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Scripts in PVP


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That post is on a game forum, from an account that was created on the day of the post with no history, so no-one knows the person making the claims.


Someone created the account on a game froum to make that specific post, which is repeated here as "evidence" of scripting.


The thread it's in even asked for video or decent evidence of someone using scripts to win in PvP, this wasn't provided of course.


Sorry, I know you'd like this to be your smoking gun, but it's no better than the second-hand anonymous quote you based this thread on. Points for it being a bit better written though.


I also liked how his description of a "tell" if someone was scripting was people attacking after the scoreboard comes up. Ridiculous.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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That post is on a game forum, from an account that was created on the day of the post with no history, so no-one knows the person making the claims.


Someone created the account on a game froum to make that specific post, which is repeated here as "evidence" of scripting.


The thread it's in even asked for video or decent evidence of someone using scripts to win in PvP, this wasn't provided of course.


If you can't understand scripting, then you will be in denial, if you can' t use the internet to find out then you will be in denial.


Denial and skepticism exist because people are not educated or don't do research in a given subject, it actually takes someone to care and put work in to know what a given subject means.

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If you can't understand scripting, then you will be in denial, if you can' t use the internet to find out then you will be in denial.


Denial and skepticism exist because people are not educated or don't do research in a given subject, it actually takes someone to care and put work in to know what a given subject means.


Tell me more about the Roswell aliens.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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Some background.

I was watching a video of some rated PvP and I noticed that the player's hands did not seems to be pressing the keys as frequently as I would have expected. I was aware of simple macro's to chain commands, but even that didn't appear to me to explain it.


plz url me a video that has rated gameplay + hands.

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plz url me a video that has rated gameplay + hands.


Not sure what you hope to gain here. I kind of think maybe you dont want people to know about this stuff so you are denying it, but if you didnt want them to know about it why do you keep bumping the post?

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Here is a link http://www.roswellufomuseum.com/


I did my research, now do yours when it comes to Scripts in this game.


First 4 letters in alien are "a lie". The last is most likely masonic code. N = 14. A lie 14. Another instance K K K is 11 11 11, 33 started by Albert Pike (has a statue of him in DC). B1G Ten conference? B=2, 1=1, G = 7. 2 +1+7=10. Which is why it is the B1G. You see this is the most interesting of places...


I have done my research as well. As far as automated scripts that pvp for you and are better then even a mediocre player?


1) They couldn't position for you on say a sin/shadow for backstabs, and if they could they would fail at it. Sometimes jumping through is the correct move, sometimes waiting out a low slash for energy is the right move. The coding it would take would be immense, and it would still not play it as well as a player.

2) If you created a macro/script that did multiple attacks, it would just screw you over in this game due to the game engine and animations. Say for instance putting a force/melee attack on a marauder/sin. The animation would loop and make you do worse. Add to that when would the script restart after a stun? Would it play from the beginning of a dps rotation? It just isn't possible to make it do the right thing.

3) Even if you could write one to use interrupts/CC, they would never be interrupting the right thing.

4) They wouldn't taunt the right things on hybrids.

5) The only dps class I can think of where this might be effective is a ton of botted MM snipers (only class I can think of that wouldn't be subject to animation looping) that all target someone at the same time with entrench up, and you would still only beat morons. Also good luck building the computer that can multibox this game well (no I am not talking about multiboxing, I am talking about multiple clients on one machine running WELL).

6) It would be easy to make a healing script, but that healer wouldn't cc right/interrupt, escape right. Then again most healers suck, but people tell them they are AWESOME cus they don't feel like clicking bars. You could possibly script a Pyro PT, but why bother. You can play it with a Sega Genesis controller, and manually taunting would be better.

7) This is a much bigger problem in WoW where people use keyboard/mouse programs and animations don't make things stutter and where classes have priority systems and hardware software can play for you. See Swifty "one shot macro's ", that have happened in the past.


The same people who think a script/bot can play better then even a mediocre player? Probably also believe in aliens. Why? Cus they are evian, or is that naive? Re Verse is often the key.


BTW even with his hardware/scripts? Swifty got his butt kicked against any decent warrior.


Also LOL at the idea that Bioware/EA (EA = enki btw) wouldn't like people to believe (anagram of be evil, and live of course is evil backwards) in aliens. Hell they have a Consular quest named "AS ABOVE SO BELOW"...


Now go back to being a gnostic or a theist, and watching tell a vision. Ewe don't speak jabberwocky and ewe (such fun word games when you learn how to spell, and you don't even need to cast the SPELL) think Einstein and Newton believed most of what they proposed, while they translated the Emerald Tablets and practiced alchemy. Of course, Tesla knew they were full of it, but Tesla is taboo and the "madman".


