably not possible but hey) would be reasonable.




My point being, the fuel travel costs are that low and are nowhere near a credit sink that they aren't needed.


For all of you intelligencia that pick on form over content, the above two statements are at the heart of the OPs train of thought.


Go ahead reread those. I will wait.


So you can see he is not "whining". While his "form" may come across that way to some who "skim" and "read into" what was written, if one clearly examines the body of his posts in this thread, those two thoughts above prevail as the central point for the OP making this thread.


I agree OP, if fuel costs were designed as a credit sink they really don't amount to much "currently" or even with "then pending increase in 2.0". The costs should be increased or taken out. As he stated a cost sink that is not really a cost sink shouldn't be in the game.


So those of you that were decrying the OP, this is a classic case of L2Read and not "read into and project what you would "like" the OP to be saying". :cool:

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It is a pretty minute issue, however, I don't feel I should have to pay any amount of credits if I'm REQUIRED to travel to a certain destination for a class mission.


If the destination is required for progression, remove the fee.


If I'm floating around from planet to planet, and base to base just to explore or for extra stuff that's not REQUIRED for my level progression, I'm all for keeping the charge and I have no problem paying it.



Also I want my credits back for the skills I bought (trained in) that are being taken away once 2.0 hits.


Yours Truly,

- A Player Who's Stingy With Credits (bah..)

Edited by Xaldynn
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I didn't know this, is the fuel cost going to be based on distance from where you are to where you're going or level range of the planet? Assuming of course that you know the answer to that question.


It is based on distance. It's based on distance even now.

Though it might be also dependant on player level, because for a new player paying 1k-3k just for fuel would be way too much.

Edited by Aelther
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Even if you completely run out of credits, you can get some easy credits almost everywhere to at least make a trip to another planet. Like, from the fleet, you can hop to your starter planet for free, kill a handfull of mobs, and you've got a few hundred credits again.

Well, you shouldn't park a lvl 15 on Ilum perhaps, that'd be rather stupid.. But for the rest.. Yes, I think you can get a minumal amount of credits about everywhere.

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