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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BW: Will you change FIELD RESPEC in WZs?


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I was curious if Bioware had any plans to change the talent-tree Field Respec ability while doing warzones. While I have this ability, and use it often in warzones. I think (especially for Rateds) it would be more engaging if they prevented re-specializing once the gate opens and the warzone begins in round 1.


If you've done rateds, you know that almost everyone changes talent-tree builds from Round to Round and Match to Match on the fly. I think it would be more engaging if they prevented this.


Just curious.

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Please explain on how restricting choice is "more engaging".


Well for one it locks teams down to class roles and compositions. Making choosing comps more strategic, rather than choosing a general comp and then everyone can alternate roles mid match. I think it might also open up spots in group for others to step in with different classes/roles vs the same 8 guys filling all the roles constnatly.


Its not a huge deal to me at all. I absolutely can see cases and arguments for both sides. I just think it would be better, for at least rateds, to have a restriction on class field respecs mid-match.

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I can see how it might present a problem with tank classes doing so, but on my sniper I like changing my spec based on an enemy team's composition, if it's stacked with tanks I'm going leth, if it's a healer zerg engineering, smash monkeys=mm,etc,etc. Also depends on the warzone in question too.


I'm forced to adapt because some specs are just utterly worthless against certain classes.

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I can see how it might present a problem with tank classes doing so, but on my sniper I like changing my spec based on an enemy team's composition, if it's stacked with tanks I'm going leth, if it's a healer zerg engineering, smash monkeys=mm,etc,etc. Also depends on the warzone in question too.


I'm forced to adapt because some specs are just utterly worthless against certain classes.


Well yes, Marauder and Sniper are different. Its when all the guardians and vanguards change specs for Round 1 of Voidstar, then change back for Round 2. Etc etc. Sages sometimes switch as well, form heals to deeps.


It also messes with the stats when you have guys switching from Tank to DPS in alternating rounds or mid-matches. You have guys with like 700k derp smash damage and also while they were in tank spec putting up 350k guarding. Hahaha. I kind of would like people to just pick one spec and play it out.


I get the whole: winning is winning, and field-respecs are part of the game so you should use them to win, etc etc. And I do from time to time. But that doesn't mean I can't see both sides of the coin. I think it would be better to have teams locked in at the start of the match.

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Well yes, Marauder and Sniper are different. Its when all the guardians and vanguards change specs for Round 1 of Voidstar, then change back for Round 2. Etc etc. Sages sometimes switch as well, form heals to deeps.


It also messes with the stats when you have guys switching from Tank to DPS in alternating rounds or mid-matches. You have guys with like 700k derp smash damage and also while they were in tank spec putting up 350k guarding. Hahaha. I kind of would like people to just pick one spec and play it out.


I get the whole: winning is winning, and field-respecs are part of the game so you should use them to win, etc etc. And I do from time to time. But that doesn't mean I can't see both sides of the coin. I think it would be better to have teams locked in at the start of the match.


I would support it being disabled in rated matches, but not for regular warzones.

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You'd need to disable it a soon as the queue pops so one guy doesn't go in and tell everyone what the match is. (Unless you want people to be able to respec based on the match, but not mid-match.


Well i thought I was fine with people changing specs FOR the match (ie: like how you mentioned above), I'm not really ok with everyone respec-ing MID-MATCH.


Though you are correct, for things like huttball where everyone is going to spec to tanks. I think it would probably be best to lock the talent-trees before the match begins. I guess make it so once you hit "Queue for Rateds" it prevents you from using the field respec. So this way you'd have to leave queue to reset talent trees, or otherwise go in with what you have.


Also, yes I think for PUG's it wouldn't matter much...I am talking more for Rateds. However I would be ok with them implementing this for both. Because lets face it, if you have a 4-man group switching specs even for PUG warzones, the other pug team is going to get molested even worse.

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Talent respecs in rwz let you be a little more flexible with your comps, I don't see the issue here. It just adds another level of complexity and challenge Edited by Cilas
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This. x100 this.


Yes, in your 2 opinions. I'd like to think there is also a challenge and competition in forming solid group comps and countering others straight up. Without the respec side of things. There is a case to be had for both styles of play. I simply am discussing the alternative of removing it from the warzones.

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For unranked warzones: proper matchmaking must be introduced before disabling this feature. There is no way around this without causing more frustration.


For ranked warzones: I think it is fine, but wouldn't be up in arms about it being removed either.


In general: You should not be able to use Field Respec outside of spawn, or at the very least it should be disabled in combat.

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Respecing mid match is nothing but abusive and uninspired. As you can see a lot of these "lolgood" (see: objective players) RWZ teams on live and PTS respec full heals/tank for VS defense (then full on 7 DPS offense that's hard to win with right?) and Huttball effectively making the WZ a joke and completely stupid (they already were but that's besides the point). There is no upper level of complexity added, just another level of cheese added to an already cheesy RWZ meta.


To lock classes into their respective predetermined roles makes coming up with comps and strategy much more engaging and satisfying, allowing people to bring a bunch of hybrid ACs and have them respec to different roles just to make countering them difficult isn't smart, it's just lazy.


Although this games RWZ and pvp scene could never be taken seriously the fact that you can respec on the fly, basically in combat, denies any respectability to Swtor PVP's skill cap or its meta game play.

