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The Results are In! Imp solo queues.


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As per: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=607173













































feel free to comment on these results.

Edited by Ekoado
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So a 48% win ratio is effectively winning half your games. Not the end of the world like you initially posted.


If for some reason winning half of your games is a bad thing, as for some reason I get that impression, then I think you're just looking for negative remarks.

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The most interesting thing I find here is the % of Rep wins that are qualified as "Annihalations" As opposed to the % of Imp wins that could be qualified as that. I'm also curious as to what the OP would qualify as "Close, Decisive or Annihalated wins." Edited by NamikazeNaruto
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So a 48% win ratio is effectively winning half your games. Not the end of the world like you initially posted.


If for some reason winning half of your games is a bad thing, as for some reason I get that impression, then I think you're just looking for negative remarks.


I think You'll find i edited the original post a number of days ago to reflect the results.


If you look at the severity of the losses however/ the sheer number and variation of rep premades compared to imp there are still some negative aspects.


However there are many positive things we can take from this too.


Don't just assume that I'm only focusing on the negative as we can see from the results there are many things that are looking on the up.

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The most interesting thing I find here is the % of Rep wins that are qualified as "Annihalations" As opposed to the % of Imp wins that could be qualified as that. I'm also curious as to what the OP would qualify as "Close, Decisive or Annihalated wins."



i think the "annihilations" are quite obvious

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The most interesting thing I find here is the % of Rep wins that are qualified as "Annihalations" As opposed to the % of Imp wins that could be qualified as that. I'm also curious as to what the OP would qualify as "Close, Decisive or Annihalated wins."


I figured someone would mention this haha, granted this introduces some bias but i tried to be as impartial as possible.


A close win would be for example a huttball won by less than 3 goals.

a decisive win would be more than 3 goals.

an annihilation would be 6-0 with 8 minutes to spare.


the same kind of scale applies to 450+-0 civils 100-0 novares etc.


Of course I will admit that this introduces bias to some of the results and this is a potential flaw however, I tried my best to be as impartial with this scale as possible. But it is true that more often than not when you get rolled by certain rep premades the roll the hell outta you.


There was a number of games where you would be spawn camped for example.


These happen on imp side too, but not nearly at the same frequency.

Edited by Ekoado
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I think You'll find i edited the original post a number of days ago to reflect the results.


If you look at the severity of the losses however/ the sheer number and variation of rep premades compared to imp there are still some negative aspects.


However there are many positive things we can take from this too.


Don't just assume that I'm only focusing on the negative as we can see from the results there are many things that are looking on the up.


Don't just assume it's negative? Everything you've posted in other threads over the past week has been just that. As I posted in one of those threads, I lose quite a bit going in as a solo-queuer, and I play pub side predominately. That's the case for those of us who solo queue, but I don't see massive amounts of threads complaining about it.


Honestly what you should've posted were comparisons on the amount of ppl who leave your wzs when they know/expect it is a loss. One night I queued on Imp side and it was a definite loss, must've seen 10 new "faces" by the time the warzone ended. Pub side maybe 1 or 2 leave, if it's extremely bad it'l be 3 or 4.


And I don't know what you're trying to point out by posting amount of premades, because from where I sit I see Imp premades all day long.

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Don't just assume it's negative? Everything you've posted in other threads over the past week has been just that. As I posted in one of those threads, I lose quite a bit going in as a solo-queuer, and I play pub side predominately. That's the case for those of us who solo queue, but I don't see massive amounts of threads complaining about it.


Honestly what you should've posted were comparisons on the amount of ppl who leave your wzs when they know/expect it is a loss. One night I queued on Imp side and it was a definite loss, must've seen 10 new "faces" by the time the warzone ended. Pub side maybe 1 or 2 leave, if it's extremely bad it'l be 3 or 4.


And I don't know what you're trying to point out by posting amount of premades, because from where I sit I see Imp premades all day long.


lol can anyone else literally feel the utter rage in these words haha.