Now if you want to see a post get deleted? This will be the one to go. In fact? They might ban my account for this beauty. ;)

Edited by biowareftw
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First 4 letters in alien are "a lie". The last is most likely masonic code. N = 14. A lie 14. Another instance K K K is 11 11 11, 33 started by Albert Pike (has a statue of him in DC). B1G Ten conference? B=2, 1=1, G = 7. 2 +1+7=10. Which is why it is the B1G. You see this is the most interesting of places...


I have done my research as well. As far as automated scripts that pvp for you and are better then even a mediocre player?


1) They couldn't position for you on say a sin/shadow for backstabs, and if they could they would fail at it. Sometimes jumping through is the correct move, sometimes waiting out a low slash for energy is the right move. The coding it would take would be immense, and it would still not play it as well as a player.

2) If you created a macro/script that did multiple attacks, it would just screw you over in this game due to the game engine and animations. Say for instance putting a force/melee attack on a marauder/sin. The animation would loop and make you do worse. Add to that when would the script restart after a stun? Would it play from the beginning of a dps rotation? It just isn't possible to make it do the right thing.

3) Even if you could write one to use interrupts/CC, they would never be interrupting the right thing.

4) They wouldn't taunt the right things on hybrids.

5) The only dps class I can think of where this might be effective is a ton of botted MM snipers (only class I can think of that wouldn't be subject to animation looping) that all target someone at the same time with entrench up, and you would still only beat morons. Also good luck building the computer that can multibox this game well (no I am not talking about multiboxing, I am talking about multiple clients on one machine running WELL).

6) It would be easy to make a healing script, but that healer wouldn't cc right/interrupt, escape right. Then again most healers suck, but people tell them they are AWESOME cus they don't feel like clicking bars. You could possibly script a Pyro PT, but why bother. You can play it with a Sega Genesis controller, and manually taunting would be better.

7) This is a much bigger problem in WoW where people use keyboard/mouse programs and animations don't make things stutter and where classes have priority systems and hardware software can play for you. See Swifty "one shot macro's ", that have happened in the past.


The same people who think a script/bot can play better then even a mediocre player? Probably also believe in aliens. Why? Cus they are evian, or is that naive? Re Verse is often the key.


BTW even with his hardware/scripts? Swifty got his butt kicked against any decent warrior.


Also LOL at the idea that Bioware/EA (EA = enki btw) wouldn't like people to believe (anagram of be evil, and live of course is evil backwards) in aliens. Hell they have a Consular quest named "AS ABOVE SO BELOW"...


Now go back to being a gnostic or a theist, and watching tell a vision. Ewe don't speak jabberwocky and ewe (such fun word games when you learn how to spell, and you don't even need to cast the SPELL) think Einstein and Newton believed most of what they proposed, while they translated the Emerald Tablets and practiced alchemy. Of course, Tesla knew they were full of it, but Tesla is taboo and the "madman".


Now if you want to see a post get deleted? This will be the one to go. In fact? They might ban my account for this beauty. ;)


/slowclap that was epic. I dont know what the hell your talking about, but well done

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plz url me a video that has rated gameplay + hands.


Not sure what you hope to gain here. I kind of think maybe you dont want people to know about this stuff so you are denying it, but if you didnt want them to know about it why do you keep bumping the post?


so. no url for a video that shows rated gameplay + hands?


yup. must be me in denial.



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First 4 letters in alien are "a lie". The last is most likely masonic code. N = 14. A lie 14. Another instance K K K is 11 11 11, 33 started by Albert Pike (has a statue of him in DC). B1G Ten conference? B=2, 1=1, G = 7. 2 +1+7=10. Which is why it is the B1G. You see this is the most interesting of places...


I have done my research as well. As far as automated scripts that pvp for you and are better then even a mediocre player?


1) They couldn't position for you on say a sin/shadow for backstabs, and if they could they would fail at it. Sometimes jumping through is the correct move, sometimes waiting out a low slash for energy is the right move. The coding it would take would be immense, and it would still not play it as well as a player.

2) If you created a macro/script that did multiple attacks, it would just screw you over in this game due to the game engine and animations. Say for instance putting a force/melee attack on a marauder/sin. The animation would loop and make you do worse. Add to that when would the script restart after a stun? Would it play from the beginning of a dps rotation? It just isn't possible to make it do the right thing.

3) Even if you could write one to use interrupts/CC, they would never be interrupting the right thing.

