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Scripts in PVP


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None of you have considered a very likely possibility:


Bioware has seen all of these scripts and their potential for abuse and have decided that the advantage it provides is so minor that it's not worth their time to hunt down and remove.


I don't deny that people cheat - in any situation where it is possible, people will attempt to gain any advantage over their competition. However, I agree with some posters that the advantage these scripts provide aren't significant enough to cause alarm.


You can make a script that uses certain procs or abilities when their condition is met. For example, using Riposte when it procs, or hitting Dispatch when the target hits 30% HP - it is likely that a script will be able to react faster than a human when it comes to simple commands like these.


However, you have to take into account the native GCD and the ability queue function that exists in the game. It can't be that hard for you to notice that the healer you've been pounding on is now at 32% HP. Not in range for Dispatch, but he will be in 1.5 seconds after you hit him with Blade Storm. As the Blade Storm animation plays, hit the button for Dispatch - because of ability queue (I set mine at 1 second), Dispatch fires the moment the GCD ends. You didn't need a script for that.


And if you can't keep an eye on the node (using the magical powers of peripheral vision and zooming out the camera), then no amount of scripting will help you.


Are there other examples of actions the script can undertake? For instance, in the OP, the Shadow claimed that he had a script execute his rotation - what exactly did he ask the script to do?


In conclusion, I believe that scripts/macros/bots/hacks do exist, but unless these things allow the player to do something that breaks the game's rules (such as speed-hacking, teleporting, etc), then I'm not going to be too fussed about it. And this is because I don't believe these scripts will provide their user with a significant enough advantage that will detrimentally affect my gameplay on a constant basis.

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Actually, isn't combat log parsing available now? If it is it would be simple for Bioware to write some code that examines all combat logs and finds instances of characters that always have perfectly timed rotations without ever missing. The only explanation for that is scripting. Especially if it was measured in nano seconds. It is very unlikely that a human being without aid could consistently cycle through an ability rotation with no variation at the nanosecond level always.


It would actually take a developer probably 20 minutes to write a python or perl script to handle finding people cheating that way.


You could also add a check to the program startup that searched the users computer for the macroing programs that target these types of games and just add agreement to the TOS, no one ever reads that anyway. They could then auto-ban everyone cheating.


I am sure I could come up with a few more ways that would simplify them weeding out cheaters. The big question is, DO THEY CARE ENOUGH?

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None of you have considered a very likely possibility:


Bioware has seen all of these scripts and their potential for abuse and have decided that the advantage it provides is so minor that it's not worth their time to hunt down and remove.


I don't deny that people cheat - in any situation where it is possible, people will attempt to gain any advantage over their competition. However, I agree with some posters that the advantage these scripts provide aren't significant enough to cause alarm.


You can make a script that uses certain procs or abilities when their condition is met. For example, using Riposte when it procs, or hitting Dispatch when the target hits 30% HP - it is likely that a script will be able to react faster than a human when it comes to simple commands like these.


However, you have to take into account the native GCD and the ability queue function that exists in the game. It can't be that hard for you to notice that the healer you've been pounding on is now at 32% HP. Not in range for Dispatch, but he will be in 1.5 seconds after you hit him with Blade Storm. As the Blade Storm animation plays, hit the button for Dispatch - because of ability queue (I set mine at 1 second), Dispatch fires the moment the GCD ends. You didn't need a script for that.


And if you can't keep an eye on the node (using the magical powers of peripheral vision and zooming out the camera), then no amount of scripting will help you.


Are there other examples of actions the script can undertake? For instance, in the OP, the Shadow claimed that he had a script execute his rotation - what exactly did he ask the script to do?


In conclusion, I believe that scripts/macros/bots/hacks do exist, but unless these things allow the player to do something that breaks the game's rules (such as speed-hacking, teleporting, etc), then I'm not going to be too fussed about it. And this is because I don't believe these scripts will provide their user with a significant enough advantage that will detrimentally affect my gameplay on a constant basis.


You hit dispatch. The other player's script is faster and sees that not only did a heal just land, but the player moved 6 meters away and executes a 10-30 meter attack instead or maybe a snare. You waste much of a GCD wondering why your dispatch doesn't execute. He focuses on his situation awareness and positioning.