Well for a start I've proved you wrong lol


There are more rep premades by a good amount if you take all the rep pvp guilds into account. The only reason Imps even come remotely close is because of the sheer numbers of Unicorn Stampede.


But to be fair the majority of the wins overall come from imps winning in pug v pug matches.


Whereas the majority of losses were because of Rep premades.


I'll let you take from that what you will.

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lol can anyone else literally feel the utter rage in these words haha.


Well for a start I've proved you wrong lol


There are more rep premades by a good amount if you take all the rep pvp guilds into account. The only reason Imps even come remotely close is because of the sheer numbers of Unicorn Stampede.


But to be fair the majority of the wins overall come from imps winning in pug v pug matches.


Whereas the majority of losses were because of Rep premades.


I'll let you take from that what you will.


Well then all I can tell you then is you wasted your time. It shouldn't even go beyond being a thought in your mind of "I wonder if premades ALWAYS win against pugs, b/c that's who I usually lose against". Any time/effort you put into your analysis I would consider wasted b/c that is a no-brainer.


I don't care to take away anything from this: You see pub premades all day long, I happen to see Imp premades all day long. The fact that you didn't see them in your particular groups during your "gathering" doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Multiple groups run concurrent warzones all day long.


And no rage in my words, take it as you will. You simply put not to expect a negative response, but your other threads came across very much so as complaining about the state of republic/imperial pvp on this server. You did your analysis, and I think the best thing to bring away from your "experience" is you proved yourself wrong by showing that you do in fact win more than you realize.


For statistical analysis, make a republic toon on the PTS, get the instant level 55 buff and do the same analysis you did here. Imps there win all day long, and most of the guilds names I see are from POT5, where they severely outnumber the pubs in both population and skill. You'd get a healthy dose of reality and see that you don't have it quite bad as you thought you did.

Edited by randiesel
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Well then all I can tell you then is you wasted your time. It shouldn't even go beyond being a thought in your mind of "I wonder if premades ALWAYS win against pugs, b/c that's who I usually lose against". Any time/effort you put into your analysis I would consider wasted b/c that is a no-brainer.


I don't care to take away anything from this: You see pub premades all day long, I happen to see Imp premades all day long. The fact that you didn't see them in your particular groups during your "gathering" doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Multiple groups run concurrent warzones all day long.


And no rage in my words, take it as you will. You simply put not to expect a negative response, but your other threads came across very much so as complaining about the state of republic/imperial pvp on this server. You did your analysis, and I think the best thing to bring away from your "experience" is you proved yourself wrong by showing that you do in fact win more than you realize.


For statistical analysis, make a republic toon on the PTS, get the instant level 55 buff and do the same analysis you did here. Imps there win all day long, and most of the guilds names I see are from POT5, where they severely outnumber the pubs in both population and skill. You'd get a healthy dose of reality and see that you don't have it quite bad as you thought you did.


1) They don't always win against pugs. (there's an entire thread about this in regards to US lol)


2) If you don't take anything from this then why are you so angry :rak_03:


3) I changed my opinion based on the evidence available. Apparently you have a problem with that lol. Considering it was I who gathered the data and indeed my initial hypothesis was proven incorrect however other interesting data did arise which i tried highlighting but you apparently don't want to hear about it ;)


Lol I have a lvl 50 scoundrel with a healthy rating and over 300 + rated games on Prop 5. It's more balanced over there IMO.



And just to say. You are raging....


Don't deny it sweety :w_mad:



Edited by Ekoado
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I don't see what the problem is really imp side has unicorn stampede THE BEST GUILD OF WARLORD WARLORDS EVER!!!!!!!!! and its not like these warlords warlords get rolled night in and night out when they have 5 plus members in one game... what else could imp side ask for? Edited by mfourcustom
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1) They don't always win against pugs. (there's an entire thread about this in regards to US lol)


2) If you don't take anything from this then why are you so angry :rak_03:


3) I changed my opinion based on the evidence available. Apparently you have a problem with that lol. Considering it was I who gathered the data and indeed my initial hypothesis was proven incorrect however other interesting data did arise which i tried highlighting but you apparently don't want to hear about it ;)


Lol I have a lvl 50 scoundrel with a healthy rating and over 300 + rated games on Prop 5. It's more balanced over there IMO.