4) They wouldn't taunt the right things on hybrids.

5) The only dps class I can think of where this might be effective is a ton of botted MM snipers (only class I can think of that wouldn't be subject to animation looping) that all target someone at the same time with entrench up, and you would still only beat morons. Also good luck building the computer that can multibox this game well (no I am not talking about multiboxing, I am talking about multiple clients on one machine running WELL).

6) It would be easy to make a healing script, but that healer wouldn't cc right/interrupt, escape right. Then again most healers suck, but people tell them they are AWESOME cus they don't feel like clicking bars. You could possibly script a Pyro PT, but why bother. You can play it with a Sega Genesis controller, and manually taunting would be better.

7) This is a much bigger problem in WoW where people use keyboard/mouse programs and animations don't make things stutter and where classes have priority systems and hardware software can play for you. See Swifty "one shot macro's ", that have happened in the past.


The same people who think a script/bot can play better then even a mediocre player? Probably also believe in aliens. Why? Cus they are evian, or is that naive? Re Verse is often the key.


BTW even with his hardware/scripts? Swifty got his butt kicked against any decent warrior.


Also LOL at the idea that Bioware/EA (EA = enki btw) wouldn't like people to believe (anagram of be evil, and live of course is evil backwards) in aliens. Hell they have a Consular quest named "AS ABOVE SO BELOW"...


Now go back to being a gnostic or a theist, and watching tell a vision. Ewe don't speak jabberwocky and ewe (such fun word games when you learn how to spell, and you don't even need to cast the SPELL) think Einstein and Newton believed most of what they proposed, while they translated the Emerald Tablets and practiced alchemy. Of course, Tesla knew they were full of it, but Tesla is taboo and the "madman".


You sir have way more issues than believing scripts don't change things in this game.


Dodging the issue and quoting people and being off-topic is being in denial and also being off-topic when posting a bunch of gibberish


You have opinions about this certain topic and thats fine, but fact is scripts can change a way a game is played by the people using them, and that is called exploiting.


Exploiting is not permitted in this game so therefore Bioware needs to address the issue with the info in this thread coming to light.


Good day sir .

Edited by Caeliux
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Some background.

I am a computer programmer with 20 years experience. < not me repost from hacking site. This is whats wrong with SWTOR PVP. Some of the PUBS on Jung Ma are using it.



I was watching a video of some rated PvP and I noticed that the player's hands did not seems to be pressing the keys as frequently as I would have expected. I was aware of simple macro's to chain commands, but even that didn't appear to me to explain it.

I had used Macrogoblin to spacebot for leveling purposes. It occured to me at that time that maybe this, or something like this, was what the player was doing.

I spend a few days learning the full command set to macrogoblin as was able to write a script for my character. The first character I chose to script was a Jedi Shadow. My thinking was that since almost all of their abilities didn't require standing still, it would make the script easier to write.

The script was initated when I pressed my straff keys. I would use my mouse and straff keys to position myself behind the target, this is optimal for both offensive and defensive reasons. For the following 5 seconds after I pressed either of my straff keys, the script is designed to continuosly attack the target. It checks to see which procs are up and makes sure that I don't become resource depleted. It wil pop an offensive cooldown when the right proccs are up. It will also execute some defensive cooldowns if my health starts dropping. It will stop attacking if I cloak out or manually start activating abilities like stuns, AoE attacks, or grenades. As soon as I start straffing again, the script continues it's attack.

It will not fire things like stuns, reslience, wz medpacks and addrenals. Those are best activated by the player.

I was very surpised how effective the script was. It greatly reduced the amount of mental effort I needed to spend on my rotation and allowed me to focus on the big picture. It increased my damage in WZ total and allowed me to win almost all 1v1 fights. It allowed me to focus on timing my stuns, interupts, taunts, etc better. Most of these can be interleaved with the script easily as many don't even trigger a GCD.

Did it make me a PvP god? Yes and No. It made me FAR better than I was. It made me far better than most people I came up against. But, there are still players who can kick my ***. Just not very many.

After using the script for a while, I noticed that the other players were exhibiting certain quirky actions that my character also exhibited when using scripts. I am convinced that I am not the only one using scripts in PvP.

If there are any questions that I can answer please ask.


Thanks for being honest

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You sir have way more issues than believing scripts don't change things in this game.


Dodging the issue and quoting people and being off-topic is being in denial and also being off-topic when posting a bunch of gibberish


You have opinions about this certain topic and thats fine, but fact is scripts can change a way a game is played by the people using them, and that is called exploiting.


