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Scripts in PVP


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Well as much as I know scripts are just tools.

And the effectiveness of a tool is directly connected to its user.


So I guess that a bad user would have poor results with a tool.

But a good user from the other hand....

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I understand you only want to hear people agreeing with you.

I didn't say using script makes you bad, I wrote, that if you need script to be 'much better' then I pity you.

Doing programing for living, I know how smart programs are, and can be useful, also I played a certain game on a certain server which allowed certain program which included scripting and I did spent hours perfecting mines, I know how much help them can be.

What your thread lacks, is a real reason to use them. My self, posted few examples of what for they can be used, and many many others posted their pros and cons. Mostly it comes down to 3 buttons you could unbind if you had macro/script, and situational awareness which even best script doesn't have.


Except you keep implying this is a widespread thing in the competitive PVP community, when it is not. I don't know a single player who uses these. As a player in a "top tier" rated guild on PO5, I don't even understand the benefit you would get from them. They would mess you up more then they help you. I guess if you are a complete noob who cant execute a basic rotation then they would be useful, but otherwise they are not.

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Except you keep implying this is a widespread thing in the competitive PVP community, when it is not. I don't know a single player who uses these. As a player in a "top tier" rated guild on PO5, I don't even understand the benefit you would get from them. They would mess you up more then they help you. I guess if you are a complete noob who cant execute a basic rotation then they would be useful, but otherwise they are not.


Think you quoted wrong person.

No problem :rolleyes:

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You expect people to get a forum ban to give you "proof" when this is such common knowledgs at this point people arent even bothering to hide it.


No, I ask for people do give me - in their own words - a description, how a script could help an average player.


No links, no names of scripts, no technical details on how the sript does all that, just a few - concrete - examples on how such an alleged script could help anybody improve unless they are really terrible.


It is also quite telling that you simply ignore the people who are sceptical and declare the contested fact to be coomon knowledge. Works for the believers, I guess.


Also, in the OP you said about your "friend":


I wrote a script for my toon that could execute the best attack all the time, even look at my procs and manage

resources. All I really had to do was position myself well and the script did the rest.


Again, please explain to me how THIS SCRIPT could work to make "good" decisions. Targeting / using attacks, I get all that. But any 4 year old can "target next enemy" and "press" buttons.


None of this makes a good player. A good player does focus damage / should know when to retreat / should know when to interrupt or to cc / should know when to die / should look at the situation of a wz and try to predict the other teams next move / should know when to call inc and help / ...


Perhaps that is the solution: People who claim that there are all powerful scripts which drasticially improve you gamplay are terrible to begin with. I mean, my 4 year old nephew could surely benefit from these scripts as well.


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Except you keep implying this is a widespread thing in the competitive PVP community, when it is not. I don't know a single player who uses these. As a player in a "top tier" rated guild on PO5, I don't even understand the benefit you would get from them. They would mess you up more then they help you. I guess if you are a complete noob who cant execute a basic rotation then they would be useful, but otherwise they are not.


My thoughts exactly.

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Did you notice Lance Armstrong

He apologized for lying about blood doping not the need to do it. In professorial cycling the athletes know they too will be banned if caught, but they also realize they will never get to compete if they do not do it. You can draw the conclusion from here.


lol no you can't you ignorant ****


If you know how to play a script will do nothing for you


The only thing it is good for is popping cd's off the global. And there are times when i want to save my medpac and defensive because where I am at is a lost cause. Or i need to do a /stuck without the cheesiness


And if you could write a script that works well with your toon. You would be better without it lol.


Scripts may be a problem for grinding gear/xp. But the idea that RWZ is dominated by scripts is just laughable

Edited by Mookind
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That's macros not scripts, scripts is a whole new ballgame.


Scripts are just lengthy / advanced macros and i think the "no automation" rule affects scripts as well.

But a script that actively monitors certain parameters, but require you to hit a button to perform any action

based on it, might slip past those rules given in the post i linked.


Edit: Me too would be happy to see an update on BW's stance on those issues.

Edited by Kattla
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Crawl TBH I do not think that the DEVs are going to do anything about scripts. One of my old guildy's spacebotted all of his toons and he never once got banned. Granted once the toon hit 50 he did play the toon and geared him, but still never got banned on 5 toons. As long as the account is being paid for and every once in a while buys some cartel coins I don't think BW will ban them. Just my opinion.
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Crawl TBH I do not think that the DEVs are going to do anything about scripts. One of my old guildy's spacebotted all of his toons and he never once got banned. Granted once the toon hit 50 he did play the toon and geared him, but still never got banned on 5 toons. As long as the account is being paid for and every once in a while buys some cartel coins I don't think BW will ban them. Just my opinion.