And just to say. You are raging....


Don't deny it sweety :w_mad:




Whatever makes you happy I guess.


Funny how you think I'm raging, I was actually being polite. I could've said that all you did was start threads crying about how your faction always loses, which is how your threads seemed, but I refrained. All I ended up saying is that you posted about how horrible your experience was losing constantly, and in the end you proved yourself wrong (as #3 casually states "changed my opinion" = proved yourself wrong).


Only reason you would've taken it to the forums was to rage about it, but somehow I became the bad guy here. You're one of those guys who gets his kicks saying "you mad bro" or "cool story bro", so trying to have an actual discussion would do no good.


Glad you wasted your own time to prove yourself wrong, Sweety.

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I don't see what the problem is really imp side has unicorn stampede THE BEST GUILD OF WARLORD WARLORDS EVER!!!!!!!!! and its not like these warlords warlords get rolled night in and night out when they have 5 plus members in one game... what else could imp side ask for?


And this ^ guy is poking fun at you too. Actually being quite direct at it, yet your attention is on me.


I guess I hit a nerve, Sweety.

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And this ^ guy is poking fun at you too. Actually being quite direct at it, yet your attention is on me.


I guess I hit a nerve, Sweety.


poking fun at unicorn stampede doesn't bother me lol.


If it makes you happy I did prove my initial hypothesis wrong. I'm not getting hung up on that like you are though.


Changing opinion based on evidence is just being rational. granted my former thread started in frustration due to constant premade stomps but something positive:


(the fact that in a pug vs pug environment imps are actually more likely to win by a small margin which was unexpected. the fact that win/loss are in fact closer to even than most people expected.)


has come out of it and if you feel I've wasted my time that's your opinion.


But there is a tone of passive aggression in your posts that does warrant the: "u mad bro" approach.:rolleyes:

Edited by Ekoado
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ive been playing both factions to max out coms on some toons, i actually had 3 rep vs rep games in a row the other day, so it could of been a fluke, but the crowd around the pvp terminals on both fleets feels about the same IMO from the 30 or so games I've played on my gunslinger the biggest standout is gear, if at all you have one maybe two guys in bad gear per group pub side, where as i am generally shocked if i have a full team in WH gear impside


But at one point I went 11 games in a row without a loss on my gunslinger


It would also depend on when you que, if i am "working" from home some days I find the imperials win the majority of the games during the day, where as the pubs obviously rule the night :p


Needless to say that imps getting 48% of the wins is encouraging


But for the most part from playing on the PTS the last week i do think our server is ahead of the curve, after playing with some of the "better" players from other servers that talk a big game.

Edited by dego-harmonium
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poking fun at unicorn stampede doesn't bother me lol.


If it makes you happy I did prove my initial hypothesis wrong. I'm not getting hung up on that like you are though.


Changing opinion based on evidence is just being rational. granted my former thread started in frustration due to constant premade stomps but something positive:


(the fact that in a pug vs pug environment imps are actually more likely to win by a small margin which was unexpected. the fact that win/loss are in fact closer to even than most people expected.)


has come out of it and if you feel I've wasted my time that's your opinion.


But there is a tone of passive aggression in your posts that does warrant the: "u mad bro" approach.:rolleyes:


Point noted and accepted. Reread a few posts and I can see how I came off that way. However, you completely skirt around the fact that you yourself aggressively took to the forums in the first place to post out of discontent for the rep faction and their supposed super queueing, or other tactics.


You did a detailed analysis, which I commend, and ended up seeing that you win much more often than it felt like you did. Maybe saw patterns of queueing at different times and found out when the best time to play was, idk. All I'm pointing out is that you initially posted out of rage, and now that you have some data to ease your mind, you're all coolheaded and acting like you didn't whine in the first place. Pot calling the kettle black.

