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revan question..


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I've seen a lot of threads about revan, but none saying when he actually makes an appearance. When do I get to thatmission? (I'm a lvl16 Jedi knight btw)


I would suggest playing the flashpoints. And not expect it any time too soon...


Taral V and the Maelstrom Prison belong to a single storyline on the Republic side. Boarding Party and The Foundry on the Imperial side - nominal level 33 / 35. Storyline wise the Republic flashpoints come first.



The video game Knights of the Old Republic is essential to... understanding the history of the character Revan as well. It's a ten years old video game and on a technical level and level of the graphics artwork it wasn't particularly good when it was released (with the exception of the artwork for Dantooine, which I liked). It's based on the D20 system, just like Neverwinter Nights, which is different from modern systems in so far as it balances out of combat abilities against combat abilities. But it has a most amazing storyline and is worth playing.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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Ok, and yea I've played & still play from time to time both. KOTOR & KOTOR2 and I've read the book "revan" (hated theending btw) so I'm interested to see how they incorporated one of my all time fav characters.
I think most of it is based on the book. Both Revan and the Exile are quite different from their depiction in KOTOR I & II. Not much resemblance really. Story is based on the book too.
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