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Respecing mid match is nothing but abusive and uninspired. As you can see a lot of these "lolgood" (see: objective players) RWZ teams on live and PTS respec full heals/tank for VS defense (then full on 7 DPS offense that's hard to win with right?) and Huttball effectively making the WZ a joke and completely stupid (they already were but that's besides the point). There is no upper level of complexity added, just another level of cheese added to an already cheesy RWZ meta.


To lock classes into their respective predetermined roles makes coming up with comps and strategy much more engaging and satisfying, allowing people to bring a bunch of hybrid ACs and have them respec to different roles just to make countering them difficult isn't smart, it's just lazy.


Although this games RWZ and pvp scene could never be taken seriously the fact that you can respec on the fly, basically in combat, denies any respectability to Swtor PVP's skill cap or its meta game play.


Thank you Mr. Razbot. At least someone fully understands what I was getting at by this thread.

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People with do exactly what they did before the Field Respec:


They will send in one person of the group into the warzone. That person will say in Mumble what the Warzone is "Hey guys it's Huttball."


then people will respec, and enter warzone.

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People with do exactly what they did before the Field Respec:


They will send in one person of the group into the warzone. That person will say in Mumble what the Warzone is "Hey guys it's Huttball."


then people will respec, and enter warzone.


And thats cheese, so just because this exists it doesn't justify mid-game respecs. Both should be taken out simple as that.


And the initial respec isn't even a big deal, but mid wz respec'ing is the real issue.

Edited by Razgriz_tree
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And thats cheese, so just because this exists it doesn't justify mid-game respecs. Both should be taken out simple as that.


And the initial respec isn't even a big deal, but mid wz respec'ing is the real issue.



Yeah the "Everyone respec DPS and Slaughter kills/forget doors" on the 2nd half of Voidstar is cheese.



They could totally disable Field Respec once the warzone started. That will give you like 70+ seconds to respec, which is more than enough time.


And, before some noob says "But I backfllled into a Warzone!!" This is a MMO, with focus on the second 'M'. If you queue with a friend, you'll never backfill a wz.

Edited by KettleBelll
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Please explain on how restricting choice is "more engaging".

the ability to change specs makes certain classes more valuable than others. mostly the tank/healer classes get a boost. I would rather not see all the guardians respec in hb or the healers in vs. but...that's more of a preference thing. I do think it would make matches more interesting w/o the respec. but I cannot offer any argument for it. so...meh.

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I completely understand where you're coming from. I have fought in several rated matches and see that it is a major issue in each warzone, especially in voidstar. Each team will switch specs depending on the scenario. I myself have done it many times. Playing as a commando allows me to go dps on offense or heals on defense. And depending on your team composition, you could conceivably stack your team specifically, healers and tanks. I would like to see BW possibly change this especially in rated. Perhaps by disabling the ability to field respec once you load in to the warzone. It would make both teams rethink their strategies rather than just respeccing, and taking the easy road. I guess that is what I would call it. Anyways, those are just my thoughts and I appreciate feedback whether its positive or negative.
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Thank you Mr. Razbot. At least someone fully understands what I was getting at by this thread.


I think most of us understand, some of us would just rather not have it disabled, that's all.

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I was curious if Bioware had any plans to change the talent-tree Field Respec ability while doing warzones. While I have this ability, and use it often in warzones. I think (especially for Rateds) it would be more engaging if they prevented re-specializing once the gate opens and the warzone begins in round 1.


If you've done rateds, you know that almost everyone changes talent-tree builds from Round to Round and Match to Match on the fly. I think it would be more engaging if they prevented this.


Just curious.


Would you like some cheese with your "whine"?


Your team is perfectly capable of doing the same respecing in the match.. if this is making you lose.. then your bad simple as that.. there is no advantage or disadvantage to be had when both parties have the same afforded opportunities..


Stick a fork in this thread its done..

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Would you like some cheese with your "whine"?


Your team is perfectly capable of doing the same respecing in the match.. if this is making you lose.. then your bad simple as that.. there is no advantage or disadvantage to be had when both parties have the same afforded opportunities..


Stick a fork in this thread its done..



What if your team does not have any vanguards who can alternate between tank and dd?

What if your team consists of 2 Sentinels and 2 Snipers who can only go DD?


This feature needs to be disabled for Rated Warzones.

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What if your team does not have any vanguards who can alternate between tank and dd?

What if your team consists of 2 Sentinels and 2 Snipers who can only go DD?


This feature needs to be disabled for Rated Warzones.


Then you could switch team members.


no one forces you to use marauders only.

other teams 8 members have 2 sets of gear and practiced playing two roles, so their preparation time is about tripled to yours, and they are better - they deserve the win.

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Then you could switch team members.


no one forces you to use marauders only.

other teams 8 members have 2 sets of gear and practiced playing two roles, so their preparation time is about tripled to yours, and they are better - they deserve the win.


^Could not have said it better....


I don't understand why people try to lobby to have things removed from the game because they are too lazy or stubborn to get on the wagon with the rest of the people who want to win..


Field Respec Exists in real life sports you know...


In Football a Quarterback can do a hand off to running back.. As long as he is behind the line of scrimmage that running back can toss the ball as if he were the quarter back.. and so can any of the other players on the team except for the linemen.


In Basket ball if need be The Shooting guard can become the point guard in certain situations Etc..


Public Service Announcement : Please play to win.. not to whine..


PSA Complete.

Edited by prodigyqnz
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