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Current list of Suggestions


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There should be no cost to take out mods, enhancements, armor, and etc if it is bound to you.


Paying 20k to take a purple enhancement out and place it in a weapon or piece of armor that I like better should not cost a single credit if all of the above is already bound to me. I don't like the idea that you have to pay around a few million to switch out your Epic Gears items into a set that doesn't look as bad so you can actualy enjoy how your character looks... They should truely change this soon for playing a Sage that looks like a WOW Shaman does not make me feel like i'm in Star Wars... Honestly who designs some of these Epic Armors... This is Space Fantasy and not Middle Earth... Apologies for my of the main point rant.

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I probably missed this somewhere in the thread as I find it hard to believe I am the first to think of it, but there REALLY needs to be an 'independent' faction, or at least have some of the classes be faction agnostic. Smugglers and Bounty Hunters (and perhaps a few new classes) are not Republic or Sith, and it seems silly to force them into these roles...


Han Solo: It is for *me*, sister. Look, I ain't in this for your revolution, and I'm not in it for you, Princess. I expect to be well paid. *I'm* in it for the money.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I agree with almost all of that, i think there needs to be more to legacy (for RP purposes) for example, There should be a legacy tracker of toons that were deleted (if they got to a certain lvl like 15-20) and mark those toons as deceased. so for example you could have a father but he would actually be dead cuz you deleted him!
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  • 2 months later...

I'm sorry if new class suggestions arn't allowed in this thread. If so, ignore this post :o


A New Officer class. We've all seen in game Generals, Moffs and tacticians, but we can't play them. They said they created the classes to give you your own personalised story version of Obi Wan, Darth Sidious, Darth Vader, etc. Well, I want my personal story line of Moff Tarkin/Admiral Ackbar. I hope this picture is clear enough. (Examples ig would be Talos Drellik or Malavai Quinn.)

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  • 5 months later...
Having bold, highlighted "Last Post On..." for every post. Because people can't read.

FYI the bookmark wasn't to necro the thread but to dig in later on when I'll have more time to really assess the well put suggestions.

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That'd be so fun. Both NPC and PVP pazak.


Yeah, and even if they don't implement a system so we can play it (pvp) with gambling, they could implement a rewards system so you earn exp or creds if you win. It'd be really nice.


Also, I agree with most of the suggestions listed in the Op's post.

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