I do kind of agree with your point. Without getting into complex screen reading scripts, you can build macro that simply mashes a bunch of keys in order of priority. I am pretty sure this is technically not allowed by the ToS, but is also something that many players using even Razor's SWTOR themed (Bioware approved) naga mouse are doing.

Edited by KamujinKravshera
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None of you have considered a very likely possibility:


Bioware has seen all of these scripts and their potential for abuse and have decided that the advantage it provides is so minor that it's not worth their time to hunt down and remove.


I don't deny that people cheat - in any situation where it is possible, people will attempt to gain any advantage over their competition. However, I agree with some posters that the advantage these scripts provide aren't significant enough to cause alarm.


You can make a script that uses certain procs or abilities when their condition is met. For example, using Riposte when it procs, or hitting Dispatch when the target hits 30% HP - it is likely that a script will be able to react faster than a human when it comes to simple commands like these.


However, you have to take into account the native GCD and the ability queue function that exists in the game. It can't be that hard for you to notice that the healer you've been pounding on is now at 32% HP. Not in range for Dispatch, but he will be in 1.5 seconds after you hit him with Blade Storm. As the Blade Storm animation plays, hit the button for Dispatch - because of ability queue (I set mine at 1 second), Dispatch fires the moment the GCD ends. You didn't need a script for that.


And if you can't keep an eye on the node (using the magical powers of peripheral vision and zooming out the camera), then no amount of scripting will help you.


Are there other examples of actions the script can undertake? For instance, in the OP, the Shadow claimed that he had a script execute his rotation - what exactly did he ask the script to do?


In conclusion, I believe that scripts/macros/bots/hacks do exist, but unless these things allow the player to do something that breaks the game's rules (such as speed-hacking, teleporting, etc), then I'm not going to be too fussed about it. And this is because I don't believe these scripts will provide their user with a significant enough advantage that will detrimentally affect my gameplay on a constant basis.


Thank you for constructive feedback.

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In conclusion, I believe that scripts/macros/bots/hacks do exist, but unless these things allow the player to do something that breaks the game's rules (such as speed-hacking, teleporting, etc), then I'm not going to be too fussed about it.


Being fussed about is one thing, and we can see some people do care about other players exploiting with a scripted 3rd party program, its another when no response comes to this matter when in fact Bioware didn't want macros at start of the game but comments they want it some point.




People are using scripts I assume because of the lack of macros use in this game, meaning its Bioware fault not implementing macros from the start.


I do think the fact of no macros in this game is the sole reason the exploiters are going other methods to provide a faster way to combat in this game, I do understand the scripts being done is more than just a regular macro setup, but it goes to show it goes hand and hand to this very topic.


What is seriously baffling to me is the lack of attention to this topic, allowing us as subs and ftp to panic and have anxiety about cheaters and exploiters when it comes to PvP in this game. I can surly contest that this issue is among the biggest let downs I have ever seen in a mmo period.


Any comment and assurance to use about this matter would make alot of players not to mention guilds feel some what better about the attention to exploits alike, not paying attention to this very topic means you do not care about bleeding more people outta your game.


This isn't lets draw guns and see who wins, Bioware will lose if they continue ducking this thread soon enough.


Time is ticking, the new expansion is awaiting and some might cancel due to the lack of care about exploiters in your game Bioware.


I suggest you do something about this thread and topic to provide some reassurance that you care.

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There has still been no evidence posted that scripts some how elevate you above some one who knows how to play


As has probably been said many times in this thread WE HAVE A GCD AND ABILITY QUE FOR A REASON


If you feel like some one has an advantage over you because they use a macro to pop multiple abils off the GCD, bind your *********** keys in better positions.


Latency is a way bigger issue than macros


You people are terrible, shut the **** up and go pvp

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I know the person that brought this subject up to the OP, and he is not making this up. I was at first shocked and in denile that it could happen, but it can and continues to happen.


I remember playing against some who started using these scripts when rateds came out, I remember in regular wz's beating the snot out of some of them, sure and losing to others, but then came rateds and none of them could be touched. It was like night and day and I never could figure it out, the player I could 1v1 in regular wz's was now unbeatable.


