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Ban all premades outside of ranked 50


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Why did that 'gaming resume' matter at all?


I suppose to help people understand if they want to really play pvp here then they will have to q up with vented friends (be outstanding) and spend a lot of time if they want to compete.


All pugs need not apply..



Don't give me that do good good .......

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if everyone would just play smart this would not be a problems


none of the strats for these maps are complicated in the least. the objectives are very simple to understand (hypergates might be the only one that can be confusing to a new player).


bads just need to stop backpedaling, stop keyboard turning, stop clicking, stop blaming others for their badness, and start learning how to play and gaining some spatial awareness.


i wonder how many players play with the camera zoomed in so far they can barely see the area around their character..... :rolleyes:


premades are not why pugs lose. pugs lose b/c 99% of the players they consist of are godawful. if players started gettinb better individually, this kind of whining would eventually go away.

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I suppose to help people understand if they want to really play pvp here then they will have to q up with vented friends (be outstanding) and spend a lot of time if they want to compete.



But you didn't need to post about your pvp experience in every game ever. Lol. Just make your point and be done with it.

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I am not for banning premades. But I am for a matchmaking system. One that would preferentially pit group vs group. It seems easy to institute a value to wins and losses and quits. Would not require a lot of coding or memory capacity as far as I know but I am not a programmer. They do it for ranked. It would definitely make for more competitive matches. I wonder if the reluctance to do matchmaking has something to do with class imbalance. All the crummy classes would end up at the bottom. But at least they could be beating on each other and not getting facerolled by the OPs.


SWTOR pvp suffers from very limited warzone design as well. This 8 man team deathmatch stuff of fighting over 3 nodes just leads to frustration after awhile. I wonder has Bioware realized that pvp is end game content and worthy of some attention.

Edited by MotorCityMan
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But you didn't need to post about your pvp experience in every game ever. Lol. Just make your point and be done with it.


Ok .....my option ..pvp.....game is meh.



Wanna see some music?

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With bolstering addressing the gross gear disparity there's only two real advantages for premades:


1. They're likely to have at least one healer. It's common to have 8 PUGs with no healers.

2. They've a high chance of all rolling FOTM classes so at least you won't be weighted down by people who happen to be playing useless specs. There are less useless specs in 2.0 but suffice to say they still exist. If their 2 DPS are smashers and your 2 DPS are (insert useless spec), you're not exactly in a favorable position here.


#2 is probably unavoidable though it's better than before as the number of useless specs seem to be less. #1 can be addressed by adding another 5% to trauma so that it is actually feasible to take down a healer in a reasonable time.

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I love that in a OBJECTIVE based pvp game, you completley ignored objective points in your post. grats for calling other people bads. reevaulate your own life


It's virtually impossible to do anything useful if you didn't break 100K on any numbers unless your job was to defend a node and nobody ever attacked that node. I can put up 200K damage just from defending a node from a couple minor attacks throughout the game. The lowest I've ever managed was like 40K (node attacked once by 2 guys in the entire game). By the way 100K damage and 100K protection isn't exactly very useful numbers either if the next lowest DPS did 600K damage. Protection is valuable but it's not worth 5 times the value of damage.


People need to stop imagining their terrible stats can be made up by some intangible goodness. While playing for objectives will slightly lower your output you're looking at say do 600K damage instead of 500K damage.

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I am not for banning premades. But I am for a matchmaking system. One that would preferentially pit group vs group. It seems easy to institute a value to wins and losses and quits. Would not require a lot of coding or memory capacity as far as I know but I am not a programmer. They do it for ranked. It would definitely make for more competitive matches. I wonder if the reluctance to do matchmaking has something to do with class imbalance. All the crummy classes would end up at the bottom. But at least they could be beating on each other and not getting facerolled by the OPs.


SWTOR pvp suffers from very limited warzone design as well. This 8 man team deathmatch stuff of fighting over 3 nodes just leads to frustration after awhile. I wonder has Bioware realized that pvp is end game content and worthy of some attention.


Well said. Adequate matchmaking is desperately needed. Premade Vs Pug needs to be phased out one way or another. It simply does not belong in game in any way shape or form.

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if everyone would just play smart this would not be a problems


none of the strats for these maps are complicated in the least. the objectives are very simple to understand (hypergates might be the only one that can be confusing to a new player).


bads just need to stop backpedaling, stop keyboard turning, stop clicking, stop blaming others for their badness, and start learning how to play and gaining some spatial awareness.


i wonder how many players play with the camera zoomed in so far they can barely see the area around their character..... :rolleyes:


premades are not why pugs lose. pugs lose b/c 99% of the players they consist of are godawful. if players started gettinb better individually, this kind of whining would eventually go away.


Listen you can get good at the game all you want, I actually am quite good. I hate rolling in Pre-mades, quite honestly though, if it was Pre-made Vs. Pre-made I would enjoy it. Too often in this game though if I queue up for a WZ by myself on my Sniper I get focused, and end up spending all match on my face. When I look at the Guild Tags of the guys attacking me, it's always the same Guild Tag on all 4 guys on me at one time. Groups need to face other groups, and if BioWare doesn't institute separate queues, they need to at the very least stiffen the barriers. Quite honestly when I look at my group and see 8 random Guild Tags, and look at the other team and see 8 members of Goof Troop representing, how is that right, how is that fair? 8 Guys in the same guild Vs. 8 randomly selected PUGers? Please tell me how that is justified? give me a longer queue, I would rather that than to be forced to watch 8 people from a PVP guild slaughter me and 7 other random peeps.