Exploiting is not permitted in this game so therefore Bioware needs to address the issue with the info in this thread coming to light.


Good day sir .


You believe in aliens and play a game series where ANAK kin was the messiah, while never even knowing who the sons of Anak were. You also probably played Diablo without knowing who Tyre El was. I will give you a clue. In Diablo 3 he fell...

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You believe in aliens and play a game series where ANAK kin was the messiah, while never even knowing who the sons of Anak were. You also probably played Diablo without knowing who Tyre El was. I will give you a clue. In Diablo 3 he fell...


And you asked him about aliens... tell me what you see when you look at a dollar bill.


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Thanks for being honest


He states it's a repost from a "hacking" forum (actually a game forum, but that wouldn't sound so much like a revelation from the dark side), not from him. Though to be fair, for all I know he made the post on the other forum.

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You believe in aliens and play a game series where ANAK kin was the messiah, while never even knowing who the sons of Anak were. You also probably played Diablo without knowing who Tyre El was. I will give you a clue. In Diablo 3 he fell...


Once people thought the world was flat, until a pioneer named christopher columbus proved them wrong, least that is what history has told us. Also a man landed on the moon and we also found out the speed of sound and light.


Now aliens, bigfoot, and loch ness are things that are myth and which could or could not be true, some say it is and some say it isn't, I guess only people that believe can and will do so by evidence.


Scripts exist in video games and that is a fact, someone already posted something I think some of you have skipped completely and ignored,


And I see nobody brought up the fact that there are many players using that program that intercepts and allows the user to directly modify calls to DirectX. Meaning easy autotargeting, maphacking, aimbotting, etc without relying on having an easily detected program attempt to inject C and Assembly code into a running .EXE.


Originally developed to be used on CS and UT, WoW, Rift and Battlefield support was added, and then Warhammer, AoC and SW:TOR when it was released. Oh, and it's now also used in games like CoD: MW3, Black OPs, Black OPs 2, etc.


You can hate the way I say something, but this post here you will need to understand the proof is right in front of your internet face and you need to research before you even post on this topic.


Scripts is exploiting and some people are doing it as we speak, answers how Bioware is going to handle it needs to be answered at some point.


It doesn't matter if its game breaking or not, its a problem just like hacking or anything else, remember exploiting is exploiting.

Edited by Caeliux
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Once people thought the world was flat, until a pioneer named christopher columbus proved them wrong, least that is what history has told us. Also a man landed on the moon and we also found out the speed of sound and light.


Now aliens, bigfoot, and loch ness are things that are myth and which could or could not be true, some say it is and some say it isn't, I guess only people that believe can and will do so by evidence.


Scripts exist in video games and that is a fact, someone already posted something I think some of you have skipped completely and ignored,




You can hate the way I say something, but this post here you will need to understand the proof is right in front of your internet face and you need to research before you even post on this topic.


Scripts is exploiting and some people are doing it as we speak, answers how Bioware is going to handle it needs to be answered at some point.


It doesn't matter if its game breaking or not, its a problem just like hacking or anything else, remember exploiting is exploiting.


You probably think Columbus discovered America. We have evidence that the Vikings were here long before. Why don't you tell me about Marconi and the radio.


Also big foot?


Yeah here is a guy that saw big foot.


Seems legit.


Now if you want to question things, how about questioning the completely obvious, that people like you refuse to question.




Or MK Ultra. That was a pretty cool thing in our countries history! It directly relates to the Agent story in this game, with "key words", used to trigger "alters". They really did their homework! Funny how the whole "alien abduction" thing took off after we worked on programming false memories into people (including children).








How very interesting.


We have empirical evidence to discuss all of the above. Einstein? Hardly empirical.


"The theory [Relativity] is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king ... its exponents are brilliant men but they are metaphysicists, not scientists..."

- Nikola Tesla, New York Times, July 11, 1935


Now you go ahead and call me a "nutcase" and a "theorist", when you are the one who believes in things, that lack empirical evidence, when we have things like this...




To show just how badly people can be manipulated and fooled. Then again? His-story now views Tesla as a mad man also. It seems I am in good company.


Now open that wallet. Look at the SS card in it. Tell me why the name there is in all capital letters. Then again you probably think the Federal Reserve is part of this country and not a private bank? You probably don't care, in which case ewe deserve to be manipulated. Seeing I really don't feel like being banned on this forum, simply for posting a few news articles, this will be my last post on the subject. You are right though. The truth is out there, but you have to wade through complete b.s., and a counter culture that was also designed to manipulate. People like BS artists Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura.

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