That is the one thing they are banning peeps for these days, plenty of peeps have been hit with it I guess. It's not that they are monitoring the actual script/bot program (so it is said), it's simply easy to detect the repetitiveness of the toons doing the same mission(s) for 8 hours straight lol. Point is, I wouldn't run scripts at this point if I were anyone, as putting your account in jeapordy seems kinda dumb.

Edited by Pistols-GS
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That is the one thing they are banning peeps for these days, plenty of peeps have been hit with it I guess. It's not that they are monitoring the actual script/bot program (so it is said), it's simply easy to detect the repetitiveness of the toons doing the same mission(s) for 8 hours straight lol. Point is, I wouldn't run scripts at this point if I were anyone, as putting your account in jeapordy seems kinda dumb.


O I didnt realize that. Tnx pistols.

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Yes a dev response here is all I personally am looking for.


For gods sake I would think they would comment, or are they covering their own tail and won't provide any feedback on it knowing we will look right through the line of bs they provide. :D

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Agreed any repsponse would suffice. The lack of attention is disheartening. There are WAY too many threads involving some sort of cheat and lately a day doesn't go buy that I don't see one of some sort. The lack of policing (for lack of a better word) is almost negligent. I personally demand some answers and an open forum/chat with BW fielding questions regarding all of our issues would be a start. Hand pick the participants BW, so it doesn't degrade to petty "you f'd this up, change that, buff this, nerf that" non sense. There are plenty of people that can sit down and point things professionally and accurately.
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You think? On the (lack of) evidence of this thread?


Those that know can't provide it, or this thread will be deleted.


The truth is out there and so is the internet.


Bioware would not like us posting links and actually providing the actual proof of it, the reason is some stupid kid would figure it out and would learn how to exploit.


Exploiting is something not taken likely and shouldn't be, why I am surprised no reply.


Its the sole reason this thread was made and needs a response, scripts is out there and some people are using them daily.


This isn't Bigfoot and UFO's, its already confirmed they exist, its a unspoken topic that most don't want people to know about.

Edited by Caeliux
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And I see nobody brought up the fact that there are many players using that program that intercepts and allows the user to directly modify calls to DirectX. Meaning easy autotargeting, maphacking, aimbotting, etc without relying on having an easily detected program attempt to inject C and Assembly code into a running .EXE.


Originally developed to be used on CS and UT, WoW, Rift and Battlefield support was added, and then Warhammer, AoC and SW:TOR when it was released. Oh, and it's now also used in games like CoD: MW3, Black OPs, Black OPs 2, etc.

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And I see nobody brought up the fact that there are many players using that program that intercepts and allows the user to directly modify calls to DirectX. Meaning easy autotargeting, maphacking, aimbotting, etc without relying on having an easily detected program attempt to inject C and Assembly code into a running .EXE.


Originally developed to be used on CS and UT, WoW, Rift and Battlefield support was added, and then Warhammer, AoC and SW:TOR when it was released. Oh, and it's now also used in games like CoD: MW3, Black OPs, Black OPs 2, etc.


Thank you for your feedback. I now have even more to research lol.

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The truth is out there and so is the internet.


Well done quoting the X-Files, because like that programme this "enormous problem" of Scripts in PvP is a work of fiction that's been mistaken for reality by the paranoid and gullible.


It's been kept going by about four individuals repeatting the same posts, void of content or coherent argument. The devs haven't posted because it's an imaginary problem. I am now annoyed at myself for posting in it again.


I would not be surprised if this was a metagame to see how long a BS thread could be kept going. Maybe I take my paranoia differently.

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Those that know can't provide it, or this thread will be deleted.


The truth is out there and so is the internet.



Yeah ... sure... keep telling that to yourself.


"The Truth is out there" - Isnt that an X-files quote?


Well, if you believe in the widerspread use of powerful scripts which are essential for good players in high ranked pvp you might as well believe in alien conspiracys, I guess.


Nobody is asking for a link or anthing, however, so far NOBODY has even been able / or willing to explain the advantage of letting a script automate significant actions for you UNLESS YOU ARE TERRIBLE. I mean the advantages of macros are quite obvious (and I suppose they might be in widespread usage), but scripts?


Or to put in another way: Are you really that terrible in pvp that running a script which targets / chooses and executes your actions will improve your gameplay?

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