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With bolstering addressing the gross gear disparity there's only two real advantages for premades:


1. They're likely to have at least one healer. It's common to have 8 PUGs with no healers.

2. They've a high chance of all rolling FOTM classes so at least you won't be weighted down by people who happen to be playing useless specs. There are less useless specs in 2.0 but suffice to say they still exist. If their 2 DPS are smashers and your 2 DPS are (insert useless spec), you're not exactly in a favorable position here.


#2 is probably unavoidable though it's better than before as the number of useless specs seem to be less. #1 can be addressed by adding another 5% to trauma so that it is actually feasible to take down a healer in a reasonable time.


it's very rare for a pug not to have healers. lowbies doesnt count ofcourse. yes, it happens from time to time, but many times there were to many and games go on and on...

so all you see is either FOTM (which had been all classes in game starting with mercs where poeple were to unexpierced to use interrupts, then sorc and unstoppable lightning spam and double 'double heal/lightning bug, then bubble stun fest, then operatives - but many people failed them, sin tanks - later deception, marauders, smash monkeys...) or usless specs..


so we come to usual point, that premades have advantage for not having bad people in their team.. but premade is only 4 people, there is always a chance that other 4 people will be less then dumb..

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  • 1 month later...
Instead lowering other people's enjoyment, it may be better to push for a "solo only" unranked queue.


I could live with this. It will never happen because it is too much like right and a good idea, something with which BioWare is studiously unaware of and shuns.


But I'd like to see it nonetheless.

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"It's an MMO" has to be the worst counter argument ever. It's a warzone, the equivalent of a deathmatch or objective game in a shooter and a lot of shooters have systems in place to prevent solo players from going up against potentially organized teams. What makes it worse is that a lot of the "it's a MMO" sayers probably never been in a raid and couldnt care less about story. But when it's time to protect their turf it's all of a sudden important that it's a MMO.


The ONLY valid counter argument is that it could, and most likely would, affect queue times. I don't think the solo players would be affected much but outside primetime I could hit hard on the premades that are used to playing when they don't have to risk encountering other premades. Yeah, it's an ******e move to form top premades at 3AM.

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With bolstering addressing the gross gear disparity there's only two real advantages for premades:


1. They're likely to have at least one healer. It's common to have 8 PUGs with no healers.

2. They've a high chance of all rolling FOTM classes so at least you won't be weighted down by people who happen to be playing useless specs. There are less useless specs in 2.0 but suffice to say they still exist. If their 2 DPS are smashers and your 2 DPS are (insert useless spec), you're not exactly in a favorable position here.


#2 is probably unavoidable though it's better than before as the number of useless specs seem to be less. #1 can be addressed by adding another 5% to trauma so that it is actually feasible to take down a healer in a reasonable time.


It's not just that. There are specs I don't run while solo queuing because I'm too dependent on teammates - particularly glass cannon specs or tank specs (outside of voidstar D) - because unless I *happen* to get lined up with a complimentary good players, it just doesn't tend to work out well. Often if you're a good DPS solo queuing, you NEED to play DPS because just like you're not guaranteed a healer you're not guaranteed good DPS to compliment the team. I'm not going to roll out my shield VG to guard a sniper that for all I know might be completely awful. Instead I kinda have to assume that I'll need as much back strength and self-sufficiency as possible for carrying bads. Even on the heals side of things, in the current metagame, unless I'm an operative (and even then) if I can't guarantee having a secondary healer I'm at a massive disadvantage. 2-4 healer premades are par for the course right now, I've probably had maybe 2 games in the last week that my enemy didn't run that comp. A solo healer just can't compete with that.


Also cheese builds and cheese strats that you can't really convince people to do or practice with people without continuity via premade.


But it goes even further beyond that when you have said cheese builds and cheese strats that troll the bad pugs and then those bad pugs stop queuing and now I'm spending the majority of my time fighting the same premade WZ after WZ back to back. I'd rather the bads keep playing, so maybe I can go against them once in a while!

Edited by dcgregorya
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I queue solo a lot and when I get tired of being teamed with bad players I roll in a premade. I don't have a problem pugging against premades, some of them aren't good at all and if they're pro at least the game is over fast.


That being said I think most players that complain about premades aren't really good, I mean first it was gear that was holding them back and now it's premades.

This game doesn't have population to match premades vs premades so I don't expect they will ever remove them from regular WZs.

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There simply is no valid argument for putting a premade group up against a bunch who solo queued. Anyone making an argument to the contrary is simply trying to maintain anunfair advantage.


The game is being ruined for many more players than those are who would be harmed because they won't get their daily ego stroke when the can't cheat their way to the top anymore.


Yes, ALL premises are cheats. They may not be hacks but the very concept of a premades, and it's often unfair advantage, is cheating every player to go up against.


Certainly not all premades meant victory, but the many groups out there that are class and level balancing their groups have ruined it for everyone.


On top of this many of them have become quitters when they can't get thei two groups of four into one single match.


I am sorry but a premade group is not cheating. This is a MMO and MMO's are mostly about grouping together to accomplish a goal.


I will admit that in this game you can solo all the way to level cap if you want just from questing and doing the occasional FP with group finder or even the occasional WZ.


That being said... I do agree that there should be separate Q's. They tried to do something similar in Warhammer where your Valor/Renown rank determined who would be in that WZ/SC with you. Also the more wins you got that day the higher your rank would be in the Q's and the tougher the fights would be for you because you would be fighting others that had been winning multiple WZ/SC too. I would defiantly not mind something like this and still have a ranked Q as well.

Edited by SancsAbsolution
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This is a MMO and MMO's are mostly about grouping together to accomplish a goal.


Being MMO, doesnt mean you should play in group.

Majority level up solo..

Play in group or solo, its a personal choice, nobody should be forced to play in group if dont want...

Edited by chaosmadness
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