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I don't get Baras's plan...(Spoiler!)


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Admittedly I haven't actually finished the SW story yet, but I'm on correllia and I've seen the end anyway, but maybe I missed something. As far as I knew, the Voice of the Emperor is whatever body the Emperor happens to be possessing at the time. But with Baras, it seems more like it's a position that the council has to approve. Which is it?
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Admittedly I haven't actually finished the SW story yet, but I'm on correllia and I've seen the end anyway, but maybe I missed something. As far as I knew, the Voice of the Emperor is whatever body the Emperor happens to be possessing at the time. But with Baras, it seems more like it's a position that the council has to approve. Which is it?


A little of both. The council has to "recognize" Baras as the Voice of the Emperor. It's not so much approval as an acknowledgment that he is who he claimed. And actually his plan was very well thought out. He had the support of the council, through intimidation, resignation, or other means. In reality you are the only person in the entire galaxy capable of stopping him. Not sure how far you are through the story so I'm putting this Voss part in spoilers.



If you hadn't killed the true Emperor's Voice on Voss, not even the Emperor could have done anything to stop Baras.



All in all his only mistake was underestimating the Warrior.


Edit: Missed the part where you said you're at Corellia. Spoiler tags still necessary obviously.

Edited by Alorithan
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Baras has to get the Council to RECOGNIZE him as the Voice, in fact.



It's mostly a tricky game of "Yea, it's me, prove me wrong if you can" and with the Emporer silent in every other way, Baras has a pretty good chance of pulling it off. Baras, mind you, is the one who managed to trick the Emperor into entering that Voss chamber and becoming trapped there in a Voss body. So far as he knows, it's easy enough to go to the Council then and claim to be the Voice, even when he's anything but. Because there's no one who can truly say he's not.


It's not a title the Council bestows, mind you. The Council, actually, is supposed to abide by the dictates that comes from the Voice. But if Baras can convince them that's precisely what he is, then he, in fact, controls the Council entirely. Because it's his order that the Council would adhere to. For their part, the Council is hesitant to say, "No way!" precisely because, if they're wrong and Baras actually is the Voice, they've just disrespected the Emperor himself. And that's a surefire way of getting your tush burned to a crisp.



Basically a game of "he said, they said". And the Emperor wins in the end, hehe.

Edited by Phyreblade
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What gets me is that all other VotE we see, that person actually IS the emperor. Like being possessed by a demon. Baras seems like he's still Baras, and just talks to the Emperor.


I doubt many on the dark council have actually spoken to the Voice before. We aren't really sure, as far as I know, how long the Emperor was locked away. Also notice the EXTREME fluctuation of dark council members. In the span of the storyline, there's like 5 or 6 replaced so their tenures don't seem to last very long. If the Voice was locked away for a long time, it's reasonalbe to assume none of the council members had ever spoken to it, and thus have no knowledge of what it would sound like.

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The council knew the fact, they were just using Baras for their own benefit.


Not all did. It's stated that maybe half the council (pulling that number from myself) actually believed him. It was only a few that deceided to just go with it.

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On a side note...did I miss something at the end? When I finished the game with my sorcerer, after killing the final boss there was other stuff to do. Another mission with Khem, more class stuff to do...mostly just dialogue and cutscenes, but still. With my warrior, I beat Baras, and then...I just go to Ilum. Isn't there more?
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On a side note...did I miss something at the end? When I finished the game with my sorcerer, after killing the final boss there was other stuff to do. Another mission with Khem, more class stuff to do...mostly just dialogue and cutscenes, but still. With my warrior, I beat Baras, and then...I just go to Ilum. Isn't there more?


No, it's just that the endings are very different due to the position each ends up with. In the case of the Inquisitor,

you are ending up a member of the Dark Council, so you get to go face your subjects and "revel" in your newfound power.

In the case of the Warrior,

you are ending up being officially recognized as the "Emperor's Wrath", which though is a powerful and dangerous person to be....has a lot less "pomp and circumstance" than being a member of the Dark Council...so there is no "end celebration".


But both stories end very well.... Illum is "post" story for both.

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