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Petition, straight and simple.


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I would never agree to your request to shut down the game, as this is what you are suggesting with the removal of the CM.


Shooting myself in the foot would hurt less than reading this comment. I hope you're happy.

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I would never agree to your request to shut down the game, as this is what you are suggesting with the removal of the CM.


If they do not sell things on the CM that people want, then they wouldn't sell anything, hence their finance model fails!


Your argument that this is pay to win as you can sell these for creds is laughable, people have always been able to buy BIS gear on the GTN, but with the new update this will not be the case, as it will not be, once again it will not be craft-able.


So your whole argument is baseless so anyone signing the petition is based on a lie.


and as a final note, gear is only part of the game, a lot of the game play is based on Skill and Understanding tactics and if you don't have these then the BIS gear won't help anyway.


Please quote anywhere I've said anything about totally shutting down the CM please? :)


Once again, my problem is only and exclusively with the " buy to unlock " vendor which has been implemented a few days ago, which has no grindable " workaround " .


My toons have cartel market clothing, weaponry and mounts, and spend my monthly allowance the moment it comes in. I wouldn't look too clever if i started saying to shut down CM entirely.


Pay 2 win isn't there if not for a bunch of buffing crystals, which is overlookable for now.


*My* whole argument is something which will also affects *Your* game, and, if this is allowed to continue, pay to win will be come to be a reality soon enough, this " pretty shop " is just a testing which apparently is going great for them. If they're racking in all sorts of cash for some cosmetics, guess what's gonna happen when actual power items get implemented? :)


As for your final note, please come say that to me again when in a warzone it won't count how many warzone comms you got but how big your wallet is :)


Oh, and please, come tell me about skills again when you're getting defeated by people that hit double your damage :)

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As a customer of Star Wars: The Old republic, I do not approve the implementation of a reputation system based exclusively on money expenditure.


Guys, don't just copy-paste it! There is a nasty and visible spelling mistake there! "As a customer OR..."

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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As a customer of Star Wars: The Old republic, I do not approve the implementation of a reputation system based exclusively on money expenditure.


Guys, don't just copy-paste it! There is a nasty and visible spelling mistake there! "As a customer OR..."


WHOOPS. Gonna correct it now. :)

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As a customer or Star Wars: The Old republic, I APPROVE OF the implementation of any Cartel Market items that DO NOT NEGATIVELY AFFECT MY GAMEPLAY.


FYI Yesterday i got friend rep with CM packs - by buying packs for CREDITS! So rep is not a problem if you use you brains a little

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As a customer of Star Wars: The Old republic, I do not approve the implementation of a series of reputation systems based exclusively on money expenditure. I'd be OK if there is one that encompassed all packs, not one per pack or per shipment.



FYI Yesterday i got friend rep with CM packs - by buying packs for CREDITS! So rep is not a problem if you use you brains a little

Yes maybe, but somebody else bought 'em for real money earlier that day to sell 'em at the global network ...

Edited by Han_Salo
Schreibfehler gefunden :-(
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Yes maybe, but somebody else bought 'em for real money earlier that day to sell 'em at the global network ...


That person spent money by his free will. why you think that you can point other plyayer what right or wrong. CM and GTN are legal and company aproved gold selling.

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You people keep on writing this but don't realize that is only going get worse unless it gets killed at the start, with strength and decisiveness, and the voice of an united community, and that can only happen here, and now, before the cosmetic items become power items.


You people keep admitting on a consistent basis that you're not even really protesting the CM Consumer Rewards faction, you're just pretending to to steer the ship away from where you ASSUME it's headed. That's a horrible reason to complain, it's not based on any actual problem, it's, by its own admission, based soley on fear. Fear of what's keeping this ship afloat!


As a customer of Star Wars: The Old republic, I APPROVE OF the implementation of any Cartel Market items that DO NOT NEGATIVELY AFFECT MY GAMEPLAY.

Edited by Tristessa
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How about this...instead of a petition...don't support the CM. Don't buy packs, don't buy coins, don't buy items off the GTN.


Which do you think would be more successful? Buncha screaming mad fans who still pay signing a petition, or so few items moving in the CM that they simply don't make the $ they invested in it?


The solution to cash shops and things like this Rep system obvious...and the best part...the solution is 99.99% in the players hands!!!!


This! IF you guys hate the direction this game is going with the CM then put your money where your mouth is. Don't buy anything from the cartel market. Simple.

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That person spent money by his free will. why you think that you can point other plyayer what right or wrong. CM and GTN are legal and company aproved gold selling.

So, we should let everyone do whatever they could to worsen what is actually not so serious but will become if they continue buying those packs with real cash because we'll buy them for credits afterwards?


How about a subscription to a game which makes plenty of cash this way, to the point nothing is ever adressed "because it still earns money"? (Well, you know, many one-year-old bugs exist and some even appeared after pretended "fixes" have been made, sometimes really game-breaking, as FPs client crash during cutscenes, imagine it's going to be worse.)

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That person spent money by his free will. why you think that you can point other plyayer what right or wrong. CM and GTN are legal and company aproved gold selling.

A lot of kids are playing that game. They can't take reponsibility for spending money on gambling.

