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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New Planets


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Tuchanka - the Krogan are awesome.


Never mind, wrong game, sorry.


Maybe still though in a Jetsons/Flintstones style crossover? Like an expansion, Stat Wars: The Old Republic: Reaper Invasion where they find a Mass Relay in the Star Wars Galaxy that shoots them to the Citadel and the ME galaxy and we have to shoot the Asari and Turians and stuff with our blasters going pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew with a Krogan companion going aaargh pew pew pew pew pew pew pew with their shotgun and then we'll rescue the beautiful Asari princess from a space lizard and marry her and get biotic implants...


Wait, what were we talking about again?

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Kashyyk would of course be fun. Who doesn't like kilometer tall trees and wookiees?

Dantooine would also be good. It's got a history with the Jedi and is mentioned in IV while still being largely open for developers to play with.

Malachor V would make for a great raid site maybe the spirit of Treya isn't gone after all.

Edited by Aravein
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I'll be happy if most of the planets and trappings of the prequels NEVER make it into this game. I had to be coerced into playing this because the prequels so destroyed Star Wars for me. The completely impotent Naboo and the Gungans ... GAWD don't get me started on the Gungans. Naboo should have seen Aldaran's fate.
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