Cool story.


I am sorry that I still do not buy the story of the "God script" without any evidence.

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... you can build macro that simply mashes a bunch of keys in order of priority. I am pretty sure this is technically not allowed by the ToS, but is also something that many players using even Razor's SWTOR themed (Bioware approved) naga mouse are doing.


QUIBBLE: Didn't BW developers say "no repeating loops, no delays, 1 action per key press is allowed"? If so, a macro that mashes n keys in priority order is not a violation of the ToS. E.g. a macro that mashes '30% finisher, attack1, attack2, basic attack' is allowed.

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No one is talking about macros in this thread except for the clueless. No offense to you personally meant at all. Macros are so easy a child could do it with the razer program. Scripts are on a whole other level.
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Cool story.


I am sorry that I still do not buy the story of the "God script" without any evidence.


I've been following this thread reading both sides and doing some outside reading(gaming and programming threads) to see what can and can't be done with these scripts in this game and other games. No there is no script that will give you god mode. However, there are scripts that will make you better than 95% of the player base if you start with decent enough skills. So the top players will still be the top players regardless . Most of us are not top 5% players though and for us this is an issue. I can only speculate on how widespread their use is, but yes i am convinced they are being used and the more competitive matches will naturally have more players using them.


I have mixed feelings about their use and the impact its having. I am still going to enjoy the game regardless, at least now I am more informed so that is a plus. I am not sure how EA would combat this issue. I mean listen its not like there is money riding on any of these matches, its just for fun. I don't think this game was ever designed for high level competitive play. I think OP has brought a legitimate issue to the table and to just dismiss him outright with out doing your own DD is naive. For me personally, its not gamebreaking, I just don't care enough. Obviously he feels differently and thats fine.

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I've been following this thread reading both sides and doing some outside reading(gaming and programming threads) to see what can and can't be done with these scripts in this game and other games. No there is no script that will give you god mode. However, there are scripts that will make you better than 95% of the player base if you start with decent enough skills. So the top players will still be the top players regardless . Most of us are not top 5% players though and for us this is an issue. I can only speculate on how widespread their use is, but yes i am convinced they are being used and the more competitive matches will naturally have more players using them.


I have mixed feelings about their use and the impact its having. I am still going to enjoy the game regardless, at least now I am more informed so that is a plus. I am not sure how EA would combat this issue. I mean listen its not like there is money riding on any of these matches, its just for fun. I don't think this game was ever designed for high level competitive play. I think OP has brought a legitimate issue to the table and to just dismiss him outright with out doing your own DD is naive. For me personally, its not gamebreaking, I just don't care enough. Obviously he feels differently and thats fine.


Thank you for your feedback :)

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QUIBBLE: Didn't BW developers say "no repeating loops, no delays, 1 action per key press is allowed"? If so, a macro that mashes n keys in priority order is not a violation of the ToS. E.g. a macro that mashes '30% finisher, attack1, attack2, basic attack' is allowed.


You may be right. The way I read that it, a macro that mashes 5 attacks in order of priority is 5 attacks per keypress, even though only 1 can execute per GCD. That said, I really only have the same quote you're referencing to go by and your interpretation could be the correct one.

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You could also add a check to the program startup that searched the users computer for the macroing programs that target these types of games and just add agreement to the TOS, no one ever reads that anyway. They could then auto-ban everyone cheating.




They cannot do that. I use autohotkey for a lot of useful stuff, gaming is not one of them

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They could absolutely not allow you to run swtor while any of these 3rd party programs are active on your computer.


I am pretty sure there are national regulations preventing software from spying on people's computers in this manner.

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Lol, punkbuster :D


Even has function to allow server admin manually take screenshots of your screen :D


These quotes are taken from the PunkBuster privacy page, http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=privacy.php Highlights are mine.


The PunkBuster system is designed specifically to allow users to optionally hold themselves accountable by allowing our software to run in the background on their computer systems while they compete in various forms of multiplayer events.


Furthermore, our software will not perform "hard disk scans" looking through large portions of users' directories and/or file systems.


Again, there are very strict national and international regulations about any scans any software does around your computer.

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