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Feeling Stupid


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Like so many others, I was there during the game's launch, and a few months later I left. I recently came back to swtor, and been enjoying myself. I have been leveling alts on my originial server Jung Ma, and thought it would be cool to restart the experience. Little did i know, but Jung Ma's population has plummeted. This was a surprising, because Jung Ma use to be one of the highest populated servers. For the past few days it has come to my attention of how long ques are for Flashpoints. Its nearly a hour (or longer) for a ques to pop as a 50.


Since I have subed a few weeks ago, I have made a lvl 20 guardian, lvl 19 sith assassin, lvl 25 jug, and spent over 1,000,000 creds on each. I'm feeling really stupid for wasting my time on a dead server. It is so bad, that i can only turn in dailies every other day, and weekies every other week. The end-game was limited before, now its virtually non-existent.


I really hope Bioware will have another server transfer in the very near future, or introduce cross server ques. Otherwise I will be forced to quite again.

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It took you how many hours to realize how dead the server was?


You didn't spend 5 minutes at lvl one on your first alt, asking the general population on your starter world about the server's condition?


You didn't notice how dead those starter worlds were?



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Like i said. THe server was one of the highest populated servers, and I spent most of my time leveling alts. Also, you must not own a character in Jung Ma, because you would know that the starting areas are quite populated. The reason for so many people in the newbe areas, i assume, is because the population sucks, and there isn't any endgame on JUng Ma. SO everyone is forced to level alts til Bioware does something about it. Edited by Tycoon
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Like i said. THe server was one of the highest populated servers, and I spent most of my time leveling alts. Also, you must not own a character in Jung Ma, because there are quite alot people in the starting areas. The reason for so many people in the newbe areas, i assume, is because the population sucks, and there isn't any endgame on JUng Ma. SO everyone is forced to level alts til Bioware does something about it.


And at no point did it matter enough to you to go.."Hey, what's the game like at 50?"


Did they 'lie' and say that it was great? Were they conflicted? Did you go to Fleet and see for yourself?


I don't understand. You had days and days to level your alts and you can hit Fleet pretty quick and you 'never' checked for yourself before you decided to invest so heavily?


Sounds very much to me like you didn't bother to check and now that you realize you screwed up, you're hoping BW will offer you a way out of your mistake.


In any case, they're not offering server transfers for the foreseeable future.

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Like i said.......... The server use to be one of the highest populated. I also resubed a few months back, and the population was fine then. I just assumed with the mergers, and an exspansion around the corner the population would be fine now...


Excuse me if i thought bioware would take concern with the fact one of their servers are still severally under-populated, even after merging most of them.

Edited by Tycoon
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Your first problem is that PvP servers, on average, tend to have lower populations than PvE servers.

However, looking at the overall population trends for the past month, Jung Ma isn't significantly below the population curve of most of the other US servers.


The servers are almost always at "standard" population levels at any given time, rising to heavy during prime time and falling to light overnight.




The other thing to take into consideration is that the game is in something of a holding pattern until the expansion.

New things come out, people do them, then they play less.

It's a cycle that happens in every game.


A couple of weeks ago, we got the Gree event.

Tons of people came back, did the hardcore grind for 2 weeks and then took a break again when it was over.

I predict that the population will see a spike when it reappears.

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I can't believe noone else has commented on this, but how exactly did you manage to spend over 1 million credits each on three characters that are 25 and under? I can't even understand how that would be possible. I am in a similar boat to you otherwise regarding quitting and coming back to level alts, but I don't know/care what my server pop is due to the fact that the only thing I enjoy in this game is leveling alts :p. But I haven't spent that much on any character even all the way up to 50, and I keep my mods for both my char and companion upgraded every 4 levels...
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I can't believe noone else has commented on this, but how exactly did you manage to spend over 1 million credits each on three characters that are 25 and under? I can't even understand how that would be possible. I am in a similar boat to you otherwise regarding quitting and coming back to level alts, but I don't know/care what my server pop is due to the fact that the only thing I enjoy in this game is leveling alts :p. But I haven't spent that much on any character even all the way up to 50, and I keep my mods for both my char and companion upgraded every 4 levels...


legacy perks more likely

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This is definitely an "off" time in general, I think a lot of people are in that mode where they know a level increase is coming, so they aren't working super hard to farm end game stuff.


Jung Ma's population doesn't seem horrible, but most likely when RotHC is released there will be transfers available, and I imagine population will spike at that time as well.

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Long waiting times are normal if you're a DD. And the higher the level the less people are leveling, it's just the way it is. And I guess there are a number of people who stopped doing fps and the likes, I for one did so at least (I even hardly play the game except for my weekly raid and the occasionally daily to cover the rep) , since Makeb is coming up soon and I have no motivation to run the same boring fps for comms I'd buy gear with I'm gonna get everywhere with 2.0. So just relax, level some alts. There is definitely gonna be more action with the expansion.
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