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This! IF you guys hate the direction this game is going with the CM then put your money where your mouth is. Don't buy anything from the cartel market. Simple.


The problem with this approach is that there will still be "big spenders". And judging by the level of spending required for this reward, and that they expended the effort to put the reward in, there are plenty of them.


So if the masses don't use the shop but the big spenders continue to, the shop caters more and more to the big spenders. What happens when the big spenders want ingame advantages?

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You people keep admitting on a consistent basis that you're not even really protesting the CM Consumer Rewards faction, you're just pretending to to steer the ship away from where you ASSUME it's headed. That's a horrible reason to complain, it's not based on any actual problem, it's, by its own admission, based soley on fear. Fear of what's keeping this ship afloat!



Can be answered by this.


So if the masses don't use the shop but the big spenders continue to, the shop caters more and more to the big spenders. What happens when the big spenders want ingame advantages?


Seen enough online games go pay 2 win that i've learned to detect patterns of it. Fluff, money fluff, and then money power items.


We have now arrived at the " money fluff "phase. :)

Edited by Tachenko_Yuri
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Can be answered by this.


Seen enough online games go pay 2 win that i've learned to detect patterns of it. Fluff, money fluff, and then money power items.


We have now arrived at the " money fluff "phase. :)


Yup. It really is the boiling the Frog analogy someone posted yesterday. Gradual changes to the game that go relatively unnoticed till it's too late.

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Can be answered by this.




Seen enough online games go pay 2 win that i've learned to detect patterns of it. Fluff, money fluff, and then money power items.


We have now arrived at the " money fluff "phase. :)


No. We are right now in the money power item phase. We right now can buy t7 space ship euqipment.

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Which Games are P2W?


Dead Space 3 has a pay2win system inside of it, and guess what happened? Dead space 4 = canceled :)


Any free online shooter - each class gets a pea shooter for free, spender get massive guns that deal triple damage, triple more accuracy, triple less recoil, along with vehicle armor boosts, trooper armor boosts only available from the cash shop, or an abusive amount of in-game currency for like a quarter of the time :)


And my favourite one : An online game called dark orbit where you got a roulette system to obtain a dungeon - like shooting gallery, an individual equipment system upgrade that is pretty much like the crafting one on here, difference is that to buy " tries " you need to spend money on it :) oh and to have a half-assed decent spaceship you need to spend around £1000 jump-start, otherwise you'll be on an impossible grinding mission since all the maps are riddled by big spenders blasting the f**k out of everything :) oh yeah and since the ammunition costs also, you'll never stop spending if you wanna win? no, you'll never stop spending on it if you want to KEEP UP.


So many other examples out there, and so many i'm not even aware of..

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The problem with this approach is that there will still be "big spenders". And judging by the level of spending required for this reward, and that they expended the effort to put the reward in, there are plenty of them.


So if the masses don't use the shop but the big spenders continue to, the shop caters more and more to the big spenders. What happens when the big spenders want ingame advantages?



It doesn't matter. If all "small spenders" stopped spending money on the CM then their profit from that would go way down. The only hard point a person can make is to stop buying things the the CM.


If you don't do that, everything on the forums is lip service. That's all it is.

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The problem with this approach is that there will still be "big spenders". And judging by the level of spending required for this reward, and that they expended the effort to put the reward in, there are plenty of them.


So if the masses don't use the shop but the big spenders continue to, the shop caters more and more to the big spenders. What happens when the big spenders want ingame advantages?


If Bioware is stupid enough to cater to a tiny fraction of the population then they deserve to have their game fail. But I'm not going to buy items that I have no interest in just to keep a game going. I already pay a monthly sub. That is all they will ever get from me. If that isn't enough for them and I start getting forced to pay more then I'll be doing what my sig says and leave.

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It doesn't matter. If all "small spenders" stopped spending money on the CM then their profit from that would go way down. The only hard point a person can make is to stop buying things the the CM.


If you don't do that, everything on the forums is lip service. That's all it is.


Exactly You can sign all the petitions you want, but history shows that game companies just ignore them. I you want to get their attention you hit them in the one place they do care about, and that's their profits.

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Dead Space 3 has a pay2win system inside of it, and guess what happened? Dead space 4 = canceled :)


Any free online shooter - each class gets a pea shooter for free, spender get massive guns that deal triple damage, triple more accuracy, triple less recoil, along with vehicle armor boosts, trooper armor boosts only available from the cash shop, or an abusive amount of in-game currency for like a quarter of the time :)


And my favourite one : An online game called dark orbit where you got a roulette system to obtain a dungeon - like shooting gallery, an individual equipment system upgrade that is pretty much like the crafting one on here, difference is that to buy " tries " you need to spend money on it :) oh and to have a half-assed decent spaceship you need to spend around £1000 jump-start, otherwise you'll be on an impossible grinding mission since all the maps are riddled by big spenders blasting the f**k out of everything :) oh yeah and since the ammunition costs also, you'll never stop spending if you wanna win? no, you'll never stop spending on it if you want to KEEP UP.


So many other examples out there, and so many i'm not even aware of..


Which makes me think.


Dead space's P2W = EA


Battlefield ( yes, that Battlefield ), play 4 free, P2W = EA


Swtor = ... Houston, I think we got a problem...

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