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ive been playing both factions to max out coms on some toons, i actually had 3 rep vs rep games in a row the other day, so it could of been a fluke, but the crowd around the pvp terminals on both fleets feels about the same IMO from the 30 or so games I've played on my gunslinger the biggest standout is gear, if at all you have one maybe two guys in bad gear per group pub side, where as i am generally shocked if i have a full team in WH gear impside


But at one point I went 11 games in a row without a loss on my gunslinger


It would also depend on when you que, if i am "working" from home some days I find the imperials win the majority of the games during the day, where as the pubs obviously rule the night :p


Needless to say that imps getting 48% of the wins is encouraging


But for the most part from playing on the PTS the last week i do think our server is ahead of the curve, after playing with some of the "better" players from other servers that talk a big game.


Art, its not a fluke that pub vs pub happened. It happens enough. I played imp last night and was shocked to get an I,p vs imp game,which I find ironic b/c that usually doesn't happen.


And yeah, I think that is good to have taken that back as to how the pvp on our server is "ahead of the curve" as you out it. I've always felt at way. However, there are a lot of really good imp guilds on the pts, so it's nice to get to play with other skilled players and see how they do. That's why I'd love to see cross server pvp queues to expand our horizons, if for nothing else than that experience.

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Point noted and accepted. Reread a few posts and I can see how I came off that way. However, you completely skirt around the fact that you yourself aggressively took to the forums in the first place to post out of discontent for the rep faction and their supposed super queueing, or other tactics.


You did a detailed analysis, which I commend, and ended up seeing that you win much more often than it felt like you did. Maybe saw patterns of queueing at different times and found out when the best time to play was, idk. All I'm pointing out is that you initially posted out of rage, and now that you have some data to ease your mind, you're all coolheaded and acting like you didn't whine in the first place. Pot calling the kettle black.


I've never accused reps of super queuing. The main issue is that about once a week or so you get the "perfect storm" from reps. By this I mean that due to their being about twice as many rep guild there are times of the on specific days where it is almost impossible to avoid hitting some form of elite pub premade. And this was the case when I took the forums in a rather annoyed fashion. Fair enough, I have chilled a bit since then, touche.


IMO opinion the best way BW can get around stopping the "perfect storms" is through cross server queuing to expand the pool of players. I mean there's nothing worse than getting utterly stomped by premades 5/6 games in a row which is why I was probably justifiably annoyed previously.

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I've never accused reps of super queuing. The main issue is that about once a week or so you get the "perfect storm" from reps. By this I mean that due to their being about twice as many rep guild there are times of the on specific days where it is almost impossible to avoid hitting some form of elite pub premade. And this was the case when I took the forums in a rather annoyed fashion. Fair enough, I have chilled a bit since then, touche.


IMO opinion the best way BW can get around stopping the "perfect storms" is through cross server queuing to expand the pool of players. I mean there's nothing worse than getting utterly stomped by premades 5/6 games in a row which is why I was probably justifiably annoyed previously.


Very well put.


I think what you describe as the "perfect storm" might be nights like Tuesdays being a big raid night (assumption) an then say Wednesdays or Thursdays those guilds then queue up for pvp and just ironically a whole bunch of good olayers are stomping wzs. I honestly don't know much about the guilds, but I do believe LD and PD do raid in addition to pvp (among others) and the perfect storm nights are probably their off nights for raids.


Guess I also was tryin to say that we get a lot of pub vs pub matches and we get stomped just as hard by those guilds as imps do. Thy have good players, who are coordinated, so just gotta do as good as you can or leave the wz. I do stay with my original statement that imps seem to drop out of wzs like its going out of style as compare to pubs who are expecting a loss. That never helps anyone involved, except for those rare instances where the ppl who dropped are replaced with awesome players, and then it becomes sweet...

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